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[ News ] Events - 25th May


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 01:58:13Show All Posts

I don't understand how something as elaborate as Cross server sage which the community voted no for could take priority over something simple like mood scrolls in the group wheel again which we asked for. Doesn't matter what opinion you have about cross server sage, the community voted 'no'.

Oasis can tell us whatever excuse. But please don't tell us you listen to your community and act all surprised why the community is so toxic and demanding. Toxic and profit driven management produces and perpetuates a toxic community. Come on mods, don't you feel our pain as well? I know its tough being middle men/woman, but a little solidarity/sympathy with the players in things like these can't hurt. As a player I can't say I'm surprised given past experiences... but still hurts to have such a development team.

Please, I think at the very least, Oasis needs to give a formal explanation and apology on why they have disregarded their community's wishes. We all know why, but it really grinds me that they act all happy and jolly and pretend they didn't drop a bomb. Please address the elephant in the room. Remember, it's not about cross server sage, its about blatant disregard of player's wishes and feigning ignorance.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 03:37:29Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-05-25 03:13:44

  • First is the idea of this whole function: The dead servers will gain benefit but healthy servers will lose theirs. Why are there dead servers in the first place? Is it not because of Oasis' bad management? So why the hell are they making the players sacrificing their benefit to take responsibility for their wrong doing?
    But as said by another player, this upcoming update is unavoidable as we must follow the china path (and screw the bad dev who can't fix the code, screw u) so let's going on to the next point.

    Second is the cluster management. As every other cross-server system, this SWB will be based on cluster too. But there are clusters like our 1st HK cluster which ranged from s26-s36, doesn't have any dead server. Not only that but because the number of servers is too low the power range on the cross-server ranking board is greatly divided for the 1st battlefield. If the battlefield is forced to be any higher than 10 player/team, which mean 30 players in total than the first battlefield will have the power ranged from ~95k to 60k, which by no mean "fair" or "fun".

    Third is the * level dependence. As 80+ it doesn't have any impact on the gameplay other than some free power, no new game breaking function/ability. The "ranked by level" is utterly *ed not to mention it's even prioritized over power. Why are you putting a lv89 with 90k power in an easier battlefield than a lv90 60k power? It makes no * sense.

    And finally, the whole "less reward for healthy server" could have been fixed by simply increasing the amount of reward in the event. How about instead of top 3, every top 5 or 10 players will get the reward? How about instead of 5-15 red refine we now make it 1-30? You guys know this will screw the player up, you guys even know that it could have been fixed so that everyone will be happy, but you've chosen the worst option simply because you're both lazy that couldn't fix your own problem and cheap as heck that can't give the player a little more reward.
You know to be honest, I think they should just revamp the rewards altogether. My 'real' competition is my teammates because the real lucrative rewards are contested between us. Its so weird to feel happy that there are less strong players in my faction... They should just improve the rewards that the winning faction gets to be worthwhile and everybody will be happy. Something like a seal scroll for each winning faction participant and some medium refines instead of pitiful low level refines and summoning scrolls. In fact they could make the prizes more lucrative at higher brackets to prevent those who abuse the level first clause.
I dont mind being a punching bag if i know im buying time for my teammates to beat other people and its helping my cause for decent rewards. Rather than being a punching bag and knowing my teammates are getting ahead of me.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 14:06:20Show All Posts
  • Acer1 On 2017-05-25 07:04:38
  • Hello,

    the only known discounts are from the platinum recharge event.
    Further details will have to wait until the maintenance has been completed.

    on the cross server SWB i hope players don't jump into conclusions without even having the events implemented yet.

    That being said, patches will have to be implemented then only any issues / improvements that is needed can be identified, proposed and fixed especially something related to the cross server. We have duly noted some of the suggestions made by players/GLs and will ensure it is communicated across the team.

    To top it off this is on my personal opinion, the poll itself bring two sides of the community voices and claiming that the team doesn't listen to the community at all is a bit harsh since there has been improvement in event rewards and other things, even the existence of this forum defy that statement in the first place.

    Lets have our patches and workout the fix to any problem arises. Thank you.
Wait let me clarify, so are you saying personally that the team listens to the community and the community is harsh? (this is where i say we feel a lack of sympathy/solidarity from the mods)

Could you explain that in terms of cross server sage?

The existence of the forum proves Oasis listens? That's not very logical to be honest. By that logic, I'm sure the existence of the poll does that too right? Real listening doesn't mean receiving feedback. Real listening mean ACTING according to feedback. In case it isn't obvious, there is no credit for receiving feedback. Yes there have been improvements and its noticed and appreciated. But lets be honest and real, many of those things have been long overdue and its inconsistent. Mostly damage control of problems caused by not listening to the community in the first place and nothing to really brag about. Regardless, does past improvements make this whole issue of ignoring the poll decision alright?

Please Acer1, can the community have a proper official statement/explanation on this? I know there are constraints to a lot of what you guys as mods can do and we understand. But Oasis really needs to treat their community better. Yeah sure implement cross server sage against the majority vote, but at least they need to make an effort to explain things and acknowledge that they have just ignored a majority vote. Pretending like nothing happened makes their community feel like dirt in their eyes. No conclusion needs to be jumped to... Oasis simply ignored the poll, that cannot be denied. Please at least acknowledge this. It doesn't matter If you think cross server sage is the greatest thing on earth, 60% of the forum community disagree with you. Bulldozing through them without explanation is a *my move.

You talked about suggestions by players and GLs that have been duly noted. Could you lists those down for us to see? Instead of saying something generic like that, some specifics will give the community more confidence. For instance,
"we have noted some of your suggestions as follows:
1. Increased rewards to compensate for increased difficulty in cross server sage
2. Better rewards for winning faction
3. Matchmaking to account for high power but lower leveled players.
4. etc etc"

The community doesn't know what you are duly noting. Especially if they never reach the implementation stage.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 15:38:29Show All Posts
  • Normandy On 2017-05-25 14:35:32
  • LoooL. I couldn't even fathom a reply to acer1's attempt at an explanation (where to start). I think I'm beginning to see where the problem lies. I think there is clearly a cultural disconnect here. There is a way people in the West see things. And there is a way people who grew up in the East see things too. Anytime the mods get in here to communicate to us you get the distinct feel that we're on a trip to Feudal Japan or Imperial China. Heck, if more than 20% of this game's working staff is Western or European, you can freely call me a monkey's uncle.
I wish I could agree with you, but I'm from the East- born, raised and educated. I also play in HK servers. But to my knowledge, there is not much in the culture to account for this.

I'm hoping its more of a language disconnect where things just get lost in translation..
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-26 17:29:43Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-26 12:21:27
  • Fought mostly people level 80-85 as a level 83 with ~47k power. Most of the fights I had were within 3k power except for a few people I fought who were in the low-mid 30k range.

    It seems like the main issue is the people who end up getting shoved into the super whale bracket at the very top because there's no one else to fill it out. Maybe they can reduce the size of the sage brackets in half to hopefully get the matches closer?

    Overall I liked the cross server sage but
    1. I'm from a server that hasn't had a sage start in months
    2. I had more initiative than everyone I faced, even though the power was similar or higher than mine
    3. I got rewards

    So I'm admittedly biased towards it.
Sure you'll like it now, but level naturally and you'll be shoved up very soon.

Even if you don't level, eventually people who are fodder at higher tiers will just stop registering. There is really no point for them to be involved. And you are next in line. Farm those refines while you can. You will never have the chance again.

I'm from HK servers, no way to try it til Sunday to give a fair assessment. But just from initial feedback, really not looking forward to it.

Oasis official explanation please?
Quicky Post

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