It's some time ago I did it. But if I remember correctly the firemain has to be blinded in round 1 and kill lightning main and fire main in turn 2. Some players go for earth main next, I went for the wind main since Impetus is more anoying. I killed the water main last since she's the least dangerous in this exam.
So in turn 1 blind fire main and use iruka to interupt him. Turn 2 should go on fire main again with sage naruto and use impetus to reset skills. If you reset skills before your naruto mystery goes off, it still resets. Use Iruka to interupt Windmain. After turn 2 it's pretty much done.
What can be a suitable replacement for Sage Naruto?
You could try to chaos all of them in turn 2 with shark mystery and place water main in first position. The chance that you can pass any exam with this strat is very low because you really need to be lucky on your crits.