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[ Character ] Fanmade future ninja talentsets


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On 2017-05-28 17:31:12Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-05-28 17:24:10
  • Genji Shimada(Yes, I'm aware he's not from Naruto but from Overwatch. I just wanted to try)

    Mystery: Dragon Blade[Prompt]: Cause tremendous of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage to 6 units of the opponent and causes Immobile and Repulse.

    Chakra Use: 40

    Battlefield Cooldown: 0

    Cooldown: 2

    Standard: Swift Strike. Causes Taijutsu damage to a front row opponent and causes a chance of Repulse.

    Chase: Shuriken Barrage: Chases Repulse and Causes Knockdown and Immobile.

    Passive: I Need Healing: Raise the healing effect on Genji for 60%.

    Passive: Deflect Strike: When Genji is attacked, chances that the attack is deflected back.

He should have passive called "I need healing": rises the healing effect on him ;P
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On 2017-06-06 17:27:37Show All Posts
♀ , Konoha, Secret Jutsu user, Wind Attribute

Mystery: Fangirls's Screetch: Causes Wind attribute damage to the opponent's front row. Has a small chance to cause chaos to the selected unit.
cooling time: 2 rounds, battlefield cooldown: 1 round, chakra use: 40

Standard: Fast Sketch: Summons 1 clone of a current Main Character in team. Clone may use standard attack of the Main.

Passive: Caffeination: heals one unit with the least Life from your team and recover 20 chakra points.

Passive: Hold on, my children!: At the beggining of the battle, increases the Defense and Resistance attribute of all units in the team, last for 3 rounds.

Chase: Free Hugs: Chase and attack Low Floated unit, causes Knockdown and Immobile.

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On 2017-06-12 16:30:29Show All Posts
  • EdwardElric657@ On 2017-06-12 14:13:55
  • nice character :)
My OC based on me- hehe I need to draw her too :P
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On 2017-06-14 14:29:23Show All Posts
  • Qolem On 2017-06-14 08:15:51
  • So, I was having fun today at our new Discord, and when there were less people, I thought of Teal Straw - Grass Style ninja, or Grass Main... don't ask why, just... it happened XD.
    Due to it being a Main, I will have to do 20 talents for it, so prepare yourselves :D

    If any of our amazing artists feel like drawing a concept art for Teal Straw, that would be something to look forward to ;p
    I won't disclose how I feel he should look (or maybe she, we have only 2 girls ;p), I'll let the skills speak :)

    Mystery Skills
    #1. Grass Style: Sharp Blade Jutsu - Attacks a selected enemy, has a guaranteed Critical Hit.
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 2

    #2. Grass Style: Crazy Vines Barrage - Attacks up to 5 enemies, causes Repulse or Knockdown at random to a selected enemy. This skill has a high critical hit chance.
    Chakra Consumption: 40
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 2

    #3. Grass Style: Floral Protection - Selected unit will be invisible. Invisible ninjas cannot be targeted by mystery skills. Last for 1 round.
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    Battlefield Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 3

    #4. Secret Jutsu: Back to the Past - Your team will reapply their passives. This jutsu's cooldown cannot be reduced in any way.
    Chakra Consumption: 100
    Battlefield Cooldown: 1
    Cooldown: 4

    Standard Skills
    #1. Leaf Slash - Attack front enemy, has a chance to cause Knockdown and Critical Hit

    #2. Vine Wileding - Attack up to 3 enemies in the front, and cause 3 combo to each, with a chance of Repulse.

    #3. Invisibility Cloak - Apply Invisible to one unit in your team with lowest HP, lasts for 1 round.

    #4. Grass Style: Flower Pollen Spreading - Attacks up to 4 enemies in the enemy team, has a chance to inflict sleeping or poisoning at random.

    Chase Skills
    #1. Grass Blade: Instant Strike - Chases Repulse, causes Knockdown and Critical Hit.

    #2. Grassy Impaling - Chases Knockdown, causes High Float.

    #3. Vine Whips - Chases High Floated enemy, causes Low Float.

    #4. Leaf Shuriken Barrage - Chases Low Float, causes Repulse.

    Passive 1 Skills
    #1. Natural Immunity - Become immune to all debuffs.

    #2. Natural Support - Whenever you cause a Critical Hit with an attack, gain 20 chakra points, and recover 10% of life.

    #3. Enchancement of the Hidden Leaf Ninja - At the beggining of the battle, increase 40% ninjutsu and Taijutsu to 3 Konoha units in your team.

    #4. Master of Stealth - If you are invisible, your Standard Attack is replaced with: Attack a random enemy, cause Blindness and Knockdown.

    Passive 2 Skills
    #1. Anatomy Master - At the beggining of the battle, your Critical Hit Ratio will be increased by 30%. Lasts for 2 rounds.

    #2. Summoning: Tree Protector - At the beggining of the fight, summon a Tree Protector. Whenever Tree Protector is attacked, it heals by 5% of it's life, raises Defence and Resistance. It's stats are based off 50% of yours. As a standard attack, apply a shield based on 10% of it's own Resistance.

    #3. Stand Strong - At the beggining of the fight, all units in your team gain Super Armor. Lasts for 2 rounds.

    #4. Fauna's Conqueror - At the beggining of the fight, summon your currently equipped summoning animal. For as long as it is on the battlefield, it will perform a standard attack, causing it's Chase condition (ex. Serpent will cause Knockdown with his attack, while King of Hell will cause High Combos). Those summons are able of performing the Chase skill they have while equipped (ex. after Serpent causes Knockdown, he will chase it into High Float). Orange Summons have Super Armor.

    Okay, I let myself run wild, and when I read it now... a bit OP... also a lot of word "natural"... but I'll let it be, let's see what the reaction to this will be :D

This looks cool. I especially like the idea of "Fauna's Conqueror" skill and summons staying on field. And it gotta be a girl! Lets Crimson's love life finally bloom! I read somewhere that he likes plants and is vegetarian~~ Sooo many ideas <:3_59:>
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On 2017-06-14 19:53:35Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-06-14 17:49:47
  • With that bod?! Crimson? Vegetarian? Nah, he'd eat whatever Gai and Lee eat
YES IT'S THERE IN HIS INFO SOMEWHERE D: (probably in chinese version, since we don't get as much of it as original version of game it seems) Few people mentioned it already somewhere on forum too! That they were suprised about reading that about Crimson!!
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On 2017-07-08 23:31:28Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-07-08 21:41:14
  • Felt like Azure I need to remake Azure's Second Mark Stage charsheet.

    Azure Fang

    Mystery: Water Style: Super Shark Serpent Bomb Jutsu: Causes Water attributed damage up to 9 units on the opponent's team. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown. Has a high chance of Critical Hit.

    Standard: Water Serpent Smash:: Causes Water attributed damage to the opponent's front row and causes Critical Hit and Knockdown. Has a fixed chance of Poisoning.

    Chase: Water Dragon Chase: Chases Knockdown and causes High Float.

    Passive: Medicine: Remove a debuff on a random ninja and heal their life based upon 5% of their Ninjutsu attribute.

    Passive: Curse Mark Advantage: Every time this unit is attacked, raise its Attack and Ninjutsu attribute. Recover 10% of lief based on Ninjutsu attribute.

    She's supposed to be...tentacly, in a word. I don't know xD does sound interesting :lol
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On 2017-08-27 04:34:54Show All Posts
  • ScarbucksCoffee On 2017-08-16 09:49:36
  • So we're making self OCs now? XD

    Scarbucks Coffee (Fire)

    Mystery: Extort (0 chakra, 0 battlefield CD, 3 CD, nonprompt)

    Scarbucks raises his coffee prices to ridiculous amounts. When the opponent gains Chakra next round, Scarbucks' team will steal 1/2 of it. If Scarbucks dies this effect is cancelled.

    Standard: Coffee Dispense (Nin)

    Attack the entire enemy team. The lower the enemy HP, the higher chance of crit. When a critical hit occurs, cause Ignite.

    Chase: Cup Launcher (TaiNin)

    Scarbucks uses an artillery shoulder thing to launch a cup of coffee at the High Floated enemy, causing Low Float and Ignite.

    Chase: Artillery Barrage (TaiNin)

    Triggered by 20 hit combo, cause ignite and moderate damage to 3 enemies.

    Passive: Sipping Sauce

    Scarbucks sips a sauce before each action, obtaining 20 Chakra and raising his own Ninjutsu and Resistance permanently.

    meh xD

This is gold and I like Coffee lovers unite

I think I had my "self-OC" set somewhere here too, donno xD

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On 2017-09-05 21:56:19Show All Posts
Note: This post has been filtered by AislingDragonfl (Administrator)

Yato and wood release?...I somehow don't see it. He's ultimately the sword type and such~~

Ok let me try with this case!

Yato Kami (Noragami), male, lightning, sword user

Mystery: God of Calamity : Does Tai and Nin damage to selected lineup and Tag, with high chance of Crititcal.

Standard: Rend! : Does Tai and Lightning damage to target with the least life, causes Knockdown, has a slight chance of causing immobile.

Chase: Come, Yukine!: chases a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, can be triggered twice each round.

Passive: Teleportation: This unit will evade first standard attack each round, increases evasion rate of all units in a lineup.

Passive 2: Divine Possession: has a 50% chance to cause chaos to random enemy's unit before each action.



This post was last edited by Tiami on 2017-09-05 22:04:31.
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