2017-05-24 22:10:56
1. Server ID: S328 Laser Circus
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: 4.5 months +++
4. Sage Battlefield: Only 2 out of 3 perweek,there is always a lack of player.Most of us using own alt to reg
5.Time taken to kill World Boss: Than 9 mins.
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 29m
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3,sometimes 2 (1 of them almost dead) and each group only 5-8 members doing it !!
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 50K | AVG Top 10: 45K | AVG Top 20: 40K
Yep I agree!! Diz is Shugs BTW XD