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[ Character ] Fanmade future ninja talentsets


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-07 17:12:08Show All Posts
Uzumaki Naruto
Mystery: Tailed Beast Punch: Deal massive damage to 3 enemy units, cause Repulse to the selected enemy unit.
Chakra use: 20
Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round
Cooling Time: 1 round

Standard Attack: Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu: Summons 3 clones to the battlefield.Clones have 50% stats of Naruto. Each clone launches attack at the end of round to 1 enemy, causing Taijutsu damage.
Chase 1: Wind Style: Massive Rasen Shuriken: Chases 20 combo, causes huge damage to 2 enemy units.
Chase 2: Tailed Beast Bomb: Chases Low Float, causes Repulse and 5 combo.
Passive: Perfect Jinchuriki: If clones exist in field( at least 1), repace standard attack with Rasengan Barrage: Ignores defence, causes Low Float to front enemy and 2 combos. Before each standard attack Naruto will gain 20 Chakra, heal 5% total life, and disperse 2 debuffs. If Shadow Clones exist in field, have a high chance of evading first Standard Attack, first Mystery and Chase each round.

I know this is 2 OP but this is what I think Naruto should do, he should be even more but I contained it for a bit. Also this is my first talent set. Super proud. :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-20 21:25:10Show All Posts
Idea for a new Main character- his attributes are teleportation and Steel Style, he is also Fire attribute, doesn't come from any village and has kekkei genkai- steel releaseAlso sorry for stealing the idea for steel release :P

Name:Silver Flash

1.Steel Style- Steel Spikes- Causes damage to 4 enemy bodies and Tag, causes Interrupt to selected enemy and High Float.
Chakra use: 20
Battlefeld cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3 rounds
2.Steel Style- Steel Giant- Summons a Steal Giant to the field. If the Giant already exists in the field cause damage to 9 enemy units, causes Knockdown.Giant has 125% life, 60% attack, 40% defense, 50% ninjutsu and 70%resistance of Main character.
Chakra use: 60 without Giant, 40 with Giant
Battlefeld cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 1 with Giant, 3 without Giant
3.Teleportation Jutsu- Quick Spirit- When activated, increase your own evasion rate by 50% for 3 rounds, when using Standard attack cause Tag to attacked enemy unit/units.
Chakra use: 0
Battlefeld cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 4 rounds
4.Teleportation Jutsu-Exploding Kunai Slash- Causes damage, knockdown and ignite to selected target, also attacks up to 3 enemy units with Tag.
Chakra use: 20
Battlefeld cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2 rounds

Standard Attack:
1.Quick Strike- attack random enemy unit, cause some damage, Low Float and Tag.

2.Steel Style-Steel Shrapnels- attacks enemy first row, cause massive damage and 7 combo.

3.Steel Style- Steel Errupt- Attack all enemies in the line directly in front of this ninja, cause some damage and High Float to first enemy hit.

4.Teleportation- Give one extra standard attack to 1 random ninja from your team.This cannot be overlapped by other effects.

1.Steel Hands- Chase Repulse cause Knockdown.

2.Steel Dragon Jutsu- Chase Low Float cause Repulse, recovers life for 25% of the damage caused by this chase.

3. Explosive Trap- Chase Knockdown cause Low Float, also causes ignite.

4.Teleporting steel fist- Chase High Float cause Knockdown and 5 combo.

Passive #1:
1.Enhancement of kekkei genkai ninja- increases attack and ninjutsu by 40% up to 3 ninjas from your team with kekkei genkai for 3 rounds..

2.Steel Wall- before action each round, give shield to 1 random unit in your team based on your ninjutsu.

3.Escape artist- Every time this unit dodges enemy Standard attack, Mystery, chase increase its evasion rate by 2% and ninjutsu by 1%.

4. Kunai Expert- While Main character is in field increase all taijutsu damage done to enemy units by 10%.

Passive #2:
1. Teleportation Genius- based on your evasion rate, have a chance of dodging the first mystery, standard, or chase each round.

2. Fast as the Flash- Before action each round, cause Tag, and some damage to 1 random enemy unit. This can be triggered once each round.(Tai dmg)

3. Steel Harden Jutsu- Become immune to Knockdown, High Float, Low Float, Repulse. Also when suffering standard attack from enemy unit cause small damage to the unit attacking.

4. Massive Steel Giant- While Steel Giant exists in field increase its Stats by 50%, also replaces standard attack with Steel Swipe(causes Tai/Nin dmg to all enemy units in front row, cause knockdown), when steel giant dies recover 30 chakra points.
This post was last edited by Ibu*nji at 2017-6-21 01:52
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-08 07:52:39Show All Posts
Kakashi Hatake(Double Mangekyo Sharingan)
Mystery: Kamui Shuriken Barrage: Causes heavy damage to 3 enemy units and disperses all shield and buffs on selected enemy, causes low float to selected enemy and interruption. Enemy ninjas killed by this mystery cannot be revived.Battlefield cooldown: 1round
Cooldown: 3 rounds
Chakra use:20 chakra

Standard Attack: Kamui Raikiri: Attack the front enemy, deals damage and has a fixed chance to cause Knockdown. Enemy ninjas killed by this attack cannot be revived. This skill is not subject to enemy defense and resistance.

Chase: Kamui Shuriken: Chases low floated enemy and causes knockdown, immobile and disperses all shields on that unit.

Passive : Kakashi of the Sharingan: Increase this units attack by 0.75% and defense by 1% each round and when evading enemy attack, mystery, increase your own combo rate by 0.5%.

Passive: Perfect Susano'o: Immune to low float, knockdown, repulse and high float. Have a high chance of evading first enemy standard attack each round and small chance to evade second standard attack and first mystery.

This post was last edited by Ibu*nji at 2017-7-8 08:14
This post was last edited by Ibu*nji at 2017-7-8 08:19
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-18 18:15:37Show All Posts
How about Indra himself, btw OP time :D


Mystery: Susano'o Great Sword Slash : Causes huge Tai/Nin damage to entire enemy field, removes all shields and buffs, causes 10 combo, Immobile and Knockdown to selected enemy unit.
Battlefield Cooldown: 2 rounds
Cooldown: 3 rounds
Chakra use: 40

Standard Attack: Susano'o Arrow Shot: Attacks 3 random enemy units, causes Tai/Nin damage and Ignition.

Passive 1: God Susano'o: Immune to Low float, High float, Repulse and Knockdown. Whenever this unit suffes Tai attribute damage from enemy attack cause Ignition to the attacker,Igniton lasts for 3 rounds.

Passive 2: Mad Ambition: Every time this unit triggers its Chase, increase its Attack by 1.25%, reduce its Mystery Cooldown by 1 round. Heal itself by 20% of damage caused by this unit.

Chase: Amaterasu: Triggered by 25 combo, cause Ignite to 4 enemy units, also cause damage to all other ignited enemy units. Increase your Ninjutsu by 0.5% for every enemy hit.

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On 2017-07-31 19:56:01Show All Posts

Obito(Rampaging). This is kid Obito after seeing Kakashi killing Rin.

Mystery: Wood Style: Cutting Sprigs: Causes huge damage to selected enemy unit, 5 combo and Interrupt. If this skill kills an enemy remove its Cooldown.(TAI/NIN)

Battlefiled Cooldown: 1 rounds

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Chakra cost: 20

Standard Attack: Wood Style Taijutsu Attack: Attacks front enemy, causes damage, has a chance to do 7 combo and Immobile.(TAI/NIN)

Chase: Wood Style: Giant Tree Spear: Triggered by 30 combos, cause damage to 3 enemy units, increase your own Combo Rate by 5%.

Passive: Rampaging: Every time this units Standard triggers 7 combo, reduce Mystery Cooldown by 1 round. Launch 2 Standard attacks each round. Every time this unit causes damage to enemy unit with Mystery increase its Attack and Ninjutsu by 10%.

Passive: Kamui: Very high chances of evading first Mystery, Standard Attack, Chase suffered by this unit. Can be triggered once each round.

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On 2017-08-01 06:24:06Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-07-31 20:17:15
  • This was actually the character I wanted to make, but I was hesitant and went with the Fourth Shinobi War Obito. Great charsheet

Sorry man, I was playing Naruto other day and came up with him. Think he's pretty interesting and cool. You can still do your version, myb we can make some ultimate talent set for him :D

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-09 22:26:20Show All Posts

Scarlet Blaze {Uchiha's Succesor}

Mystery: Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame: Causes huge Fire attribute damage to 9 enemy units and Ignition, cause Knockdown to selected unit. If this skill kills and enemy unit, reduce its Cooldown by 1 round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Chakra cost: 60 Chakra

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Standard Attack: Genjutsu Mirror Shield: Disperses all debuffs from 1 unit of your team with lowest Health, and gives it a shield based on 15% of your Resistance. Units with this Shield gain Immune. {This shield would be a different colour and would be the first to be removed by enemy attacks}

Chase: Genjutsu: Fire Control: Chase Sleeping or Immobile enemy, causes Chaos and Ignite, enemy Ignited by this skill cannot receive Healing, or Buff effect. Lasts for 1 round.

Passive 1: Visual Prowess: Before each action gives this unit Immune, lasts until the end of this round.

Passive 2: Susano'o: Become Immune to High Float, Low Float, Repulse and Knockdown.

Got the Idea for this by seeing Azzakye's post about Earth Main, Thank you!

This post was last edited by IbukiKenji on 2017-08-09 22:27:43.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-11 21:07:58Show All Posts

Let me just leave this broken Minato here. :D

Minato Namikaze ( Edo-Tensei, Jinchuriki, Konoha Ninja, Secret Technique user, Kage, Senjutsu user)

Mystery: Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three (thats the original name :D) : Causes Interrupt, Huge TAI/NIN dmg to selected enemy unit, and disperses its Tag, Buffs and all Shields. Also causes dmg up to 4 Tagged enemies, and 5 combo on each enemy. For each enemy unit that suffered dmg from this unit launch an extra Standard attack this round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Chakra use: 40 points

Standard attack: Flying Raijin Slash Combo: Attacks a random enemy unit, causes Tai damage, and can cause Tag, 5 combo and Knockdown. Increase your combo rate by 12% each time this attack causes 5 combo.

Chase: Rasengan Barrage: Chases Low Floated enemy, causes 3 combo and Repulse. Can be triggered 3 times. Increase your Attack by 4%, and Ninjutsu by 7% each time this unit triggers its chase.

Passive 1: Nine Tails Jinchuriki: Before each action recover life based on your own Ninjutsu. Immune to all Debuffs. At the start of the fight make one random ninja from your team evade first standard, chase, mystery for 3 rounds.

Passive 2: Flying Raijin: Each round evade first enemy Standard,Chase, Mystery. If there is a Konoha, Kage ninja in your team this can be triggered twice each round.

This post was last edited by IbukiKenji on 2017-09-11 21:10:08.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-27 06:24:51Show All Posts

How bout a HxH character?

Feitan (Phantom Troupe)

Mystery: Pain Packer: Rising Sun - Deal Critical damage to up to 12 enemy units, Ignite and cause Knockdown to the selected enemy unit. For each 20% health lost lower the Cooldown of this mystery by 1 round.

Chakra use: 60

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 rounds

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Standard: Umbrella attack: Causes damage to the enemy unit with least health, has a Chance of 10 Combo, Critical and Low Float.

Chase: KO Stab! : Chases High Float, causes Knockdown and Critical, can be triggered twice each round.

Passive 1: Torture Enthusiast: Every time Feitan deals Critical damage increase your attack by 5%, and ninjutsu by 12%.

Passive 2: Unforgiven: Heal yourself for 10% damage caused, increase your attack by 1% every time you receive healing effect.

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