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[ Events ] RNG and ninjas from packs


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-16 15:09:16Show All Posts
  • 清美風香 On 2017-05-16 13:03:43
  • Can you guys keep it for yourselves? When you get a ninja from pack just be silent about it and don't boast. Attention seeker guys like above are the reason why they are nerfing the ninja % rate from boxes. I wonder why players from this game don't use their brains.
For what it's worth, this post was the initial complaint, and implied that people boasting about their good luck (drawing rare character frags multiple times) would lead to a lowering of the % rate of boxes.

I'm pretty sure they don't lower the rate of the boxes (at all, not just due to too many people getting stuff), but I obviously have no way to prove that. It's fine if you want to be skeptical and su*ious of them, although I don't really see what that accomplishes.
Quicky Post

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