2017-05-26 01:55:07
Well ther are variety of teams that counter that by going along lower line with main line like mabui ten ten mei and doing line water main clone in 2nd line so the blitz attacks 2ndary ninja. Kimmimaro Hinata etc etc.
There are a lot of teams that use positioning to counter first turn blitz using danzo in 2nd to put revive before counter. Or drawing Interrupt with another skill then using danzo. Fire main can immobilise Iruka who doesnt get root etc. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-5-26 01:58
and you're suggesting i use kimimaro and hinata in front of edo ninjas/kage ninjas to counter them
nice,i doubt anyone needs to know what hinata does , people get her on the first/second day of server release.
but like i mentioned earlier, you should go use the hinata team in arena and wish for a blitz team to win lel
nothing is that easy , you can just move your blitz team at the bottom to counter the water meta with mabui
mabui dead turn 1 and its a win
and you can win even if you dont have barrier
This post was last edited by LucyKelvin at 2017-5-26 01:59 This post was last edited by LucyKelvin at 2017-5-26 02:01