2017-06-14 09:27:29
To me personally only problem with triple healer team or water in general is Sakura, she needs to many resources dedicated to counter her, any variant of immortal team without her is easy. I don't think water main should be nerfed in any way, all other water main meta teams are strong but manageable, only ones with Sakura tend to be on the op side.
Also i personally don't think light main is op either, even the most default water main team Mabui/Tenten/Mei wins almost all light main teams easy if you get barrier over them apart from Susano Sasuke and Chocolate Hidan ones and maybe Raikage ones(idk about this, he is much rarer then Sasuke in our server) but that is very obviously not light mains fault but those ninjas who cost like $300 and $800.
In arena I faced a person twice with 4th Raikage, Lightning Main, Darui, Asuma Wind Blade.
I myself used Water Main, Hinata, Sage Naruto, Kabuto.
My water main's standard attack was healing with healing tips talent. While the mystery was shark bomb.
Just even with 2 healers I was able to take down that person 2x.
Yes this was arena with everything scaled for the most part, but the 4th Raikage ripped my Hinata a new one in the first round. And with seeing that I don't blame people for wanting to use an Immortal team.
The only Sailor Sakura's on our server are from inactives. And when I faced them they were a pain in my *. So I can see why the nerf on that would be wanted. However it is Sailor Sakura. Oasis won't nerf that especially since they are holding GNW Sakura hostage!