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[ Events ] Events - 1st June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-06-04 12:01:32Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2017-06-02 08:49:09
  • We were promised mood scrolls 2 months ago along with a good amount of other things that have mostly been given to us.

    "PART 2
    Concerning improvements that players are to expect in the future:
    1. Group’s Lucky Wheel will have Mood Scrolls back again;
    2. Wishing Tree will award Cave Keys;
    3. Same Group Activity packs as the activity packs in the German version;
    4. New Lv. 80/90 Gift Packs (the Chinese version of the game does not have these);
    5. We will make a bigger effort to merge more servers every two weeks;
    6. At this moment we have put both Deidara (in Survival Trial Store) and Pain – Chikushodo (in Group Store), more and more ninjas will gradually be changed to give everyone a wider choice!"


    We honestly have everything there but mood scrolls. Not sure about activity packs, but I don't understand the reason of why we don't have them yet? It's been 2+ months and each week I keep getting my hopes up for mood scrolls and each week I am disappointed. I know you guys follow a "schedule", but is giving us mood scrolls gonna send that "schedule" into the ground?
I gave up on the promise of mood scrolls on lucky wheel. I was saving my group points for them but decided to spend them on the wheel now, got 70 coupons today. Might as well just burn the points completely and never expect anything from Oas ever again.PS. Hope for the worst and you won't be disappointed.:P
This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-6-4 12:04
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