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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-17 05:50:22Show All PostsDescending Order
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Doing arena without a reason and slaughtering people even though I know there is no point in getting any more grade points past 1600...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-17 06:16:31Show All Posts


I only sit through matches with actual threats i.e. kakashi/sasuke. Kill that and auto all the way :$
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-17 06:48:42Show All Posts
In neji and hinata's case they happen to have a skill called Taunt (Only durring the first round for neji and only during hinata's skill). Clicking only affects mystery skills (prompts) that allow you to chose a target and has no effect on standard attacks which in most cases (taunt and low HP targeting being the exceptions) target the enemy directly opposite the attacking ninja.

Auto does have a major flow in that it tries to always target low HP targets with Mystery skills (And sometimes clones/puppets, super armor (immunity to combo) seems to mess with it hard too) in most cases wasting the skill rather than starting a combo. You get to think about building a team that AUTOS well for ranked battles. I.e. testing if your team has 2 mystery skills in the same cost slot (Turn 1, 20 chakra) which one would the AI prefer? Funny enough if you have a Gaara 3*+ and a 2* Kankuro the AI prefers using Gaara's skill over summoning a puppet for example.

Naruto's rasengan (2*) seems to also have priority over a lot of 40 chakra skills - so yeah the AI does have major flaws. It does do something really well however and that is Use Interrupt skills and in a lot of cases it does this better than human players can ^^''.
Quicky Post

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