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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-17 07:31:20Show All Posts
I have dabbled a bit in breeze dancer and to be honest empress build is a very basic build with the main as your ONLY major power dealer. If your main dies you are dead which makes that team horribly weak.

What do you want?

Usually i * with a team that has two major damage dealers, some heals, and some protection. Depending on what lvl you are one a good ninja to use is gnw kankuro and if you are just starting out 3 star kankuro is still very good. Sage naruto is my favorite damage dealer and iruka (a cheap 840 coupons in treasure of the sage event) is a fantastic ninja.

But above all else go for power! If you want your team to be successful focusing on power more than ninjas is always more effective. I haven't dabbled in breeze for a while so this may feel empty and not helpful, but alos try going on youtube a see how other people make teams. I know for a fact it made me a MUCH better naruto online player. The combo stimulator (while flawed) c*so be useful.

Have fun in the game! :lol
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