Can you please give more information on how cross server sage works? first, are ALL NY servers in the same cluster for cross-server sage or will there be clusters like space time?
second, I understand how camp selection works (somewhat similar to current system), but how do fields work? for example, does it start off highest power/level and slot them in the same field (under different camps)? So the top BP players on the NY server - are they always going to be the same field? Or does it just randomly select people to go to the same field and then will slot it based on level/bp? I never understood the explanation from the poll and don't fully understand the explanation now.
Cross Server sage, I was against it back when the poll happened, but my MERGED server has been dying since then and failed to start sage for the first time today. Aside from the fact that the server has been steadily losing players (and lost the most players after the aristeus incident), People don't enter into sage because they know they can't get top 3 on any field.
I hope that this new cross server system will encourage low bp and low level people to do sage again by giving them reasonably good fields and a chance to earn seals and adv runes. The current system is just a give away to high bp players (of which i am one of them) and is boring for me now.