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[ Events ] Cat quiz & Nine tails.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-11 00:18:51Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To
"Cat Quiz"
Event will officially start at 8:20PM all registered players are required to enter the Q&A field before 8:20

Nine tails starts exactly at the same time as cat quiz, therefore making it impossible to obtain the top 3 dps spots unless you skip cat quiz.

Does anyone else see a major flaw with the timing of this event here? This definitely has to be changed.

This post was last edited by osk*** at 2017-5-11 00:21
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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  • Posts: 109
On 2017-05-11 01:36:28Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-11 01:24:18
  • It may be a flaw as what you may have pointed out, but I'd prefer to think that this makes it a little more interesting - if the cat quiz rewards are better for you, you would skip ninetails (in other words, the top damage dealers that choose to start on ninetails would have a greater % of the fight and therefore get more coins/xp). The invisible hand of economics would lead to an equilibrium whereby the players themselves would decide at what participation level for both events would be considered "equal" in terms of rewards. For those skipping the cat quiz, they get extra xp/coins from what they are used to (see above), and for those who actually chose the cat quiz event, they probably chose it because they felt the rewards were better than what they could have otherwise gotten from fox.

    In other words, I think that its interesting that players have to choose what they want to do in the game at that timing (adds a fresh aspect to the boring grind of repetitive daily events) but I guess this opinion may not be shared by the majority of players and I respect that :). Maybe they will change it eventually, who knows.
The problem is people like me who are constantly on the top dps of ninetails, why am i forced to leave ninetails and potentially lose my 1st spot iif the 2nd decides to skip cat quiz. I want to participate in this new event just as much as any other player does, but forcing people to choose one over the other is not a very bright idea in my opinion.

Iis it really necessary to make a tight timeframe that conflicts both events when there is so much dead time during the day or even right after ninetails?
Quicky Post

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