Dont think you really understand what the problem is if it would be a fair bracket system i would not have anything against it now there is 1 battledield with a range of 40k-100k how is that fair in any way?
Did they not say this was to make it so people would be against others with power equal to thiers?
The other battlefields seems more balanced what this will lead to is only even more people quitting and less people attending SWB.
As it is now we dont have enough people to fill the battlefields so its equal at least not in my server bracket there is even people lvl 85 and lower thats against the 70-100k monsters they used to be able to get in top 3 now they have no chance at all.
So once again how is this fair?
Also what u stated in the post above about everyone saying thier server is dead thats not true my server have around 45-50 people in SWB and thats with lots of people not even participating. But there is alot of servers thats almost dead we have lost loads of people in the last month thats starting to get fed up with all these updates and constant p2w events. Even one of our highest paying players quit now bcuz of it. More or less all that keeps me playing now is the people we have on our server would have stopped long ago if it wasnt for them and now more and more is quitting of them.