Here's what I did to pass the new Strong Approach on Hard
| Kabuto | Gaara (5K) | LightMain|
| X | X | X |
| SailorSakura | X | X |
2, 2, 3, 1, 2. Summon: Dog of Hell or Shiba
Wave 1
Round 1:
- Bait the immobile with Kabuto's mystery
- Use Kabuto's mystery everytime available
Round 2:
- Use main's mystery on anyone
Round 3
- Don't use anything
Wave 2
Round 1:
- Use main's mystery on Windmain (Until she dies)
Round 2:
- Use Gaara mystery on Windmain (Until she dies)
- Use Sakura's heal AFTER the ignites from fire main
Round 3:
- Focus water main with any mystery available
- Save Sakura's heal for last wave- Kill the rest
Wave 3
Round 1:
- Use Gaara mystery on Mei (Until she dies)
Round 2:
- Use Main mystery on Chojuro (After Mei dies)
Round 3+:
- Focus Yagura ( After Chojuro dies, and try notto use any mysteries if possible )
Wave 4
Round 1:
- Use Main's mystery on Yagura
- Wait for Yugito's and/or Roshi's mystery and chase then use Sakura's Mystery to clear the Ignition
Round 2:
- Focus Yagura with initiating Mystery
- Sailor Sakura can be replaced with Normal Sakura.
- Gaara can be replaced with anyone that has Acupuncture or Immobile, but he is the best since he creates shield for the team
- Adjust summons if you replace Gaara. Also try to have 2 ninjas with an initiating mystery like Gaara's Mauseleom seal and LightMain's Chidori Blade.
Hope this helps!
This post was last edited by Fat75 at 2017-5-29 22:21