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[ Help ] When you going to nerf these BS healing teams?


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On 2017-06-14 00:29:01Show this Author Only
Guys...there is zero debate here. 3 healer teams are bad for the game...period.

And to all the people saying how easy the teams are to beat look at ALL my space time videos and tell me what you see.

Sometimes things ARE overpowered..simple as that.

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On 2017-06-14 00:55:17Show this Author Only
You also forgot to add Lighting Blitz teams. As Fire,Wind,Earth,and even Lighting, I lose to higher power lighting blitz teams 99.99999999999% of the time.

The only reason u see people as water, cause its the only chance people have, i rather have a chance to win, then having a next to none chance to winning

Maybe im wrong or unlucky or i dont know how to play, but i have never beaten a lighting blitz team that was stronger then me as any other class, but the small chance i win as water This post was last edited by Karissaa at 2017-6-14 00:57
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On 2017-06-14 01:14:31Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-14 00:55:17
  • You also forgot to add Lighting Blitz teams. As Fire,Wind,Earth,and even Lighting, I lose to higher power lighting blitz teams 99.99999999999% of the time.

    The only reason u see people as water, cause its the only chance people have, i rather have a chance to win, then having a next to none chance to winning

    Maybe im wrong or unlucky or i dont know how to play, but i have never beaten a lighting blitz team that was stronger then me as any other class, but the small chance i win as water This post was last edited by Karissaa at 2017-6-14 00:57
ive beat lightning blitz as fire even when they were stronger, after immunity ran out i kept using sleep on his main my hiruzen soaked up damage and suicided against his hidan, then since it was esentialy a 3v2 after round 3 and i could keep healing and stunning i won.

the power difference was only a few thousand, but honestly a stronger opponent should be harder to beat, i should have to screw up royaly for some1 20k power weaker than me to win when im using a team made to counter them, a lightning blitz team with 20k more power owns me flat out which is fine, but a triple heal team with 20k less power is hard to beat because u cant cc them, even using ignite poison blind immobile chaos accupuncture and sleep u cant keep a triple healer team from using their standard attacks for a single round since half of the hard cc dont stack, u can only stack blind with either sleep immobile or chaos so when u cc 1 person with 2 hard cc their other 2 healers cleanse both those hard cc and that healer gets to heal as well, which WM cleanses all debuffs so if u dont focus her every debuf is worthless with 1 standard attack, if u do focus her then u burn Sailor sakuras standard and tsunade cleanses the whole team before WM cleanses herself fully, so at best u can keep an ignite and poison on a couple people, but when they use healing mysteries that round all debuffs go away and they heal for about 20k hp that round(when they only use 1 healing mystery and standard heals) not to mention the damage the prevent from the debuffs they cleansed
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On 2017-06-14 02:42:45Show this Author Only
Not sure what to say, As u are the strongest power player on your server, also i dont have hiruzen, as im not a heavy spender to have gotten him

But what i do know is, i have never beaten a higher lighting main as anything else but water, and even as water, i lose alot, but theres always that chance, which u wont have as any other class
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On 2017-06-14 03:29:55Show this Author Only
My only issue is with Root of Warrior is the fact that it makes you immune to debuffs for 3 rounds. That is way too much of an advantage compared to the other classes. Yeah water can debuff 2 ninjas, but so can kabuto. Fire only reflects first debuff (of course they have a mystery to I believe get rid of Debuffs) Then Wind only clears debuffs of female ninjas (Not counting the mystery which is for the entire team and resets mystery). While Earth can just prevent combos from being used against him.

Against Lightning you can't really CC them or slow them down unless you have something like Hinata to stop the multiple attack from Lightning Mystery. But then for the next couple turns you're a sitting duck.

I'm not defending Triple Healing cause I feel Ignite shouldn't be dispelled by healing (even the ones that get rid of a debuff).
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On 2017-06-14 03:38:29Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-06-14 03:29:55
  • My only issue is with Root of Warrior is the fact that it makes you immune to debuffs for 3 rounds. That is way too much of an advantage compared to the other classes. Yeah water can debuff 2 ninjas, but so can kabuto. Fire only reflects first debuff (of course they have a mystery to I believe get rid of Debuffs) Then Wind only clears debuffs of female ninjas (Not counting the mystery which is for the entire team and resets mystery). While Earth can just prevent combos from being used against him.

    Against Lightning you can't really CC them or slow them down unless you have something like Hinata to stop the multiple attack from Lightning Mystery. But then for the next couple turns you're a sitting duck.

    I'm not defending Triple Healing cause I feel Ignite shouldn't be dispelled by healing (even the ones that get rid of a debuff).
RoW lasts for 2 rounds, so that weakens Lightning Blitz a bit.

As for the Cancer Water, there have been many suggestions submitted to pray for a change. Something I would like to see is having Earth return to relevance, maybe having a skill that reverses healing effects. That alone might swing people away from Water if Earth was given such a hard counter, but that would also create more diverse teams and bring Earth back into relevance again, something he has not seen since before 2.0.
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On 2017-06-14 03:43:26Show this Author Only
  • Kfactor5953 On 2017-06-14 03:38:29
  • RoW lasts for 2 rounds, so that weakens Lightning Blitz a bit.

    As for the Cancer Water, there have been many suggestions submitted to pray for a change. Something I would like to see is having Earth return to relevance, maybe having a skill that reverses healing effects. That alone might swing people away from Water if Earth was given such a hard counter, but that would also create more diverse teams and bring Earth back into relevance again, something he has not seen since before 2.0.
Feels like 3 rounds anyways which is still too much of an advantage. :P

If they increase the effective hits (from you bringing up earth) of Earth hitting Water to say x3 on damage (of course the same amount for every element) it would probably be a lot easier to deal with.
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On 2017-06-14 03:46:30Show this Author Only
The easiest way to nerf water heal team:
Ignition cannot be removed by a "remove all debuff" effect if the character is suffering from any OTHER debuff. (so it CAN be removed if it is the only one, also "remove 2" would remove it alongside another.)

I think a large part of the problem with heal team is that it's very difficult to deny the heals. 2-3 global heal+cleanse means that unless you can cc everything, cc doesn't do much. And ignition doesn't deny even half of the heal when they chain them in succession.

I've found water to be much easier to beat on the auto portion of space time. This is due to the fact that you can actually deny a heal. But in live pvp, when they can cast it at anytime, given lags and the effectively 0 wait time before ability cast sometimes, it's very difficult to deny them, mostly based on luck tbh. I rather doubt any kind of reasonable combat mechanic change would alleviate this problem, as Xserver stuff have horrible lag most of the time so it would require unreasonable amount of wait time for every mystery cast in order for ability denial to actually work. So unfortunately, while heal team might be ok "in theory", we can't possibly put the theory to practice and game mechanic makes it supreme.
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On 2017-06-14 03:58:49Show this Author Only
  • Kfactor5953 On 2017-06-14 03:38:29
  • RoW lasts for 2 rounds, so that weakens Lightning Blitz a bit.

    As for the Cancer Water, there have been many suggestions submitted to pray for a change. Something I would like to see is having Earth return to relevance, maybe having a skill that reverses healing effects. That alone might swing people away from Water if Earth was given such a hard counter, but that would also create more diverse teams and bring Earth back into relevance again, something he has not seen since before 2.0.
RoW also used to have a 20% attack increase along with the immunity... so Lightning main was nerfed a little in 2.0 I guess
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On 2017-06-14 05:52:43Show this Author Only
  • Razukii On 2017-06-14 03:58:49
  • RoW also used to have a 20% attack increase along with the immunity... so Lightning main was nerfed a little in 2.0 I guess
Uhm no root was buffed, the immune part stayed same but +20% atk changed to +100% res is which makes root very tanky now. You basically cannot do much to root team first 2 turns while it will do it's full combo to you.

But this is off topic this thread is about water healer team not root, you should make another thread if you think root is op, people who bring up something else is op here just kinda proving that they have nothing in defence of this water team comp.
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On 2017-06-14 07:00:58Show this Author Only
lol, someone out of the blue, didnt say to themselves, Hmmm i think a 3 healer team is a great idea.

People Beg and beg for them to NERF lighting mains, they didnt, so someone came up with a way to fight them

If lighting had been nerf, maybe this would of never happened, but it did. So when people come on here saying Nerf this. They should be asking themself, would this had been a issue, if they had listen and nerfed lighting like we wanted them to
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On 2017-06-14 07:02:19Show this Author Only
lol, its okay to lose:)
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On 2017-06-14 07:28:59Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2017-06-14 05:52:43
  • Uhm no root was buffed, the immune part stayed same but +20% atk changed to +100% res is which makes root very tanky now. You basically cannot do much to root team first 2 turns while it will do it's full combo to you.

    But this is off topic this thread is about water healer team not root, you should make another thread if you think root is op, people who bring up something else is op here just kinda proving that they have nothing in defence of this water team comp.
Not really off topic, you can't make an argument for a Nerf if you don't look at other aspects of mains that they have access to. Such as "Nerf LM its too OP!" is a

What happens if you nerf that? Water Main will reign supreme. If I recall normally if Lightning Blitz can't beat Water Main in 3 turns Lightning Main generally loses.

Now how would you nerf triple healers? Reduce the amount ninjas can heal? Which then lets any other team comp smash healers by damage and make them no longer viable. Healing already has a direct counter being ignite however the dispel the heals have makes that point moot especially if you have triple heals. Then if ignite can't be dispelled for instance Fire teams would be a hard counter to triple healer teams. Which is ironic since Water is supposed to beat Fire. Then people could be asking for a nerf on ignite teams. So that wouldn't work (though I wouldn't mind it)

Then we can say not nerf the healers themselves but buff damage that is extremely effective against whatever chakra nature the ninja is. For example. Earth Damage doing x3 damage to Water. Then x3 damage to Fire if using Water Damage.

This could fundamentally fix the problem because let's face it, elemental weaknesses and strengths don't play a big enough role in the game from what I experienced.
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On 2017-06-14 08:06:42Show this Author Only
idiot people making idiotic topcs;P
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On 2017-06-14 08:17:35Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-14 00:55:17
  • You also forgot to add Lighting Blitz teams. As Fire,Wind,Earth,and even Lighting, I lose to higher power lighting blitz teams 99.99999999999% of the time.

    The only reason u see people as water, cause its the only chance people have, i rather have a chance to win, then having a next to none chance to winning

    Maybe im wrong or unlucky or i dont know how to play, but i have never beaten a lighting blitz team that was stronger then me as any other class, but the small chance i win as water This post was last edited by Karissaa at 2017-6-14 00:57
To be fair your whole argument is being based around a blitz team that is stronger than you. Of course they are going to be likely to win, especially since we can't currently remove buffs (On a large scale outside of wind main of course. A few ninja target single buffs get my point.) But a triple healer team is clearly OP.

Coffee you know I respect you and what you do, and you don't really use trip healer teams so I don't think you are as at fault here as some people. But the fact remains that healing is too OP atm. Speaking as a person who tries out all sorts of teams I can speak objectively about this..without any bias. My time as a water main using an immortal team showed me that they are definitely OP because they allow you to fight outside your power range much more than any normal team. You have to ask yourself why is that?

Short answer is that water main is incredibly versatile atm able to cover most role types with little difficulty. CC, aniti-CC, DPS (With dots of course, while also enabling all other ninja on the team to do the same.) That incredibly wide range of things is a huge plus. BUT, that isn't the sole reason. When you combine that with multiple healers, maybe a hokage tsunade with healing tips...Your team is incredibly tanky on top of all of those other bonuses I listed about the Water main. I think we need to take a good long look at this. You claim Lightning main is OP but you seem to only lose to those who are stronger than you.. I have the same results. But when it comes to immortal/cancer teams right now they can fight and defeat opponents much, much stronger than them. (With a couple of formations built around defeating Immortal teams specifically as an exception. But it comes at a cost usually because it makes you vulnerable to normal teams most of the time.)

We need to stop looking at this topic with bias, and use the scientific method to identify problems. But, then again I doubt Oasis has a plan to nerf or change anything water main related right now. I'm sure all of this will change when the fabled 3.0 update comes, assuming that it comes with the recalculations that people talk about.

This post was last edited by Beji at 2017-6-14 08:20
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On 2017-06-14 08:22:09Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-14 07:00:58
  • lol, someone out of the blue, didnt say to themselves, Hmmm i think a 3 healer team is a great idea.

    People Beg and beg for them to NERF lighting mains, they didnt, so someone came up with a way to fight them

    If lighting had been nerf, maybe this would of never happened, but it did. So when people come on here saying Nerf this. They should be asking themself, would this had been a issue, if they had listen and nerfed lighting like we wanted them to
It's much more likely a person made the team to be OP. I doubt they did it just to thwart the lm lol...

And let's be real, Root teams are usually * if they have less power than you, or hell...equal power as well.
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On 2017-06-14 09:11:18Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-14 02:42:45
  • Not sure what to say, As u are the strongest power player on your server, also i dont have hiruzen, as im not a heavy spender to have gotten him

    But what i do know is, i have never beaten a higher lighting main as anything else but water, and even as water, i lose alot, but theres always that chance, which u wont have as any other class
Ok then by your logic, have you ever beaten immortal team higher power then you, because to me they are way worse then any lightning builds. I can win 10k higher lights in space time or sage with counter teams, no way am i doing that to immortal unless i get some amazing crit luck or something.

Also i don't know what builds people run on your server but higher power lightning teams are kinda easy to beat with wind mains and earth mains. The most meta wind build Sage Naruto/Kaze Gaara/Gakido hard counters almost all lightning builds and is borderline auto win same power or bit higher.
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On 2017-06-14 09:27:29Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-06-14 07:28:59
  • Not really off topic, you can't make an argument for a Nerf if you don't look at other aspects of mains that they have access to. Such as "Nerf LM its too OP!" is a

    What happens if you nerf that? Water Main will reign supreme. If I recall normally if Lightning Blitz can't beat Water Main in 3 turns Lightning Main generally loses.

    Now how would you nerf triple healers? Reduce the amount ninjas can heal? Which then lets any other team comp smash healers by damage and make them no longer viable. Healing already has a direct counter being ignite however the dispel the heals have makes that point moot especially if you have triple heals. Then if ignite can't be dispelled for instance Fire teams would be a hard counter to triple healer teams. Which is ironic since Water is supposed to beat Fire. Then people could be asking for a nerf on ignite teams. So that wouldn't work (though I wouldn't mind it)

    Then we can say not nerf the healers themselves but buff damage that is extremely effective against whatever chakra nature the ninja is. For example. Earth Damage doing x3 damage to Water. Then x3 damage to Fire if using Water Damage.

    This could fundamentally fix the problem because let's face it, elemental weaknesses and strengths don't play a big enough role in the game from what I experienced.
To me personally only problem with triple healer team or water in general is Sakura, she needs to many resources dedicated to counter her, any variant of immortal team without her is easy. I don't think water main should be nerfed in any way, all other water main meta teams are strong but manageable, only ones with Sakura tend to be on the op side.

Also i personally don't think light main is op either, even the most default water main team Mabui/Tenten/Mei wins almost all light main teams easy if you get barrier over them apart from Susano Sasuke and Chocolate Hidan ones and maybe Raikage ones(idk about this, he is much rarer then Sasuke in our server) but that is very obviously not light mains fault but those ninjas who cost like $300 and $800.
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On 2017-06-14 09:59:52Show this Author Only
I don't think they are going to be nerfed. Since Naruto Online is franchised, they cannot introduce source code that isn't there in CN and in CN, the healing teams are a lot, lot stronger since the damage formula has been reworked and fights are much longer. This post was last edited by jhq*** at 2017-6-14 10:00
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On 2017-06-14 10:22:52Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2017-06-14 09:27:29
  • To me personally only problem with triple healer team or water in general is Sakura, she needs to many resources dedicated to counter her, any variant of immortal team without her is easy. I don't think water main should be nerfed in any way, all other water main meta teams are strong but manageable, only ones with Sakura tend to be on the op side.

    Also i personally don't think light main is op either, even the most default water main team Mabui/Tenten/Mei wins almost all light main teams easy if you get barrier over them apart from Susano Sasuke and Chocolate Hidan ones and maybe Raikage ones(idk about this, he is much rarer then Sasuke in our server) but that is very obviously not light mains fault but those ninjas who cost like $300 and $800.
In arena I faced a person twice with 4th Raikage, Lightning Main, Darui, Asuma Wind Blade.

I myself used Water Main, Hinata, Sage Naruto, Kabuto.

My water main's standard attack was healing with healing tips talent. While the mystery was shark bomb.

Just even with 2 healers I was able to take down that person 2x.

Yes this was arena with everything scaled for the most part, but the 4th Raikage ripped my Hinata a new one in the first round. And with seeing that I don't blame people for wanting to use an Immortal team.

The only Sailor Sakura's on our server are from inactives. And when I faced them they were a pain in my *. So I can see why the nerf on that would be wanted. However it is Sailor Sakura. Oasis won't nerf that especially since they are holding GNW Sakura hostage!
Quicky Post

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