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[ Events ] Problems I see with Matsuri


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-13 03:54:08Show All Posts
I'll address the second point in which I've replied to you via messages. However, it seems you're still confused.

I was told by Tobei that both Matsuri and Survival assume ninjas in the pre-selection screen as ninjas in the lineup and so that is the reason why it isn't allowed. And it would be it if i didn't happen to actually use both Gaaras in the Survival so i went to the Survival and provided proof that in fact Survival does allow it, he disregarded it and closed the topic again.

As the image suggests. From your own link as well.
It wasn't disregarded. The matsuri/survival selection is the same and it's, in fact, being looked at.
Once again, not disregarded. Unless of course, you don't understand what "I stand corrected" means.
(Psh, It's subtle for You're right)

So one more time, I'll address it.
It could be a potential bug and it's been reported.

If you're still confused about this. Feel free to message me as always.

Oh and one more thing. Matsuri matchmaking has been suggested by the staff members countless times. There's a probability for a better matchmaking system that would extend the timer. However, it's not set in stones and will remain the same for the meanwhile.
All clear?

Quicky Post

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