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[ News ] Events - 25th May


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 22:33:09Show All Posts
  • Venice On 2017-05-24 22:29:08
  • I want to know if the Sakura event with Itachi Susanoo prize will be ranked by cross server?
of course it will be cross server. The rewards are far too good for it to be for each individual server. Can you imagine Oasis giving away the cost of Itachi and Hokage Tsunade for 535 servers or however many crazy number we are up to now? No way in hell it is not cross server.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 22:39:41Show All Posts
The worst part of the Sakura event is that " When Likeness reaches 1000, you will be showed on the Rank." And we rank up by values of 1, 3 and 5. Which means we need to have a massive investment into the event before we even know if it is Cross Server 100% unless Oasis comes out and clarifies for us. Seems like it is going to be a very costly event for some people who foolishly go for it, only to get realize there will be a single Itachi and Tsunade given out at the end after they are 1k+ points into the event. Hopefully the other rewards you can turn points in for are decent and not like the fishing event rewards :lol
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 23:07:18Show All Posts
  • 43244566@yahoo. On 2017-05-24 22:56:19
  • all ptw cry bcz they cant bully the low bp anymore :)) lets be serious who would vote no to sage world no merge... :) only ptw bcz they know they c*ways get 1 secured that way, and another things who will use the forum to vote fore sure most of them was ptw if that was a fair vote was probabily 20% to no merged sage world !
I voted no for cross world sage world mainly because I will find it more boring now than ever. It limits my options if I want to do well, in that I need to run meta teams instead of fun teams against others. I already feel like it is hard enough to change mains and play with new teams due to Space Time going on all the time (only being freely able to play with teams/mains once every two weeks after knocked out of the tourny), and now adding cross server further limits that time. Any feature (including Space Time) that limits creativity, freedom and fun of a player is a poor design. Yes I can look at it as a way to really push those fun teams to the limit, but how can you really see how a fun team works out in the triple healer meta? Sacrificing doing well for fun seems very counter intuitive and punishes players for it. Sadly I know nothing we say here will matter to Oasis, so I guess I will go on being a F2P as I have for the past 5 months or so and keep waiting for the Jin treasures. It just makes me sad that they would choose something like this.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 23:35:56Show All Posts
  • UzumakiMentaiko On 2017-05-24 23:26:09
  • well well well... thanks to all smart alecs who say they prefer GNW Kiba to GNW Shino, now we can have GNW Kiba AGAIN. And this is why GNW Sakura never gonna came out....
to be fair it has nothing to do with people complaining that Kiba would be better. It is the fact that Oasis sees the healer meta and wants to keep trying to milk Hokage Tsunade and Sailor Sakura. Adding another strong healer option as a free ninja does not make good business sense for them at this point.
Quicky Post

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