First is the idea of this whole function: The dead servers will gain benefit but healthy servers will lose theirs. Why are there dead servers in the first place? Is it not because of Oasis' bad management? So why the hell are they making the players sacrificing their benefit to take responsibility for their wrong doing?
But as said by another player, this upcoming update is unavoidable as we must follow the china path (and screw the bad dev who can't fix the code, screw u) so let's going on to the next point.
Second is the cluster management. As every other cross-server system, this SWB will be based on cluster too. But there are clusters like our 1st HK cluster which ranged from s26-s36, doesn't have any dead server. Not only that but because the number of servers is too low the power range on the cross-server ranking board is greatly divided for the 1st battlefield. If the battlefield is forced to be any higher than 10 player/team, which mean 30 players in total than the first battlefield will have the power ranged from ~95k to 60k, which by no mean "fair" or "fun".
Third is the * level dependence. As 80+ it doesn't have any impact on the gameplay other than some free power, no new game breaking function/ability. The "ranked by level" is utterly *ed not to mention it's even prioritized over power. Why are you putting a lv89 with 90k power in an easier battlefield than a lv90 60k power? It makes no * sense.
And finally, the whole "less reward for healthy server" could have been fixed by simply increasing the amount of reward in the event. How about instead of top 3, every top 5 or 10 players will get the reward? How about instead of 5-15 red refine we now make it 1-30? You guys know this will screw the player up, you guys even know that it could have been fixed so that everyone will be happy, but you've chosen the worst option simply because you're both lazy that couldn't fix your own problem and cheap as heck that can't give the player a little more reward.