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[ Events ] Events - 1st June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 153
On 2017-06-01 01:16:13Show All Posts
  • Reiketsu On 2017-06-01 01:04:38
  • can u stop putting *ty innjas in lucky board thx
They just want u to have 5* Sage Jiraiya, like they want u to have 5* GNW Shino :lol
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-02 09:07:05Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2017-06-02 08:49:09
  • We were promised mood scrolls 2 months ago along with a good amount of other things that have mostly been given to us.

    "PART 2
    Concerning improvements that players are to expect in the future:
    1. Group’s Lucky Wheel will have Mood Scrolls back again;
    2. Wishing Tree will award Cave Keys;
    3. Same Group Activity packs as the activity packs in the German version;
    4. New Lv. 80/90 Gift Packs (the Chinese version of the game does not have these);
    5. We will make a bigger effort to merge more servers every two weeks;
    6. At this moment we have put both Deidara (in Survival Trial Store) and Pain – Chikushodo (in Group Store), more and more ninjas will gradually be changed to give everyone a wider choice!"


    We honestly have everything there but mood scrolls. Not sure about activity packs, but I don't understand the reason of why we don't have them yet? It's been 2+ months and each week I keep getting my hopes up for mood scrolls and each week I am disappointed. I know you guys follow a "schedule", but is giving us mood scrolls gonna send that "schedule" into the ground?
5. We will make a bigger effort to merge more servers every two weeks...

This never happened, in fact they are merging less servers than before.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 153
On 2017-06-02 09:18:17Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-06-02 09:14:51
  • their excuse was something related to Cross server sage, which for me is total sorry excuse, you dont slow down a process, cuz other is overlapping, it's poor judgement making, sure it will break some functions, but that's why you got a team of developers right, fixing bugs and what not, otherwise im just gonna call them lazy.
You call them lazy, but me, 2 cents they are no more than 5 dudes that don't even know what they are doing.
Quicky Post

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