2017-05-26 13:35:29
It's not gonna happen. People at level 90 are paired up with people at level 90. However most people on my server who are level 90 are over 80k. It's not changing. Osasis is right, and you guys are wrong. Simply for the fact. QUit moaning and increase your power guys. It's fair.
I'm lvl 89. I am matched against lvl 90 players from servers up to 5 months older. The moment I get a winning streak, somebody 40k to 70k power higher than me will camp me out for a free win. $5000 is not enough to bridge a gap that big. Define "fair".
I'm used to facing 100k+ power players in matsuri. I'm used to getting slaughtered by 100k+ players in spacetime. I'm used to facing ppl 5 months older with 4k+ more init than me in arena. Now sage will join the list too? This post was last edited by IamAscrub at 2017-5-26 14:00