2017-05-25 04:52:00
Ok people, lets get something straight here.
1.- cross server SWB is better than no SWB.
2.- The majority of players complaining about cross server SWB or stating their dissatisfaction is beacause we were ASKED and given the illusion that our opinion MATTERED. Thus the obvious backlash. Even if this ends up being good in the end (which still remanins to be seen, but i will reserve judgement on that till after experiencing it) the strong dislike was to be expected.
3.- Stating how smart you are compared to others because you did not follow the backlash wave, then proposing changes that seem oh so easy to implement and so obvious to add is laughable. It makes you look arrogant and condescending.
4.- Any significant changes in these type of algorithms, although the may seem easy to add, can be a nightmare to code. Depending on how the game code was written and the aount of data handled they could need a complete revamp of significant portions of the code.
So please, although suggestions are always helpfull, dont insult the rest of the community.
I'm not "following" the backlash wave because... well... I was there before the backlash was even a thing.
here is an interesting post of mine: dah post
Notice how it's before the sage poll was made? yeah... I suspected #2 was going to be a thing before it happened.
To be clear, I am against Xserver sage, it's just that I have good rational reasons as opposed to certain thoughtless sky-dive to conclusion reasons.
I never said I was smart, all I said was that some people aren't based on what they said. There is a HUGE difference there. I mean, I take no pleasure by having more money than the homeless(well, the REAL homeless...) so...
4. I'm a programmer, so I know exactly how easy it is to change such things. I should be able to implement all 3 changes that I proposed between 20 minutes and a day, depending on how it is coded (assuming it's written in a commonly used language). That said, as far as the "increase reward goes", I can only guarantee increased reward for the top 3 in that time frame to at least preserve the reward per person quota. It may or may not be easy to increase the number of reward recipient and even if I did, changing the interface to make it "look nice" would take far longer. That said, someone did have an awesome idea: ramp up the "winning side" reward. That would work perfectly and probably far easier, just substitute one item for another and everything would be fine, in interface change required (thou it might need to be changed in a couple place to make everything line up.)
Algorithm... there aren't enough player in the game to make "algorithms" a thing. Given the small data size, the simplest, brute force and inefficient algorithm can be used unless the servers are running on commodore 64s. And frankly I don't intend to change the "algorithm" just the variables.
Well, at least that's what I'd expect if they follow any kind of good coding practice where sage is its own "thing" that have its own section of code (and preferably the player placement in its own method/function). It would indeed be difficult if everything is in one code blob....
In any case, they probably aren't going to change the code because Oasis can't and the devs won't. Thou seeing how most lesser ptws are going to be *er punched in section 1 sage, maybe they'll rage quit and that will convince them to rethink their strategy. But maybe the arms race of top ptw will cover that, whoever knows.