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[ Suggestions ] Arena negative points before becoming 6 paths sage


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On 2017-05-21 18:30:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Remove negative points after a loss from the arena until you hit sage of the 6 paths for the first time

Problem this suggestion adressess

When you reach Anbu or Kage ranks, the ranked arena matches will be almost exclusively against people from servers below 100. Sometimes you get other people but its mostly players from the older servers.

It is almost impossible for a player who belongs in servers 300+ to possess a higher initiative than players from the older servers, so he mostly gets lossess once he reaches a high enough rank. This is fair since older players worked for their initiative, the problem lies on the negative points you get after a defeat.

Since you mostly get matched up against much older players then you mostly get defeats, hence you start ac*ulating a negative score for your rank. This ac*ulation of negative points will not be reset after the season ends since yo keep you rank and points as long as you haven't reached sage of the 6 paths.

After players get a score of -10 or even lower they become discouraged and stop doing ranked matches in arena for good. Even ore so since the negative points will not be reset at the end of the season. This combined with players quitting the game for all sorts of reason makes waiting times in arena very long at high ranks. Also many times you end up fighting the same opponent 2-3 times in a single session due to a lack of players in arena ranked.

Benefits from change:

By removing negative points in arena ranked matches, before a player reaches sage of the six paths would alow newer players to have some hope on getting to thie highest rank for the first time and unlocking the season rewards.

Players would be able to challenge ranked much like they challenge ninja exams, even if they mostly have lossess they would be of no consequence to them and they would keep trying since from time to time they get matched against a team they can counter. The number of players in ranked arena matches will increase and waiting times would be shortened.

After having reached sage of the 6 paths once, even if a player ends up with a huge loosing streak it wouldn't matter since it would be reset at the end of the season. Thus he c*ways try again from scratch.


A player who has yet to get to 6 paths sage for the first time would still need a lot of initiative, as well as many ninjas in order to build proper teams that might counter lineups which he frequently faces. Reaching sage of the 6 paths would still be challenging. Plus since he has nothing to loose he will probably try many times in order to get lucky and get a win.

A player that has reached sage of the 6 paths would once again be confronted to the negative points during lossess, the same way the system works at this time.

Final words:

This would elp the community as a whole, revamping ranked arena matches which seem to be abandoned more and more. All the features of the arena remain unchanged, weather it is matching, initiative based fights or the requirement of reaching sage of the 6 paths for the first time before getting any season rewards.

It would encourage players to join ranked arena fights, specially the newer players, as well as encourage them to increase their initiative and get ninjas that can counter specific meta teams and who are otherwise unused.

This change would be well received by the community as a whole as well. Weather it is the newer players who now have a shot at becoming sage of 6 paths, or older players who wont have to wait 10+ minutes for a fight at kage or super kage ranks.

This suggestion comes from this thread in general section, the full discussion can be found here:

Thanks for taking this under consideration.
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On 2017-05-22 01:33:13Show this Author Only
Neah people will refresh page , when they gonna see that somebody hawe more initiative than them ,

But is a problem indeed this with older players getting mach up , s49 98 for exaple is most of the player play's
wich they are op compare to later one's 2-3 mont's or even late . they should do something regard on that so is a + from here for fixing maching criteria , but - to not losing points
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On 2017-05-22 02:44:35Show this Author Only
If they refresh the page the opponent will get the win anyways. At high ranks, the one that strikes first almost always wins due to control meta teams.

You can't nerf older plaayers just because newer ones cant win, it wouldn't be fair to them. An ideal solution would be to rethink arena matchups, but thats complex and would need a fair amount of coding. Plus i guarantee that any change on matchups will make some players happy and others unhappy.

Removing negative points from players which have yet to reach sage of 6 paths would at least spur people from newer servers to try since if they loose there will be no consequences.

From a technical point of view coding this should be fairly easy, since the system probably flags your character when you reach sage for the first time in order to give you the season rewards. Therefore identifying which players should get -1 during losses and which shouldn't is not too hard.

Although not perfect, it is a good mid term solution which benefits newer players without hindering older players.
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On 2017-05-22 23:41:19Show this Author Only
there's also the problem that if you know how to get the right timing with mysteries they are totally uninterruptable and this advantages obviously more the people that have higher initiative (since the people with lower initiative can't hope to interrput neither the prompt move 2, 3 and 4).

About what you ask in general I totally agree with you. In my specific case i wholly given up on ranked arena for the reason you said, if negative points gets removed i would immediately join it again.
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On 2017-05-23 17:25:28Show this Author Only
What oasis don't understand or don't want to understand (i think the latter to be honest) is the fact that is totally useless that i keep my rank, lets, say, jonin, if in two months of tries i collected a -26. At that point I'm exactly like a guy from a new server that joins arena for the first time. So, in what the fact we keep the rank is advantageous to us that never reached once sage of six paths? And in what a kage -13 is better than an anbu+1 if both never reached once sage of six paths? They meet the same people and gets their ass kicked in the same way.
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On 2017-05-23 18:10:43Show this Author Only
That's why removing negative points from people who have yet to reach sage of the 6 paths would be good.

In that case it wouldn't matter that you can only win 1 out of 10 matches at jonin or kage, you would slowly rank up. This would also incite you to spend in initiative since it would allow you to eventuall reach sage of the 6 paths, even if you are not one of those monster with 13k initiative. It would nontheless require at least 9k (maybe more, i dont have exact numbers on this).

People who gave up due to a bad streak would once again go back into the arena since that streak woudn't matter.

For thos that reached sage of the 6 paths once, your points (positive and negative) get reset at the end of the season so they know they will eventually escape from that negative loop.

In the end there would be more players participating in the arena. More people at higher ranks equals shorter match waiting times so even older players benefit. Most importantly it allows new players to actively participate in the arena. This without changing in any way rewards requirements or nerfing other players.
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On 2017-05-24 17:00:28Show this Author Only
I wonder why there's no reply from mods that explain us why to not get our points reset is good. I understand why not getting our rank reset is good, but makes 0 sense that our negative points aren't resetted. Do you keep our rank to help us? Ok, I'm perfectly fine, but if I'm kage -15 I'm no more a kage for any matching aspect so in what the fact I'm kage helps me if i never reached sage of six paths?
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On 2017-05-24 18:13:44Show this Author Only
As far as i've seen, Tobei always answers the posts here. Even if it is only as a short statment telling that the matter will be looked into.

No thread has been answered for the past couple of days so the moderators are probably busy with other stuff. Don't read too much into it, amoderator will probably answer today or tomorrow.
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On 2017-05-25 11:14:18Show this Author Only
Well as the original poster for the discussion back in general I hope a mod can give a response saying "this is being looked into" :P
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On 2017-05-25 16:16:10Show this Author Only
The reply i expect to see is the same as always: "the negative points system won't be changed because is a way to help new players". AKA: "stay quiet, idiot, don't rant about things even if you are perfectly right and if you want to be competitive in arena pay 5000$"
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On 2017-05-26 21:14:24Show this Author Only
So can the moderators tell me their opinion on these? Granted this thread has been pushed very far down in the pas few days, but i would really like an answe since the suggestion seems feasible.

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On 2017-05-27 17:31:01Show this Author Only

Thank you for your suggestion and explanation. At the moment, we don't have such plans. Negative points will stay in the game.

Have a nice day. This post was last edited by Daiske at 2017-5-27 18:32
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On 2017-05-29 00:55:03Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2017-05-27 17:31:01
  • Hello.

    Thank you for your suggestion and explanation. At the moment, we don't have such plans. Negative points will stay in the game.

    Have a nice day. This post was last edited by Daiske at 2017-5-27 18:32
So basically the reply is: 'at the moment we don't plan to let anybody reach six paths sennin rank unless he doesn't pay 10000$ to overcome the initiative difference or that didn't cheat during the first 60 days of his server'.
Guys, right now there are no ways to reach superkage in less than 7 months of playing and no way to reach sage of six paths in less than 10-12 months as the situation is now, for the simple fact that in superkage now there are ONLY people that just reached once sage of six paths before that fight among themselves to hit it again for the new season rewards. There are 0 people from newer servers and almost 0 people that didn't reach it once. If we are compelled to meet only them we have no ways to rank up for the simple fact they have months and months of medium/advanced refinement advantage in comparison with us, and is useless that you tell us exist teams that can win even with lower initiative because you know very well this is not true for a long winning streak. This can happen once every 3 times at most. This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-29 00:56
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On 2017-05-29 01:42:24Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-05-29 00:55:03
  • So basically the reply is: 'at the moment we don't plan to let anybody reach six paths sennin rank unless he doesn't pay 10000$ to overcome the initiative difference or that didn't cheat during the first 60 days of his server'.
    Guys, right now there are no ways to reach superkage in less than 7 months of playing and no way to reach sage of six paths in less than 10-12 months as the situation is now, for the simple fact that in superkage now there are ONLY people that just reached once sage of six paths before that fight among themselves to hit it again for the new season rewards. There are 0 people from newer servers and almost 0 people that didn't reach it once. If we are compelled to meet only them we have no ways to rank up for the simple fact they have months and months of medium/advanced refinement advantage in comparison with us, and is useless that you tell us exist teams that can win even with lower initiative because you know very well this is not true for a long winning streak. This can happen once every 3 times at most. This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-29 00:56
That's not what is being said at all, thats how you choose to see it and in no way what was said. Yes it's hard to reach 6 path as it should be it's the top people fighting it out over an awesome reward. Why should every single player no matter what their playtime and spend be able to do it? If I make sure to do everything every single day and dont waste coupons on anything other than power as a f2p but can hit 6 path does that mean you are wrong? If I put in the same amount of effort if not more and put money in the game should I be punished because I put money in?
You want your cake and eat it too you cant have both mate.
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On 2017-05-29 09:35:34Show this Author Only
You're right, everyone shouldn't be able to attain six paths. However, the problem arises when the devs made it mandatory in order to receive anything other than the base rewards from arena. The system is essentially "broken" when 90%+ of your playerbase is relegated to get jack all from arena, and gives no incentives to continue partaking. As an example, I got up to Anbu before I started to see a slowdown in my progression. Speaking with the top bp from my server they're all stuck in kage. If they're having difficulties advancing I know my chances are pretty much nil and leaves me with zero reason to continue ranked arena. Doing away with that one stipulation would not only ingratiate the devs to their playerbase but I believe it would also encourage people to continue with arena trying to push to the next level.
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On 2017-05-30 07:05:43Show this Author Only
all is true...........
if only they would tell us why it can't be done..............
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On 2017-05-31 02:51:03Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2017-05-27 17:31:01
  • Hello.

    Thank you for your suggestion and explanation. At the moment, we don't have such plans. Negative points will stay in the game.

    Have a nice day. This post was last edited by Daiske at 2017-5-27 18:32
hes not requesting the complete removal of negative points, just for the first achieving of 6 paths, do you care to respond on the possibility for this? because its quite heavily penalizing to newer players....
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On 2017-05-31 03:51:59Show this Author Only
  • Akidonoki On 2017-05-31 02:51:03
  • hes not requesting the complete removal of negative points, just for the first achieving of 6 paths, do you care to respond on the possibility for this? because its quite heavily penalizing to newer players....
well tech there is a way to force the hand of the devs and have it adjusted.

If say 99% of player database refused to ever join ranked arena then pretty much nobody in cross server arena would ever obtain six paths. And if not a single person could obtain it then that means 100% insanity among the players hounding for the issue to be resolved. Only 1 solution would exist and that's to remove negative or stop negative for those obtaining six paths first time. So that plan would have a 100% success rate if it occurs. but hey just 1 way to get a adjustment :P
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On 2017-05-31 04:06:22Show this Author Only
  • Akidonoki On 2017-05-31 02:51:03
  • hes not requesting the complete removal of negative points, just for the first achieving of 6 paths, do you care to respond on the possibility for this? because its quite heavily penalizing to newer players....

As I stated in my previous comment, at the moment we don't have such plans. We are not planning to remove negative points in Arena system in any way or form.
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On 2017-05-31 16:07:01Show this Author Only
  • WhoWhat On 2017-05-29 01:42:24
  • That's not what is being said at all, thats how you choose to see it and in no way what was said. Yes it's hard to reach 6 path as it should be it's the top people fighting it out over an awesome reward. Why should every single player no matter what their playtime and spend be able to do it? If I make sure to do everything every single day and dont waste coupons on anything other than power as a f2p but can hit 6 path does that mean you are wrong? If I put in the same amount of effort if not more and put money in the game should I be punished because I put money in?
    You want your cake and eat it too you cant have both mate.
Or you are a whale or you reached sage of six paths long ago or you are in a server with two digits otherwise there is no way you would reply this way. None here wants it easy. Here they want to have a chance. If i reach superkage rank and there i meet only people with 3-4k more initiative than me (even if i have 9-10k initiative) that runs only whale teams explain me how can i get a 20 points streak against them even if i am the most skilled played in the world. The reply is that i can't now, i can't next season and i can't neither the following 7 seasons very likely. We would be perfectly fine with this if at the end of a season we would get rewards according to our rank but the issue is exactly that, we don't. So we are complaining about that only because they impose on us to reach an unreachable goal to get rewards according to our rank. So or they make the goal reachable within an acceptable time or they remove the need of reaching it. This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-31 16:11
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