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[ Other ] Sage War ( Cross Server Worst Ever )


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-31 12:20:46Show All Posts
  • WhoWhat On 2017-05-28 22:40:37
  • I get why people are annoyed and it is frustrating that is so many people for so few rewards and that could have some sort of fix just top 5 get rewards instead of top 3 or something but it really isn't as bad as everyone makes out. Everyone complaining about it is just being entitled thinking they deserve a reward more than another, so what if they are p2w those p2w keep the game running.
    The thing that grinds my gears is that this forum is literally like this.
    "OMG Oasis we want server merge we never get sage it's killing the game" so oasis implements cross server sage.
    "OMG Oasis why did you do this to us we said we don't want cross server, you are killing the game."
    Which is it I mean seriously.
I'm sorry but you are wrong, the top spenders are just that, they spend more per person than everyone else BUT its the mild to moderate spenders and f2p that keep the game going, if they all quit because of Oasis' BS there will be no one for the whales to fight and the game will crumble. If you add up all mild and moderate spenders they probably spend 10x that of the whales.

That is also why Oasis needs to adjust their pricing because people will spend more if the items cost less, the more something costs the more the players will weigh if its worth it. Multiple thousands of dollars for rare ninjas is ridiculous, you are paying thousands of dollars for some lines of code and anyone in their right mind who isn't rich af sees that and says no thank you.

I think you need to take a long hard look at your own viewpoints because you are off base.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 20
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On 2017-05-31 12:37:38Show All Posts
  • WhoWhat On 2017-05-29 08:54:28
  • SO all of you complaining about cross sage now you dont get rewards.... Riddle me this, how many of you complain that you were always top your server and most people didn't get rewards?
    Before cross sage did you ever defend any person who did not get top rewards?
    Have you made threads about how unfair it was that you got all the rewards and lower players got nothing?
    I really want to know how much you complained when you did not get top rewards and how much you defended those who did not.
    If you never defended those on your server who never got top rewards you are just a self entitled obnoxious so and so who thinks they are so much better than everyone else so they deserve things because you know feels.
    This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 08:58
I was never a top player in my server (and i'd be willing to bet that is the same for many others complaining) and we complain because we want the * game to get better instead of being a chore to play. I have been playing this game since its release and i at one time was a p2p until I saw the writing on the wall (Aristeaus) and how little oasis cares about its players.

If you don't have any complaints/criticism instead of being an a-hole to people maybe you should be silent. You are adding NOTHING to the thread and people have valid reason to be pissed about the continuous lack of communication with their player base. Every time we turn around oasis is crapping on its players. A strong f2p-p2p base is what makes a game flourish. Instead this game is floundering because they do NOTHING for their f2p and they laugh at p2p because they don't spend enough to warrant concern apparently (which is a fatal flaw because p2p far exceed top spenders because there are way more of them). Pretty soon there will be no one left for big spenders to fight because oasis REFUSES to listen.
Quicky Post

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