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[ News ] Events Plan - June 2017


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
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On 2017-05-30 04:37:30Show All Posts
What does Scion have to do with the event plans of next month?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 44
On 2017-05-30 11:24:20Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2017-05-30 08:32:13
  • Its because we are getting skill books in June and he regularly gives out biased advice based entirely on how he likes to play as gospel so some people get confused as a result , people shouldnt take his words as fact since he isnt anywhere near position himself where he can interprete what is competitive what is not. Lots of people in NA are on the top ranks so for us meta will be completely different when we get to that point when it is for him in China fighting low powered people .
    SR will still be SR when the skillbooks arrive just like people said and more ninja will be better but it wont turn meta on its head all of a sudden. Normal Sasuke is dps and susanoo susuke is a tank that doesnt suddenly make normal sasuke better than susanoo just because he has access to more skill books.
    Just because some streamer with a bunch of yes men following him says otherwise doesn't change the value of ninja like susanoo or hokage tsunade somehow its easy to see for yourself if you have access to China. I would just ignore what he says as every time someone pointed out that he was factually wrong on his stream he would just mute and redicule those people so the bias is there if you watch him make your own conclusions based on the videos as he isnt as infallible as he likes to think its just another opinion on the internet not facts.

    This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-5-30 09:07
I'm going to step back and try to look at this from an outside standpoint.

If he's giving out potentially misleading advice to other people, why call it out? If a bunch of people follow his advice, in theory it should be easier to find a counter to these people and beat them all.
Quicky Post

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