Views: 3545 | Replies: 9
[ Suggestions ] Ranked Arena - Dead and Gone?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
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On 2017-05-31 14:51:20Show All Posts
You are right, negative points is one of the most evident flaws in the arena and the source of many of the problems that mode has.

However this is what Daiske had to say about it: " We don't have such plans, Negative points will stay in the arena".

Make of that what you will. But after looking at the many suggestions as well as the current SWB i've come to think that both the poll section and the suggestion system is nothing more than a gimmick to keep the players somewhat happy. They never intended to listen to our comments or at least, they have never shown any indication of doing so.

So not really worth wasting time thinking on how to improve the game for everyone.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-31 16:07:17Show All Posts
Thank you! Finally some context.

Why did the moderators not tell us this when responding to the numerous arena threads? I would have been satisfied with this answer, instead we got a simple rebutal with no context or additional information.

Are moderators under harsh NDAs?
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