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[ Bugs ] Now I'm getting a bit frustrated [log-in follow up]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
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On 2017-06-04 02:37:36Show All PostsDescending Order
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It's me, MissMarionette, and now I'm absolutely sick of everything.
I should've left everything well enough alone and I will be *ED if I make a new account just to play on the official site.

I logged off on the official site and tried to log back in. Nope, can't do it. I tried to log onto the Forums and couldn't do it.

Apparently I didn't add an email to help with Security even though I know I likely did since why the hell wouldn't it register your email as the thing to send your password...?

So I tried to get a new code through OASGames (God knows I've tried to get it to remember my information a thousand times). I end up at the "input your email, we'll send a code, type the code in" yadda yadda.

Yeah, about that. The code IS TOO LONG.

I copy the code, paste it in, and it cuts off the last character. I click and try to type more, and it doesn't go. I click the Next *on and it says the code is incorrect and I need to try again after the countdown.

At this point I'm pissed off beyond all belief.

Personal information I don't care about sharing:

Character name: Miko
Servers: Second Mizukage S283; Youth's Rival S435 (character name: ComeGetSome)
Actual account this is for:
Kongregate - MissMarionette
Forums - MissMarionette
OASGAMES account - I thought it was MissMarionette as well...

Have at 'er, Customer Service. If you need me I'll be cursing God and sulking on Kong. Now I'm afraid to ever leave the game page on Kong in case that ALSO somehow forgets how it's connected to my Kong account. This is a whole lot of heartache that I didn't think would happen.
Quicky Post

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