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[ Other ] Sage War ( Cross Server Worst Ever )


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-29 04:27:31Show All Posts
Dont think you really understand what the problem is if it would be a fair bracket system i would not have anything against it now there is 1 battledield with a range of 40k-100k how is that fair in any way?
Did they not say this was to make it so people would be against others with power equal to thiers?
The other battlefields seems more balanced what this will lead to is only even more people quitting and less people attending SWB.
As it is now we dont have enough people to fill the battlefields so its equal at least not in my server bracket there is even people lvl 85 and lower thats against the 70-100k monsters they used to be able to get in top 3 now they have no chance at all.
So once again how is this fair?

Also what u stated in the post above about everyone saying thier server is dead thats not true my server have around 45-50 people in SWB and thats with lots of people not even participating. But there is alot of servers thats almost dead we have lost loads of people in the last month thats starting to get fed up with all these updates and constant p2w events. Even one of our highest paying players quit now bcuz of it. More or less all that keeps me playing now is the people we have on our server would have stopped long ago if it wasnt for them and now more and more is quitting of them.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-29 04:45:06Show All Posts
  • WhoWhat On 2017-05-29 04:33:11
  • The thing is like what stop sage on low pop servers is that there is low pop going to sage so low power gets roped in to high power sage, am I saying this is right by no means however this is how it is in the code, if there are low numbers for high power sage they pull in the next bracket and if is still not enough they again pull in the next bracket. I never said the current system is fair it really isn't it *s but it's what we have, complaining doesn't change it. I feel all the hate comes from servers 1-300 and like I said before should a day 1 player who spends be equal to a day 150 player who doesnt?
So how are u suggesting we should get them to fix the system so its more fair for everybody just sitting in a corner saying nothing pretending that the piss is rain? Only way we can get them to do anything is by making our voices heard and let them know how we feel about it. Also if this is something essential for Naruto online 3.0 as they say could they not have waited to include it until then when it actually makes sense?

Also just so u know they can change the code its not impossible u see thats how they make updates and bug fixes problem is they are not willing to its much easier just impementing patches and translate it which is the main thing they do.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-29 05:37:40Show All Posts
  • WhoWhat On 2017-05-29 05:05:52
  • You cant totally be fair ever as there will always be differences. I never said it was fair as to rewards I think that they could at least go to top 5 for rewards. You have misintepreted what I have said. To be fair would take so much coding it is insane it matches correctly however if there are not enough people it then pulls in the next lowest rank bracket. This is no error it is simply filling positions.
    Would you rather no sage or a sage allbeit you have no chance for top.
There actually is a soulution to make it alot more fair and that is make the battlefields smaller and base the matching of power instead of level or simply just start merging servers in a more rapid pace so everyone can join SWB. Also fixing the game with patches is kinda what we are paying them to do but as i said they dont really code anything they just implement patches that they have translated so unfortunetly thats nothing they ever will do. And there will never be a solution bcuz the highest spenders dont really need them to change anything i promise u if they would start protesting about this there would be a change pretty fast.
Quicky Post

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