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[ Character ] Fanmade future ninja talentsets


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On 2017-05-21 23:37:56Show All PostsDescending Order
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Dunno why, but I feel like trying to make some talentsets for characters' from Naruto, that didn't appear in game yet :D

Here is something I just did for fun, if you have some suggestions, I may try to do them :D I'm not an artist to try to make icons, so here your imagination comes into play XD

Madara Uchiha

Mystery: Sage Art: Yin Release Lightning Dispatch: Does tremendous damage to entire enemy's field, causes paralysis and repulse.

Standard: Limbo Clones: Does 5 attacks randomly amongst enemy units, causes Immobile. This skill cannot be evaded.

Chase: Black receiver attack (those black rods used to control people's chakra): Chases Repulse, causes knockdown, immobile and acupunture.

Passive 1: When Madara dies, revive with 100% of health, without any skills except for the mystery. Mystery is replaced with Infinite Tsukuyomi: Causes Chaos (or Immobile, to make it a bit less broken XD) to entire enemy field. Ignores debuff immunity, unless a ninja has a Rinnegan, Edo Tensei or Rikudo attribute.

Passive 2: Rikudo Chakra: Before each action, recover 20 chakra points. Immune to all debuffs, Knockdown, Repulse, High Float and Low Float, and pure ninjutsu damage

I am aware I started with something insanely overpowered, but I can do balanced stuff too... I think? XD

This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-5-28 08:22
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On 2017-05-22 02:31:45Show All Posts
  • Orion94 On 2017-05-22 01:21:53
  • you kidding that would be insane there are literally 0 ninjas who can withstand that
I said so, this one is insanely overpowered XD
Will try to make more balanced ninjas later ;)
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On 2017-05-22 23:11:26Show All Posts
So, here is my other idea, for more balanced... stuff XD

I miss Ebisu in game, he was a weird, but kinda cool dude, so here he is :D

Mystery: Fire Dragon Bullet - Causes ninjutsu damage to 3 units in opponent's team at random and Ignition.
Chakra use: 20
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Shadow Clone Jutsu - Summons 1 shadow clone with 50% of Ebisu's attributes. Clone does taijutsu attack.

Passive 1: Protective Teacher - Raises Defence and Resistance of all Konoha ninjas in your team by 40% for 3 rounds. Applies a shield based on 30% of Ebisu's Resistance.

Passive 2: Substitution Jutsu - Increases Evasion, and has chance of avoiding attacks from the opponent.

Passive 3: Proffesional Instructions - Gain 20 chakra before first action in a round.

So yeah... I did that based on Iruka a lot, but this one is not really... easy to do XD

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On 2017-05-22 23:39:16Show All Posts
Since I did Ebisu, time for his student, Konohamaru :D

China already has his shippuden version, so Imma do his Adult version :D


Mystery: Burning Ash - Causes ninjutsu damage to 4 enemy units, causes Blindness and Ignition to them, and Knockdown to a selected unit.
Chakra: 20
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Shadow Clone Jutsu - Summons a Shadow Clone at a beggining of combat and each standard attack.

Chase: Summoning Jutsu: Toad - Chases Knockdown, causes Repulse. Can be triggered twice each round.

Passive 1: Ōdama Rasengan - Replaces Standard attack with 1 or more shadow clones on the field. Attacks front enemy, does massive damage and causes repulse.

Passive 2: Substitution Jutsu - Increases Evasion, and has chance of avoiding attacks from the opponent.

This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-5-24 01:13
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On 2017-05-23 17:23:35Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-05-23 09:34:31
  • Wait! Konohamaru can summon toads? Is this cannon wise or did this appear in Boruto or something? Also, what did ya think of my Sasuke fanmade thingy xD? This post was last edited by Zephyr of Troviator at 2017-5-23 18:29
Ye, Konohamaru was shown to summon a toad in Boruto :)

I'd chill out with the debuff galore on Indra's Arrow, and Tailed Beast Chakra... Rest seems fine, but I'd also choose sth else for his chase skill, he wasn't that good with his Rinnegan paths abilities :v
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On 2017-05-24 00:36:32Show All Posts

Mystery: Landmine Fist - Causes heavy NinTai damage, Ignition and Repulse to a selected enemy.
Chakra use: 20
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Exploding Palm - Attacks the front enemy, causes Ignition, high chance of causing Repulse.

Chase: Landmine Fist Strike - Chases Knocked Down enemy, causes Low Float and Ignition. This skill causes relatively high damage.

Passive 1: Reanimated Ninja - When Gari dies, he will ressurect 2 turns later with 100% of HP

Passive 2: Explosion Corps Captain - Before first action each turn, increase Ninjutsu and Taijutsu of each Explosion Corps attribute ninja.

PS: Explosion Corps consisted of some unnamed ninjas, Gari and Deidara.

This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-5-24 01:12
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On 2017-05-24 01:10:34Show All Posts

Mystery: Water Trumpet - Attacks an entire opponent team, causes Water attribute damage, and Repulse to a selected enemy.
Chakra: 40
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Attack a random nonclone enemy, causes Slowness and has a chance of causing Repulse.

Chase: Ash Stone Seal - Chases Knocked Down enemy, causes Knockdown and Immobile for 2 rounds.

Passive 1: Rock Shelter - Before each action, give a shield based on 100% of your base Resistance to a random amount of nonclone ninjas on your field.

Passive 2: Hidden Mole Jutsu - High Chance of evading attacks from opponent. Can be triggered up to 3 times each round.

A goal was to make a God Tier Earth ninja, but... I feel like I didn't make it strong enough XD

This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-5-24 01:13
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On 2017-05-24 03:10:33Show All Posts
  • Creeping Souls On 2017-05-24 02:30:29
  • Hm...

    Hayate Gekko - Lightning

    Mystery: Dance of the Crescent Moon
    Create three Shadow Clones. Next turn, if at least 2 clones are alive, this skill can be activated again to deal damage and Knockdown to one opponent and remove shields.
    Cooldown: 3
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cost: 20

    Standard: Kenjutsu Attack
    Attack front enemy, chance of triple combo and repulse. (Like lightning main standard)

    Chase: Crescent Moon Slash
    Chase Low Float, cause Knockdown.

    Passive: Meld Into Shadows
    If Hayate takes lethal damage an a clone is alive, it will die, he will gain 10% of his max health, and his Mystery cool down will go down 1.

    Passive: Ill Boy Jonin
    Hayate begins the game with Poisoning. If Hayate has a debuff, his Attack and Ninjutsu will raise by a certain percent. This skill can stack twice.

    I tried. I dunno if this is OP or absolute *, but it was pretty fun to make.
It looks fun, that mystery is quite cleverly made :D
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On 2017-05-24 06:29:16Show All Posts
  • .Reagan. On 2017-05-24 03:23:08
  • Kin Tsuchi - Sound Water

    Mystery: Bell Senbon
    Chance to control 1 enemy, chance to paralyze 2 enemy nin.
    Cooldown: 2
    Battlefield Cooldown: 2
    Cost: 40

    Standard: Mach Punch
    Causes Tai Dmg, Chance to cause low float. Cause confusion on crit.

    Chase: Easy Target
    Chase knockdown, cause Acupuncture and low float.

    Passive: Pride
    Raise Team Crit by 10% for each sound nin on the same team.

    Passive: Ill Fated
    If defeated in battle cause 10% dmg to 1 enemy nin. This effect is not triggered by ignition, poison, or sacrifice defeat.

    As balanced but fair as I could make a one off deceased char.
Looks fun, but also a bit too balanced XD

You could make her a tad bit stronger :D
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On 2017-05-24 06:31:51Show All Posts
  • EvilPopTart On 2017-05-24 04:22:12
  • Mangetsu Hozkui- Second coming of the demon

    Myst: Hiding in Mist Assassination
    Heavy damage to a single enemy, damage increased by 75% if enemy is blinded. If this skill kills an enemy unit, it's cooling time will be reduced to 0
    Cooldown: 4
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cost: 40

    Standard: Demon's might - causes tai damage and tag to the opponent with the lowest health, chance to cause high float

    Chase: Cruel water dragon- chase a ninja suffering from high float, and causes repulse. This skill does relatively high damage.

    Passive: Hozuki bloodline.
    High chance of avoiding pure taijutsu damage.

    Passive: Bloodthirsty demon.
    launches two standard attacks per turn.

    This ninja is sort of a joke ninja, as Mangestsu is already in the CN server. Still, lore dictates that he is a monster, so I made him into one (Hurrah).
This ninjas is in China, but still pretty nice :D
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On 2017-05-24 06:32:43Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2017-05-24 05:10:16
  • Here's one I made a couple months back for funzies.
    Aoba Yamashiro - Fire Mystery: Convergence of a Murder (20 Chakra, 2-Round Cooldown, 2 Battlefield Cooldown) Aoba summons swarms of crows to attack 4 opponents, causing 5 Combo and High Float to the selected opponent. Damage is increased by a certain percentile for every dead ally. Standard: Taijutsu Attack Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of Triple Combo and Repulse. Chase: *tering Thousand Crows Chase the High Floated enemy and cause repulse and 5 combo. Has an increased chance of critical hit.Chase: Fire Style: Flame Jutsu Chase the Low Floated enemy and cause repulse and ignite. Passive: Crow Mastery Increases evasion and has a chance to dodge the enemy Standard Attack. “*tering Thousand Crows” and “Convergence of a Murder” will cause sleep on Critical Hit.

Quite fun, but I don't remember Aoba having any particular skills...
Did I miss anything?
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On 2017-05-24 11:02:25Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2017-05-24 06:43:22
  • In the anime, there was a really quick scene of him shooting a fireball during the Konoha Crush. (second chase).

    He rescued Shikamaru, Kotetsu, and Izumo with Itachi-esque crows as well.

    He also had some mind reading ability, but I wasn't sure how to add that as a skill.
Mind reading could be chakra steal :D

I will look up his abilities later :)
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On 2017-05-25 07:36:30Show All Posts

Mystery: Shuriken Wild Dance - Causes nintai damage to entire enemy team, causes Acupunture to them, and Repulse to a selected enemy.
Chakra: 60
Battlefield Cooldown: 2
Cooldown: 3

Standard: Jade Crystal Blade - Attacks a front enemy, has a high chance to cause Repulse.

Chase: Crystal Needles - Chases Knocked Down opponent, causes Low Float and Immobile.

Passive 1: Crystal Armor - Immunity to Low Float, High Float, Knockdown and Repulse. Guren increases her own Taijutsu attack whenever she attacks.

Passive 2: Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Labyrinth - At the beggining of the battle, create a barrier, which increases the Defence and Resistance of all Sound Ninja on your field by 40%. While the barrier is active, before first action each turn, apply a shield to your entire team, which is based based on 40% of Guren's Resistance.

Did I go too far, or is this still something possible to accept?
This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-5-25 08:24
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On 2017-05-25 08:20:39Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2017-05-25 08:15:18
  • I actually like that concept a lot, especially the shield barrier. It works well with her powers.

    The acupuncture to the entire team seems a bit overkill but idk.
I know, but that's a shuriken barrage XD That's why I made her have 2 Battlefield cooldown, and 60 chakra usage XD
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On 2017-05-25 08:37:07Show All Posts
This one contains information from a special manga chapter, in case you don't know much about Mitsuki, spoilers :D


Mystery: Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough - Causes heavy Ninjutsu damage to entire opponent's team removes all debuffs from them, and causes Repulse to a selected enemy.
Chakra: 40
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Soft Physique Modification - Attacks a random amount of enemies, may cause High Float or Immobile to one of them.

Chase: Striking Shadow Snakes - Chases High Floated enemy, causes Knockdown.

Passive 1: Barrier Shattering Technique - Before any action each round, destroy the current barrier, if there is one on the field.

Passive 2: Sage Mode - Recovers 20% chakra and small amount of health before first action each round.


This one was pretty random, but well... I absolutely love how Mitsuki looks in his Sage Mode :D

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On 2017-05-25 08:54:46Show All Posts
One more overpowered, and I'll be back to balances :D


Mystery: Shade Style: Inhaling Maw - Next attack targetting Hiruko will be completely nullified. After nullifying one attack, this skill will be replaced by Shade Style: Judgement. That skill will deal damage to entire opponent's team, with damage based off of the nullified mystery. It will deal 150% of damage the oryginal mystery would.
Chakra: 0 / Copy
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 4 / 1 (after absorption)

Standard: Earth Style: Devouring Earth: Deals earth attribute damage to entire opponent's team, has a low chance to cause knockdown to a random enemy.

Passive 1: Steel Style: Impervious Armor - Immunity to High Float, Low Float, Knockdown and Repulse.

Passive 2: Chimera Technique - Hiruko shares attributes with all ninjas in your team.

Passive 3: Swift Release: Shadowless Flight - Hiruko will always move first in each round. (ignores initiative and movement order)

Mystery works as an example below:
Opponent uses Rasenshuriken, targetting your Hiruko. If you have used this mystery, this attack will deal no damage to your team, and it's effects won't be activated. Your mystery now changes to Judgement. Since you absorbed Rasenshuriken, your mystery will cost 40 chakra. If you had absorbed Mei's mystery, your chakra cost would be 60. The side effects of mysteries are not copied, so using Judgement after Mei's mystery, will NOT start low float, nor will ignite anyone. After absorbtion of 1 skill, Judgement will have 1 cooldown on itself.

About Passive 2, it means that if you have a team of Iruka, Raikage, and Suigetsu, Hiruko will have attributes Konoha, Cloud Ninja, Curse Mark, Sword ninja, Sound ninja :)

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On 2017-05-25 09:03:58Show All Posts
Now some unknown dude, if you remember him by name, you're awesome! Made the dude into what I think 8 Gates Lee should have been :D


Mystery: Leaf Dragon God - Causes heavy Taijutsu damage to opponent's entire team, Repulse and Interruption to a selected enemy.
Chakra: 0
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 3

Standard: Leaf Whirlwind - Attack a random enemy, causes massive taijutsu damage and High Float

Chase: Leaf Great Whirlwind - Chases High Floated enemy, causes 20 hit combo and Repulse.

Passive 1: Battle Prowess - Before each action, launch a Leaf Gust attack. Has a high chance to cause Repulse.

Passive 2: Taijutsu Master - Recover life in accordance to damage dealt. Launches 2 standard attacks each turn.

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On 2017-05-26 06:08:12Show All Posts
  • .Reagan. On 2017-05-26 05:49:26
  • Experiment #626 | Sound-nin | Genderless
    Mystery: One vs one thousand.
    Cooldown: 4
    Chakra: 80
    Causes Tai dmg to upto 9 targets. May cause Acupuncture.

    Standard: Smash
    Cause Tai dmg to one opponent. Chance to cause acupuncture.

    Passive: Survivalist:
    Immune to debuffs for 3 rounds.

    Passive: Sacrifice
    Upon defeat summons 1 Orochimaru(Sanin war> with no mystery, apply this ninjas attributes.

    Passive: Empowered
    If this ninja is still in play after 5 rounds, sacrifice to revive 1 sound/curse nin on the same team.

    Just a nameless sacrifice that became a host for Orochimaru.
    This post was last edited by Cherry BlossomFea... at 2017-5-26 11:44
Niiiiceeee :D

I love the idea, however the acupuncture galore seems a bit out of place.
I guess it would be a nice ninja to play around with :D
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On 2017-05-26 10:41:42Show All Posts
Why not, Ketsuryugan girl :D


Mystery: Blood Dragon Ascension - Causes massive ninjutsu damage to entire opponent's team, 8 hit combo to each ninja, and Repulse to a selected enemy.
Chakra: 60
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2

Standard: Water Style: Hail - Attack all ninja in opponent's team with nintai water attribute damage, causes Knockdown to one of them at random. This skill cannot be evaded.

Chase: Water Wall - Chase High Floated enemy, causes Repulse.

Passive 1: Exploding Human Bomb - When another teammates of yours dies, ressurect them, and replace their mystery skill with Exploding Human Bomb. This skill will cause massive damage to entire opponent's team, causes fatal damage to your ninja, and makes him/her unable to be ressurected.

Passive 2: At the beggining of the battle, launch a barrier - Ketsuryugan Genjutsu. Whilst the barrier is active, before first action each round, cause Chaos to a random enemy. This Chaos ignores debuff immunity and cannot be removed by skills.

Hmm... I did my best to keep it balanced.

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On 2017-05-26 19:25:05Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-05-26 17:51:52
  • Kabuto (Wanted to see where I can take a mostly Offense Kabuto)

    Mystery: Chakra Scalpel Barrage[Prompt] : Causes Taijutsu and Ninjutsu damage to two of the opponent's units and causes High Float to the selected unit.

    Chakra Consume: 40

    BattlefieldCooldown: 1

    Cooldown: 3

    Standard: Taijutsu attack: Causes Taijutsu damage to the front row of the opponent's units and causes High Float.

    Chase: Summoning Jutsu: Serpent's Bite: Chases High Floated enemy and causes Low Float and Poison.

    Chase: Water Style: Water Dragon: Chases a Low Floated enemy and causes Repulse and Watter Atrribute damage.

    Passive: Dead Soul Substitution: When an opponent is about to deal a killing *, Kabuto evades and recovers a bit of health.

    *Shrugs* Couldn't think much.

I'll do my personal offensive Kabuto today, but oh man... chases you gave him would be impossible to work with XD High to Knock and then low to rep? XD
Quicky Post

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