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[ Azure Fang ] When will these double/triple healer teams die?


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On 2017-05-08 00:58:10Show this Author Only
  • SenjuMusashi On 2017-05-08 00:30:53
  • Kimimaro's stacking defensive buff is a passive of kimi's. Sand dust doesn't remove passives it only removes the buffs the are APPLIED to the unit at the beginning of the fight. Healing tip is a passive of water main that increases the healing rate of every unit on the field as long as main is present there. It's actually more similar to a barrier boost than other types of boost like root of warrior or mifune's kendo instructions.

    To be more precise, some buffs specify in their description that "At the beggining of the battle increase ". There are other buffs that say "Increase as long as this unit is on the field". Sand dust, skewering punch and mifune's lai giri mistery clears only the first type obviously. Healing tip falls into the second category. Kimimaro's stacking defensive and resist passive is something entirely different than both of them.

    Anyway, what I said in the first part of my post was a way to counter light main's root, which falls in the first category of buffs.

    Also, a lot of buffs, including bee's jinchuriki instructor boost, iruka's boost, hashirama's Ninja God boost, mifune's kendo instruction boost, and a lot more, fall under the first category. So personally I find sand dust very useful. Just for the fact that it removes root (which means no resistance boost and no immunity for sword ninja's and light main that people fear so much), I think it's very powerful. But that's just my personal opinion. :)

    Anyway, I'll stop here cause I did kind of diverged from the topic of this thread. ;P
    This post was last edited by SenjuMusashi at 2017-5-8 00:33
Ok, I understand the part with removing buffs that are applied to the unit at the beginning of a fight, and sure, it's useful to remove root.

But what really confuses me is that Sand dust removes the double attack and immunity from Killerbee's buff, as well as Crimson Fist's Super Lightning Boulder Jutsu. It also removes Hinata's mystery, but not Midnight's Blade Lightning Armor or Danzo's Izenagi.

anyway, back to the cancer topic. This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-8 01:10
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On 2017-05-08 01:14:02Show this Author Only
  • Eplox On 2017-05-08 00:58:10
  • Ok, I understand the part with removing buffs that are applied to the unit at the beginning of a fight, and sure, it's useful to remove root.

    But what really confuses me is that Sand dust removes the double attack and immunity from Killerbee's buff, as well as Crimson Fist's Super Lightning Boulder Jutsu. It also removes Hinata's mystery, but not Midnight's Blade Lightning Armor or Danzo's Izenagi.

    anyway, back to the cancer topic. This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-8 01:10
Bruh, you need to re-read the description of Danzo's Izanagi. It specifically states that Izanagi cannot be removed.

Lightning crit rate is reset; I suspect that Lightning Amror standard attack buff might be the same as Izanagi - you can't remove it; that or it's a bug. But the crit rate is cleared thou.
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On 2017-05-08 02:53:20Show this Author Only
  • Eplox On 2017-05-08 00:58:10
  • Ok, I understand the part with removing buffs that are applied to the unit at the beginning of a fight, and sure, it's useful to remove root.

    But what really confuses me is that Sand dust removes the double attack and immunity from Killerbee's buff, as well as Crimson Fist's Super Lightning Boulder Jutsu. It also removes Hinata's mystery, but not Midnight's Blade Lightning Armor or Danzo's Izenagi.

    anyway, back to the cancer topic. This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-8 01:10
Yup, you are right, that part with light armor is indeed a bit strange and I don't yet understand the mechanism behind it either.
The part with Izanagi was cleared by Watanuki13 (tbh I didn't pay attention to what was written there either). :P
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On 2017-05-08 03:46:47Show this Author Only
  • SenjuMusashi On 2017-05-08 02:53:20
  • Yup, you are right, that part with light armor is indeed a bit strange and I don't yet understand the mechanism behind it either.
    The part with Izanagi was cleared by Watanuki13 (tbh I didn't pay attention to what was written there either). :P
noticed that as well now. Had no idea danzo's skill was like that ^^

Another thing with lightning armor that is not in the description. It makes the user immune to debuffs.
It says cancel all debuffs, not become immune. Also, it does not cancel existing debuffs.
Example of this would be if a BD use the "Super *yu Harem Jutsu" passive. MB will be blinded even after using Lightning Armor.

This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-8 03:58
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On 2017-05-08 03:56:52Show this Author Only
  • Eplox On 2017-05-08 03:46:47
  • noticed that as well now. Had no idea danzo's skill was like that ^^

    Another thing with lightning armor that is not in the description. It makes the user immune to debuffs.
    It says cancel all debuffs, not become immune. Also, it does not cancel existing debuffs.
    Example of this would be if a BD use the "Super *yu Harem Jutsu" passive. MB will be blinded even after using Lightning Armor.

    This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-8 03:58
Yea lol. It's good that you noticed. I think there is a thread somewhere with bugs regarding descriptions or translations. If you want you can post it there. They said that they give rewards for finding such things (although don't expect anything big, max 1 seal scroll or something, and not even sure about that one either :P)
EDIT: And actually it doesn't even cancel all the debuffs. For example, ignition, poison and tag remain.
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On 2017-05-08 04:02:22Show this Author Only
  • SenjuMusashi On 2017-05-08 03:56:52
  • Yea lol. It's good that you noticed. I think there is a thread somewhere with bugs regarding descriptions or translations. If you want you can post it there. They said that they give rewards for finding such things (although don't expect anything big, max 1 seal scroll or something, and not even sure about that one either :P)
    EDIT: And actually it doesn't even cancel all the debuffs. For example, ignition, poison and tag remain.
Added that EDIT as well. if the MB gets blinded before using Lightning Armor, he won't be able to attack at all.
1 seal scroll if lucky, lol. Reported like 10 bugs or so, not received a single scroll.
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On 2017-05-08 04:06:40Show this Author Only
  • SenjuMusashi On 2017-05-07 20:08:03
  • I am so tired of all that midnight blade bull* regarding how OP he is that I won't even bother to argue with people who complain about it, especially now with what's been going on lately with the Immortal teams (that are truly a bit OP considering the rest of the ninja we have). I will just say, MB isn't OP, he is as he should be, and people should learn how to counter him. It's not even that hard. For once, you have these immortal teams, second, it's so easy to counter root teams using wind main's sand dust that removes ALL buffs and shield from 3 enemies (thus, eliminating root). You also have GNW temari that does that (albeit from round 2), mifune (from round 2 and only for one char), water main's skewer mistery, etc. Learn how to play before you start complaining!!

    That being said I would like point some things out, to give some hope for people who (for a very good reason) believe that the immortal teams are tremendously hard to beat now.
    These are only my speculations that came from *yzing a few ninjas that will probably come in the future. I'm not 100% I am right. If I make some mistakes in describing their abilities, please correct me.
    1. From what I saw, Han removes all buffs and shield from the enemy (so no water boost, no healing tips, no medical sage boost from tsunade, no double standard from Yo, no boost for 6 tails from Killer Bee) etc.
    => Dramatically reduced healing abilities and reduced damage. So no more getting back to full health when you were almost dead.
    2. Roshi is a powerhouse and does *loads of damage from both his mistery and chase. Every taijutsu standard against him means ingition, and his chase causes massive damage and ignition to 4 enemies as well (it will be hard to trigger it though, since it requires a 30 hit combo). I will asume that all that ignition will slow down the healing and roshi's passive (that boosts is ninjutsu every time he gets attacked) will provide enough damage to eventually kill them. This also will depend on what other ninja's you have in you team that might do crazy damage or some form of crowd control as well. However I am just speculating here, I may be wrong.Of course, there is also the downside that they are super rares and harder to get, but hopefully the pull rates will be decent and a lot of people can get them.

    For now, we indeed have very few ninja that can help us defeat these teams. I for one, succesfully manage to blitz them in most cases (depends on my luck with launching the criticals), but ONLY IF they don't have more than 5k higher BP than me(in which case, he is a bit too tanky, and as it happened loads of times, the enemies might remain with about 3-400 HP and gets back to full health). However I do own a not very common ninja.

    Other options would probably be a combination of Hashirama and Sage Jiraya and another ninja with some form of cc, since hashirama gives 2 immobile per round (just need to be lucky not to hit the immune characters) and jiraya provides the ignition to slow the healing down. As main char, fire would be useful cause he has the mirror return thing that will reflect the chaos tsunade gives on her mistery. This could prove extremely helpfull.

    I won't mention possibilities of teams with susano'o brothers cause so few people have them and it won't help answer the question of this post (plus they don't really work so good against these teams either).

    So, I have hope that when the jinchuriki treasure comes, things will be a bit different.

    I am not judging people who used them, it's their right to do so, I am only trying to think of possible counters to them.

Have you been to the German forum? There have been discussions about Roshi not being as good as he should be and how he isn't for PvP. I fear that when we do get him, it's going to be the same thing.

Here's the discussion in the German Forum:
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On 2017-05-08 04:13:10Show this Author Only
LOL if people wanna run triple healer teams you cant stop them what you are saying is stop playing the game the way the people who run those teams want to play the game. caz some people are * hurt about it XD just gonna put it out their people play the game the way they want it no one can just say dont use that team or that team caz im too weak to fight it if you dont wanna fight the team quit thats what those teams are meant to do and for the record one meta dont stay that long anyway in a while people will move on to another meta so are you gonna tell ppl to no use them too when they start using another meta that you cant handle? Maybe the ppl who run the Triple heals enjoy running the teams no one care about some couple of yourubers say or think they are just some random ppl who make videos as their job so are you saying that just caz the youtubers dont say that triple heal or double heal is good that ppl should't run those teams.
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On 2017-05-08 04:48:44Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-05-07 19:02:24
  • I Dont Understand. water didnt get buffed. lighting didnt get buffed

    So are u Saying All those threads about Midnight Blade are wrong???? That all during that time Water was the strongest.

    I Think not. From Looking up the word OVER POWER. Midnight Blade is all u will see, and how they need to Nerf it.

    So Stop Trolling cause this whole game knows Midnight Blade is the STRONGEST, Cause look at all those threads, all those people cant be wrong could they??
You are just a water noob who is finally pretty strong and is unwilling to admit that you are only strong because currently the water healing teams are OP. When you can fight and defeat a team that someone spent over 8k for (I'm talking about Susanoo Sasuke and Susanoo Itachi teams) with 2 or 3 healers..then something needs to change.

Healers are meant to be a support role, yet as someone explained before they can currently CC AND do pretty good damage. If you need further evidence of how broken they are, then just look at time space at all the people who had Susanoo teams and used healing teams anyway.
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On 2017-05-08 04:49:35Show this Author Only
  • kingkongdingdon On 2017-05-08 04:13:10
  • LOL if people wanna run triple healer teams you cant stop them what you are saying is stop playing the game the way the people who run those teams want to play the game. caz some people are * hurt about it XD just gonna put it out their people play the game the way they want it no one can just say dont use that team or that team caz im too weak to fight it if you dont wanna fight the team quit thats what those teams are meant to do and for the record one meta dont stay that long anyway in a while people will move on to another meta so are you gonna tell ppl to no use them too when they start using another meta that you cant handle? Maybe the ppl who run the Triple heals enjoy running the teams no one care about some couple of yourubers say or think they are just some random ppl who make videos as their job so are you saying that just caz the youtubers dont say that triple heal or double heal is good that ppl should't run those teams.
Idk man. Running triple heals is boring. It's boring to play with and boring to watch. It's basically 10 rounds of who can hold out the longest. I don't think most people want a team that takes them to all 10 rounds. It all comes down to who is faster and who is tankier. Who wants to go 10 rounds every time they fight someone on the same level as them? It does come down to having to do what you need to do and not what you want to do.
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On 2017-05-08 04:53:29Show this Author Only
  • NoobityBoobity On 2017-05-08 04:06:40
  • Have you been to the German forum? There have been discussions about Roshi not being as good as he should be and how he isn't for PvP. I fear that when we do get him, it's going to be the same thing.

    Here's the discussion in the German Forum:
Unfortunately I dunno German and it will take a while to google translate that. :P
But that doesn't sound good to me from the start to be honest. What is Oasis trying to pull?
I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a great scandal here on the forums if they do give us a nerfed Roshi in the english. Or Han for that matter.
A lot if people have been expecting the jinchuriki for a loooong time. So I would expect OASIS to NOT make such a dumb move as to give us weaker ninja that aren't good for pvp. Unless they want to flame things up again.
Especially since he's a freakin' super rare in that treasure.
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On 2017-05-08 05:04:15Show this Author Only
  • kingkongdingdon On 2017-05-08 04:13:10
  • LOL if people wanna run triple healer teams you cant stop them what you are saying is stop playing the game the way the people who run those teams want to play the game. caz some people are * hurt about it XD just gonna put it out their people play the game the way they want it no one can just say dont use that team or that team caz im too weak to fight it if you dont wanna fight the team quit thats what those teams are meant to do and for the record one meta dont stay that long anyway in a while people will move on to another meta so are you gonna tell ppl to no use them too when they start using another meta that you cant handle? Maybe the ppl who run the Triple heals enjoy running the teams no one care about some couple of yourubers say or think they are just some random ppl who make videos as their job so are you saying that just caz the youtubers dont say that triple heal or double heal is good that ppl should't run those teams.
This is a reply to you another guy who said "They aren't boring." Just look at the comments flying around during a Triple healing space time match. They are hardly good.

When people refer to teams as Toxic and cancer..I mean *, that is a sign that you can't ignore. Losing to a lightnig blade team who spent all that money to get Susanoo Itachi/Sasuke is one thing, but losing to some rando 60-70k with 2 or 3 healers is just *y. Don't get me wrong, I understand the mindset behind it. I just can't wait for the teams to die is all. Because at the end of the day, you can say they require strategy as much as you want, but anyone with a keen eye can tell that between two Cancer teams, it comes down to luck as to who wins.

It comes down to round 10 and who happens to gets lucky enough to have the least amount of debuffs based on healing standards and maybe if their HOkage tsunade moves last on move 4. TRAAAAASH.
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On 2017-05-08 05:16:07Show this Author Only
  • kingkongdingdon On 2017-05-08 04:13:10
  • LOL if people wanna run triple healer teams you cant stop them what you are saying is stop playing the game the way the people who run those teams want to play the game. caz some people are * hurt about it XD just gonna put it out their people play the game the way they want it no one can just say dont use that team or that team caz im too weak to fight it if you dont wanna fight the team quit thats what those teams are meant to do and for the record one meta dont stay that long anyway in a while people will move on to another meta so are you gonna tell ppl to no use them too when they start using another meta that you cant handle? Maybe the ppl who run the Triple heals enjoy running the teams no one care about some couple of yourubers say or think they are just some random ppl who make videos as their job so are you saying that just caz the youtubers dont say that triple heal or double heal is good that ppl should't run those teams.
The topic of this thread was the future possibilities for countering the immortal teams, which are now pretty hard to counter (not impossible though, just very hard). No one told anyone to stop using those kind of teams.

Of course, some of us (including me) have stated that those teams can make the game a bit boring cause there's not much action going on and the matches take too long. But it's everyone's right to express their own opinion about this.
Even some of the people who use these teams think they are boring and kill the fun, but they use them cause they are efficient right now. And good for them.

However, it's the other people's right to talk about this and find counters to them.

So, why did you get all worked up about? This post was last edited by SenjuMusashi at 2017-5-8 05:19
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On 2017-05-08 05:24:46Show this Author Only
The water immortal meta will end When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east , When the seas go dry and mountains * in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child.
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On 2017-05-08 05:27:15Show this Author Only
O Now i understand. You want it to go back to the old way, where who ever went 1st, and was stronger, had a greater chance to win

Nerf Midnight Blade its Over Power.. Cause if that happens, then all this goes away, cause lets face it, people needed some way to counter dieing in 3 rounds
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On 2017-05-08 05:33:10Show this Author Only
  • KtosTma On 2017-05-08 05:24:46
  • The water immortal meta will end When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east , When the seas go dry and mountains * in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child.
Are these the only constraints? ;P
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On 2017-05-08 05:41:27Show this Author Only
  • KtosTma On 2017-05-08 05:24:46
  • The water immortal meta will end When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east , When the seas go dry and mountains * in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child.
Dude, God saves us all if you are indeed a dude.
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On 2017-05-08 05:45:40Show this Author Only
Most Battles before Water, When fighting someone stronger, most of the time in my case, cause im weak on my server

They Go
You Go
They Go
You Go
They go
You see Defeat Message

Thats what u people here complaining want again
Nerf Midnight blade we all know its the real Over power person
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On 2017-05-08 05:56:52Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-05-08 05:27:15
  • O Now i understand. You want it to go back to the old way, where who ever went 1st, and was stronger, had a greater chance to win

    Nerf Midnight Blade its Over Power.. Cause if that happens, then all this goes away, cause lets face it, people needed some way to counter dieing in 3 rounds
(I'm seriously questioning my judgement for biting.)

For your first point, duh! Are you telling me that ppl who go 1st and are stronger don't have a greater chance to win? Are we playing the same game?

For your second point, pffff! Since when does a meta lifespan depends on another meta? What makes you think that immotal team would die out of Midnight is nerfed? Last time I check, a meta is as good as it its utility. So long as the immortal meta could still score a win, then it still lives, and Lightning nerfing has nothing to do with it.

And also, people do have ways to counter dying in 3 rounds that doesn't involve massive healing even before this. Therefore, stop asking for Lightning - the f2p bestfriend, to be nerfed. Something have to be able to stand against the onslaught of visa no jutsu.
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On 2017-05-08 05:57:08Show this Author Only
  • Watanuki13 On 2017-05-08 05:41:27
  • Dude, God saves us all if you are indeed a dude.
He can turn into a chick, you know. For the greater good. ;P
Quicky Post

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