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[ PVP ] Sage cross


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On 2017-05-26 03:03:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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What a wonderfull idea the sage cross server, i have 40k and had to fight people with 100+k, where the hell is the equilibrate thing ? Just smoke as all other thing on this game, this new thing is create just to make happy the top p(l)ayer , so can easy win at 1° turn and fell powerfull. Im on server 200+ and had to fight with people of server 57. Are you out of mind, how is suppose to be playable this thing ? Is just ridiculus

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On 2017-05-26 03:09:20Show this Author Only
And not only that, I'm from server 520 which is 12 days old and we still got cross server matched. That's not supposed to happen till server is 60 days old as far as I know
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On 2017-05-26 04:53:49Show this Author Only
Just do as i will dont sign up for it so the people that thinks this is good and was lucky gets to see it from the other side.
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On 2017-05-26 07:21:33Show this Author Only
If im right it should be matched with similar level and battle power but im fought against ppl with 80k bp.
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On 2017-05-26 08:40:47Show this Author Only
  • Gobby On 2017-05-26 03:09:20
  • And not only that, I'm from server 520 which is 12 days old and we still got cross server matched. That's not supposed to happen till server is 60 days old as far as I know
Even my server thats 7 days old was matched. This is something I will end up quitting the game over.
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On 2017-05-26 08:53:12Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2017-05-26 08:40:47
  • Even my server thats 7 days old was matched. This is something I will end up quitting the game over.
I totally agree with you. It's not fair to fight people who are from 100 servers below you and have had their server out for way longer.
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On 2017-05-26 13:35:29Show this Author Only
It's not gonna happen. People at level 90 are paired up with people at level 90. However most people on my server who are level 90 are over 80k. It's not changing. Osasis is right, and you guys are wrong. Simply for the fact. QUit moaning and increase your power guys. It's fair.
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On 2017-05-26 13:58:06Show this Author Only
  • RirukoHanaoka On 2017-05-26 13:35:29
  • It's not gonna happen. People at level 90 are paired up with people at level 90. However most people on my server who are level 90 are over 80k. It's not changing. Osasis is right, and you guys are wrong. Simply for the fact. QUit moaning and increase your power guys. It's fair.
I'm lvl 89. I am matched against lvl 90 players from servers up to 5 months older. The moment I get a winning streak, somebody 40k to 70k power higher than me will camp me out for a free win. $5000 is not enough to bridge a gap that big. Define "fair".

I'm used to facing 100k+ power players in matsuri. I'm used to getting slaughtered by 100k+ players in spacetime. I'm used to facing ppl 5 months older with 4k+ more init than me in arena. Now sage will join the list too? This post was last edited by IamAscrub at 2017-5-26 14:00
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On 2017-05-26 14:26:12Show this Author Only
  • RirukoHanaoka On 2017-05-26 13:35:29
  • It's not gonna happen. People at level 90 are paired up with people at level 90. However most people on my server who are level 90 are over 80k. It's not changing. Osasis is right, and you guys are wrong. Simply for the fact. QUit moaning and increase your power guys. It's fair.
yeah sure, cause gaining power is that easy. let's just empty our wallets to TRY and catch up with the top spenders of every server part of the bracket shall we...

No, it's not fair at all. You might think it's fair because you probably are among those who has power enough to actually fight back, but believe it or not, there are players who don't actually pay a whole lot (if anything) to enjoy this game.

People complained about Arena becoming cross-server, People complained about Matsuri being cross-server, I can get that, and yes, people got used to it because its completely random who you meet.
Sage wars was already something that worked BEFORE the cross-server was added, and here people can easily spot the weaker players by waiting for them to respawn.

Example of the fairness of this: a player with 30k power joins, he/she has a team-mate with 90k power.
same goes for another group, but how much fun will the 30k powered players have when they get constantly attacked by people with 3-times the power?

Point is, this was said to have balanced brackets, which it isn't. Balanced brackets would be having several sage wars that are individualized by power, for instance: one sage world for players with 31-35k, another for 36-40k, and another for players with 41-45k and so on. THAT is a balanced way to make sage wars, and everyone participating has a chance of winning some fights at least.

increase the gap by 5k more if the number of participants is too low, but that again could cause the very same problem it just got with power being too far apart.

Or they could simply make the Sage wars of the servers that COULDN'T meet their own quota be put into a cross-server sage wars, and leave the servers where sage wars already had enough players to their own server.
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On 2017-05-26 14:47:46Show this Author Only
Agree. It's very hard to get in TOP 3 and win advanced refine runes and seal scrolls. And even if I am on second place at my server in SBF ranking I get seriously sh*t. So I wasted a half of hour for nothing. No thanks oasis, you ruin whole sage :D
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On 2017-05-26 15:15:58Show this Author Only
Agree with the post. IMO this event was the worst move OASIS has made so far! I'm totally frustrated! :curse:
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On 2017-05-26 15:38:00Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2017-05-26 08:40:47
  • Even my server thats 7 days old was matched. This is something I will end up quitting the game over.
And they said it will be only servers which are 60+ days old. Everything about this Sage seems to be just wrong ._.
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On 2017-05-26 15:58:12Show this Author Only
I don't know if there's anything we can do about it, considering the large majority "no" vote in the poll wasn't sufficient. But, all my support for this. All the current SWB seems to be doing is rewarding people that decided to keep their level low purposely, or who don't bother with many things that provide exp but still participated in their servers activities to ac*ulate power and rare ninjas. Or, of course, the people who have the luxury of a well-fortified bank account.

I honestly don't think it'll ever be changed, but.. In the meantime, I'll enjoy seeing the "Bully of the Battlefield" title over a cute level 55 while my level 82 * got stomped. Playing on 4* servers is a labour of love sometimes!
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On 2017-05-26 15:59:53Show this Author Only
What's wrong is simply the number of people per field. There's no reason to try to force 75 people per field. It's obvious that you'll get this unfairness. Limit it to 35-40 per field and everything is solved since even if you are in the bottom of a field once very likely the next time you are at the top of the following one due to people that joins or not joins and due to how fast you'll be in growing up in power in comparison with other players
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On 2017-05-26 17:39:08Show this Author Only
I'll name the problem if nobody can. The problem lies in Achroma's greed let's be honest. No GL will go against him, coz he is no. 2 after Daiske. Many of ppl in the Spacetime battle + sage world those battlefields are now connected, because of him, why?! He wanted to fight Beta or get some free rewards... as far as to SWB concerns, I'll like their asses would be destroyed by Sunami or some other monster as it rightfully should. So quit moaning and increase your power yes, you're right... but in priciple you're wrong, coz you don't know the whole problem or just trying to covering things up, or you are a GL, high powered guy, or both... Almost every top player is GL, that's the truth everyone should know
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On 2017-05-26 19:51:07Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-05-26 15:59:53
  • What's wrong is simply the number of people per field. There's no reason to try to force 75 people per field. It's obvious that you'll get this unfairness. Limit it to 35-40 per field and everything is solved since even if you are in the bottom of a field once very likely the next time you are at the top of the following one due to people that joins or not joins and due to how fast you'll be in growing up in power in comparison with other players
I think among everything, this is definitely a problem. Sage is ONLY about getting top 3, the camp rewards and participation rewards are almost meaningless except for low powered players. Having 9 people get decent rewards out of 75 is a bad event.

Yet, I think this is how sage continues to work in Germany and China and i'm not optimistic about this changing. My merged server is on life support right now so while cross-server sage came a bit earlier than I would have liked, it seemed to be inevitable. But the current iteration needs leaves a lot to be desired.
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On 2017-05-26 20:56:26Show this Author Only
  • Gutsy Shinobi On 2017-05-26 17:39:08
  • I'll name the problem if nobody can. The problem lies in Achroma's greed let's be honest. No GL will go against him, coz he is no. 2 after Daiske. Many of ppl in the Spacetime battle + sage world those battlefields are now connected, because of him, why?! He wanted to fight Beta or get some free rewards... as far as to SWB concerns, I'll like their asses would be destroyed by Sunami or some other monster as it rightfully should. So quit moaning and increase your power yes, you're right... but in priciple you're wrong, coz you don't know the whole problem or just trying to covering things up, or you are a GL, high powered guy, or both... Almost every top player is GL, that's the truth everyone should know
Perhaps you'd like some cheese to go with your incoherent whine?
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On 2017-05-27 02:36:36Show this Author Only
Actually I have over 30k Power. I was paired with a level 81 with 41k power. I got him to 2/3 health before he beat me. Do you see me complaining? No you do not. Honestly. Things like this shouldn't even make it to forums. I am not trying to bash you guys I am honestly not. But if the people Of Osasis implemented the way they did? One day of Sage Cross over. Isn't going to make them change their mind. Because people are whining and are salty. I am also a Free to play player. Yet I don't complain. I've been on this game since beginning. Never have I seen this amount of complaining on a forum about Games. GG
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On 2017-05-27 04:22:48Show this Author Only
-There are two kinds of enslavement
-One is where you're in jail and you can see the bars,
the other is where you can't see the bars and you think you're free.
-They figured they could do that to give us the illusion that we had a say so and we were part of the decision-making process.
-But they also thought everything they put in there we would love
and they didn't expect one of their homies to go rogue and spill the beans either.
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On 2017-05-27 05:44:25Show this Author Only
*Sighs* 1. The Poll was a mistake. We all agree in that. Whether people like the event and don't it's not osasis problem. Your getting rewards whether you win or lose. Now more to the important subject. Only thing I can tell you. is get more power. People on my Server like Lemues and Raijin, are top players for a reason, you guys are not gonna win against people who came on a server from day 1. Secondly. Theya re top spenders? is it fair? No. However, nothing in fair in life. We grow, adapt and move on. All I am saying in instead of whining about something that isn't going to change, and you all * know well it won't. Why not simply just quit whining and grow in power? You thinking whining will help you catch up to Orginari or Kozo? lol. No.
Quicky Post

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