2017-05-29 05:21:56
I was suggestin a way for those players above 80k to get a proper sage.. since i do not have their numbers i threw out an simple idea of addin em together :O
theres ways to make it better but like giving em more rewards.. maybe theres even enuff for a single sage doin 80-85 85-90 etc...
people like you who always instantly go off on people is more of a reason the tone is bad :P
Since the Xserver stuff is based on same cluster as space time, you can easily check how many active player of what power range there is.
For example, S2-S12 LA have exactly 11 80k+, certainly not enough for a sage. Top player is 110k, so that's quite a bit of a gap. To get say 39 players for a decent sized sage, it would go down to roughly 67k or 68k. And that's assuming all of them sign up, realistically probably 65 or 66k will get drafted if it's top 39.
And given there are 11 80k+, which means quite likely 9 of them show up in sage, they are the most likely to win rewards. And even if they don't chances are some of the dozen or so 70k got them and the high 60s are getting nothing.
Hard bracketing will simply never really work out for group 1 of each server cluster...
On a random note, here is a system that could potentially be "fairish"--make group 1 "top 9 power and all top 3 winners of last sage(9 per field)". Pretty much means that no one is gonna win sage twice in a row except the top 9 power (which are likely to win anyway so whatever).
Amd with the top 9(possibly some of top 15, since top power aren't guaranteed to win so some of the others might) "removed" the power gap we are left to work with is much less.
For example, for my server cluster, the next 39 or so will probably be around 64k to 75k or so(again, some ppl wont sign up), which is still large but much more reasonable. And the gap would only get smaller in the following groups.