2017-05-08 00:30:53
Kimimaro's stacking defensive buff is a passive of kimi's. Sand dust doesn't remove passives it only removes the buffs the are APPLIED to the unit at the beginning of the fight. Healing tip is a passive of water main that increases the healing rate of every unit on the field as long as main is present there. It's actually more similar to a barrier boost than other types of boost like root of warrior or mifune's kendo instructions.
To be more precise, some buffs specify in their description that "At the beggining of the battle increase ". There are other buffs that say "Increase as long as this unit is on the field". Sand dust, skewering punch and mifune's lai giri mistery clears only the first type obviously. Healing tip falls into the second category. Kimimaro's stacking defensive and resist passive is something entirely different than both of them.
Anyway, what I said in the first part of my post was a way to counter light main's root, which falls in the first category of buffs.
Also, a lot of buffs, including bee's jinchuriki instructor boost, iruka's boost, hashirama's Ninja God boost, mifune's kendo instruction boost, and a lot more, fall under the first category. So personally I find sand dust very useful. Just for the fact that it removes root (which means no resistance boost and no immunity for sword ninja's and light main that people fear so much), I think it's very powerful. But that's just my personal opinion. :)
Anyway, I'll stop here cause I did kind of diverged from the topic of this thread. ;P
This post was last edited by SenjuMusashi at 2017-5-8 00:33
Ok, I understand the part with removing buffs that are applied to the unit at the beginning of a fight, and sure, it's useful to remove root.
But what really confuses me is that Sand dust removes the double attack and immunity from Killerbee's buff, as well as Crimson Fist's Super Lightning Boulder Jutsu. It also removes Hinata's mystery, but not Midnight's Blade Lightning Armor or Danzo's Izenagi.
anyway, back to the cancer topic. This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-8 01:10