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[ Events ] Events - 1st June


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On 2017-05-31 23:46:14Show All Posts
  • Sir Fluffykin On 2017-05-31 23:34:13
  • So I take it Nagato, Mei and Haku are all Lucky Board ninjas. Hope the points needed aren't too high.

    Either way, Lucky Board should make it a decent event week.
One of them is probably in the Ninetails Strength event

Also, not sure what to do with refines this week. If the wish credit event is coming up soon I'd hold them, but if it's going to be another month I'd really like to use my refines...
This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-5-31 23:47
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On 2017-06-01 00:02:31Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-05-31 23:51:17
  • agree, but only for older player
    for player on the
I'm hoping it'll be like the new seal scroll rebate event where they can show up less than a month apart from each other. Otherwise I'll be sitting on these refines for a while.

Would be nice if they could add the other refine event too, but I doubt they can/want to. But since this event is running from June 4th - 7th, maybe they can have the other one from June 1st - 4th so people can choose which refine event they want?
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On 2017-06-01 00:19:58Show All Posts
  • Ishiphlas On 2017-06-01 00:13:36
  • Man I hope so. I would be completely fine with that if thats how it would be!
I'm hoping that they see how many people prefer the old refine event and maybe, just maybe add it in. To their credit, they DO actually modify/add events to be nice, like extending the Shinobi Feast event we just had to last the whole week to sync up with the platinum recharge and give people more time to do the arena quests.

Having both refine events at once would be amazing, but I'd settle for having them split up if they want to do the half week thing. But just giving people the option would be a nice gesture.
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On 2017-06-01 00:28:35Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-06-01 00:21:50
  • First impressions: refine event

    For those trying to defend the new refine event lets see how it holds up to the wish credit.

    I use 200 medium refines (because im an unlucky sob) in order to upgrade my armor qnd sword to lvl 7:

    Now, with this event i get 20 advanced refines and some cave keys.

    With the wish event i get 35 or 45 wish credits (dont remember how much exactly) in order to upgrade from lvl 7 to lvl 8 my equipment.

    At first view this event *s, BUT if i dont upgrade my tools from lvl 7 to lvl 8 during the week i loose the wish credits. On the other hand i get to keep the advanced refines.

    Now let's imagine im a new player and i am still using low level refines. These refines do count for the event.

    In summary:

    This refine event is mostly aimed at newer players who have yet to upgrade their equipment to lvl 5+ as a way to get some advanced refine runes. It is also useful for more veteran players who have amassed several medium refines but are having truble to get advanced refine runes.

    This event IS NOT for experienced players who already refined their equipment to lvl 6+, hence why the negative reaction since must of us in the forum have been playing the game for a while.

    Don't hate this event guys, its the first time i have seen an event aimed at newer players in the 3 months i've been playing and its a nice change. Even if this event is less useful to me than wish credits.

    9 tails strength

    This event was only worth it last time if you used 700 coupons in order to get all the character plates in one go. Otherwise the value of the items was poor. Although we can't say it is a good or bad event without knowing the value of the redeemable items, it comes on the same week as lucky board.

    There is no event which has better value for mixed items than lucky board.

    Thus this event will probably be ignored by everyone since they both hand mixed items (seal scrolls, magatamas, cave keys) but lucky board is far superior value (unless they slashed the amount of points needed to exchange items by half compared to the last time). Mei is probably going to be there (12k coupons to get her....)

    Charms rebate

    New event for charms, no idea if it will be good without knowing the rewards.

    No idea if this is the only type of charms rebate we are getting or if there will be wish credit in the future, does anybody know?

    Slot machine

    Not a heavy spender but on the couple of spins i have ever done the rng was decent. Good for p2w i suppose.

    Total spending rebate

    Those look like hokage packs. Does p2w players are still interested in hokage packs? well doesn't really concern me.

    Lucky Board

    Best event for f2p or moderate spenders. The changes to the board are nice, but please remove both the teleportation thing and sage Jiraya next time. I would much rather get coins than a teleportation thingy. As for sage Jiraya, you can replace it with any other decent ninja, hell why not a pain or Mabui or Ao? just no more Jiraya... I dare not hope to one day see Sage Naruto instead, that would be awesome.

    Daily purchase limit

    This always seemed to me as a bad deal, does anyone actually buy thos things? Just curious.

    Activity lucky bag

    Props to you guys, I see that we can now finally get seal scrolls instead of a single fragment from the activity lucky bag. Again a good event for f2p.

    Group purchase

    Never been a fan, but i suppose it is good since i always see people buying thigs from there.

    All in all a decent week with lucky board. The 9 tails strength will be completely overlooked thoughm you could have replaced that with something else.

    Also very happy for cave keys in home interface. I hope that lvl 8 wishing tree can get 2 keys per day!

The event is useful for most players, it just changes how you use refines for the event. New players can just use low refines for the easy value. Other players should try to just split up their refine use on stuff they want to upgrade and level them all evenly, stopping before the bar gets too high, until they hit the maxium rewards for the event. You only get wish credits if the item upgrades, so by spreading out your refine use to level them all to 20-30%, you're just setting up all your equips for the wish credit refine event. If you hapen to get crazy lucky and proc an upgrade early...then that sort of makes up for the wish credit you lost.

The main danger level is 6 -> 7, because a "lucky" early proc can make you lose out on advanced rune wish credit.

EDIT: I'm mostly just annoyed that I need to keep waiting to spend my refines, since there's no reason for me to spend them after getting max rewards. Most of the people complaining don't seem to have actually thought about splitting up the refine use and are mad that they lose wish credit by thoughtlessly spamming all the refines on one piece of gear like you do for the other refine event (which is not how you should do it for this new event).

This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 00:41
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-01 03:56:27Show All Posts
  • Jakubino On 2017-06-01 03:40:18
  • I can't recall how the old refine event went since I have participated only once.

    So it works like this: you get 30-50%, then you get fixed wish credit value X next event so you are, practically, 1 rune away from level up.

    Is that correct?
The way the other refine event works is you get a fixed amount of wish credit towards the next level when you finish a refinement level up. So during this event you ideally want to get everything up to 30-50% and then wait until the other refine event comes around so that you can finish of the refine level up to get the wish credits towards the next level.

Basically as long as you're spending refines but not leveling up during this event you're losing out on nothing. And if you unexpectedly happen to get a lucky level up from a very low %, you won't get wish credits but the amount you saved from good luck partially makes up for it. The main thing is to be careful leveling up refine level 6 items because 6 -> 7 gets you advanced refine rune credit.
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On 2017-06-01 11:25:25Show All Posts
  • Altice On 2017-06-01 10:33:08
  • Wish credits is far more better than this Refine rebate event. Idk about you guys but I'm not spending refines in this event :P
There's no downside to using refine runes outside of the wish credit event unless it causes your gear to level up. If you don't want to use any refine runes during this event that's fine, but you're probably going to end up missing out on some free advanced refine runes.
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On 2017-06-01 12:58:24Show All Posts
  • Immortal Utsuro On 2017-06-01 12:48:33
  • It's more efficient to refine up multiple levels at a time and save refines only for those occasions, this refine event is going against that mentality, let's say you're getting gear from refine level 5 to 7 and using wish bonus to cut down a bit, okay so now what? now I have spread 200 refines out across a bunch of characters to avoid leveling any gear to 6 and then use even more th*ual to get to 7? for... I don't know, 20 advanced refines? You need well over a thousand advanced refines to get from 7 to 10, advanced refines are valuable as * but not valuable enough to sacrifice efficient refining as a free player.

    It's a useless event to me and I NEED advanced refines for some of my gear as is.

    They need to throw up the other Refine event this week to make any of this actually worth while.
    This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-6-1 12:50
You have a piece of gear at refine level 5 at 0/70
You use 20 refines during this event and collect a few advanced refines
During wish credit refine event you use 30 more refines and it hits level 6 with wish credits
End result: level 6 gear with wish credits ready for more refining, 50 medium refines spent, a few advanced refines gained


You have a piece of gear at refine level 5 at 0/70
You don't use any refines during this event
During wish credit refine event you use 50 refines and it hits level 6 with wish credits
End result: level 6 gear with wish credits ready for more refining, 50 medium refines spent

The idea is to try not to level up the refinement level of any of your gear during this event, just spend runes to increase the bar. The main part I'm trying to emphasize is "there's no downside to using refine runes outside of the wish credit event unless it causes your gear to level up".

This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 12:59
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On 2017-06-01 13:15:31Show All Posts
  • Immortal Utsuro On 2017-06-01 13:06:17
  • That's a whole lot of assumptions there, which with this game has a habit of ending badly.

    The odds are good if you saved in bulk over time, you'll end up refining more pieces of gear for the same amount of refines during the other refine event as those bonus credits certainly save you some refines even in the worst case scenario of filling the entire bar.

    That can easily add up to be like 60-80 or med refines I won't have to use and can put towards gear that still needs those med refines, screw those 20 advanced refines, they aren't going to do * for me in the grand scheme of things.
    This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-6-1 13:07
I'm not sure what I'm assuming other than the amount of refines it would take to level up, which was just to illustrate that the only thing that matters for the wish credit event is that the level up takes place during the event.

You're looking at this event the wrong way because you're trying to compare it with the wish credit refine event. This event is not a good event to increase your refine level. This event is a good event to prep your gear for when the wish credit refine event comes back.

I'm not sure I can be any clearer on this, but what I'm saying is try not level up the refine level of any of your gear during this event, just spend refines to fill up the bars and get the rewards and save the rest of refines for when the wish credit event comes back. This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 13:16
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On 2017-06-01 13:17:18Show All Posts
  • [M]angekyou On 2017-06-01 13:07:08
  • lol hidan in lucky board gg oasis

    This post was last edited by angekyou at 2017-6-1 13:14
Is that pack in the lower left the charm material pack, like last time?
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On 2017-06-01 13:20:51Show All Posts
  • Hokage Izumi On 2017-06-01 13:17:19
  • no clue. D:
The first post is edited and Nagato is gone now as a weekly strong ninja.

Incoming pitchforks lol
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On 2017-06-01 13:49:53Show All Posts
  • Sashikki On 2017-06-01 13:37:41
  • I'm gonna go ahead and ask the * question what are the strong ninjas? Are those the rare ninjas you can get in the chase missions on the weekends or is it something you unlock at a certain level? I'm only level 77 so is it something I haven't unlocked yet or am I just missing something obvious?
I think it's just something they do to showcase which rare ninjas you can earn for the week's events. I'm assuming it's to get people hyped up for the week as well as a way of letting people know who to expect. Sometimes there are other rare ninjas that can be earned but are not featured (like Hidan in the event cycle we just had), but they might have messed up this time and posted a ninja that we can't earn this week.

tl;dr: It's not related to the weekend chases, it's just who you can earn from the week's events

EDIT: I'm not on the HK server, so I'm just basing the no Nagato off of what people there have said. He very well might still be offered this week.

This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 13:52
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On 2017-06-01 18:56:05Show All Posts
The mixup was probably an honest mistake, but I feel bad for the people who decided to get Hidan from time limited recruitment on the last day when they saw he wasn't going to be in lucky board :(
Quicky Post

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