2017-05-11 19:08:20
Not including them inherently screws with the value per coupon calculations.
Just because you aren't interested in them or don't like them doesn't mean that they're not adding value per coupon.
Yes, of course you'll still need to include them in to get the full value of them. And in every event, the "free stuff" that comes along with the coupons always add value. I of course when calculating, cannot just ignore them completely and me not wanting them does not mean they are of no value.
But putting these free stuff in mind, as compared to other events where you have the free stuff as well of similar value, you now go back to the part where the remaining points of what coupons can get you, and this event is definitely more expensive to other events in terms of exchanging of items.
Personal opinion and as an f2p, considers whether coupons are well-spent here. But if people want to spend, go ahead, I'm not stopping anyone or trying to sway decisions.