To everyone assuming that I'm a lightning main who is pissed that I lost the advantage, you are wrong for one. And secondly, these teams are straight cancer and they are completely ruining the game. Lightning mains didn't do that when they were superior, they were not unbeatable, annoying yes but not unbeatable.
I have been a fire main from the start of the game and giving into this cancer and becoming a part of it is not the solution. If people want to keep running this * team then fine but the heals NEED to be nerfed before it destroys the game.
Shadowblaze is right, if you don't NUKE the team right away they heal all the way back to full and it should not be that way I don't care what kind of weak ass defense people try to offer.
It is ruining the game that many of us have spent the last 10 months grinding our asses off to gain power only to have people with no creativity copy these broken ass teams and slow fights down to a crawl. It is literally a cancer that has spread throughout my whole server and it needs to be fixed.