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[ Azure Fang ] When will these double/triple healer teams die?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-08 09:07:46Show All Posts
This is a thread with the purpose to :-

1) Easily get a counter team from any INTELLIGENT/EXPERIENCED player against an Immortal Team
2) Boring or not, there are multiple strategies required in game depending on the situation/events you are in either: a) Sage Battlefield b) Space Time (Applaud Kira) c) GNW d) Rich Field/Ninetails e) Plunder
3) It wasn't a boring match, look at the fight closely check the timing, sequence and positioning of Kira which makes him won the match, Failure of AP to anticipate his opponent movement costs him it was FAIR (83k vs 100k) and Square.
4) Now whoever said go BET to the highest POWER in space-time has to shut up and this proof the game is actually has an element of strategy.
5) You play your best cards, Kira played his best bet which is defensive given of the position he is in and WON and you cry how it is boring? Shame on you.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-08 13:59:55Show All Posts
  • Blivy On 2017-05-08 13:40:25
  • I see my mistake these last few pages... I should reiterate that I'm NOT losing to these crappy teams. Infact there is only 1 healing team I fought recently that I lost to and that person had 100k+ power. So this isn't a lack of skill or power talking here.

    Like I said, in a completely honest way, I just find these teams to be boring as hell. And I know that a majority of players agree with me. Infact, from what I have seen, its mostly people who RELY on these healing teams as a crutch that don't want to agree.
If you are not losing,

it isn't even an issue to you, why the complaints?
you complain over how other players uses available ninja in game?
they never complain you using your OP team, why complain about them?

when you started to mention how boring other people teams are compared to my 4th rank in space time team, we should all stop reading your post.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-08 14:44:05Show All Posts
  • Blivy On 2017-05-08 14:15:58
  • So the other guy said I wasn't good enough to have an opinion on healing teams and you are saying that I am too good to have an opinion.

    I really wish you guys would make up your minds. Just because I can beat the teams doesn't mean I have to like them. They aren't fun to fight at all and don't require any skill to use. Now, you can argue that there are certain elements to it that require skill or strategy but its more like luck on who takes less debuffs. I say luck because you can't control where your healing standards go.

    The way you are being such a try hard in defending these teams, makes me suspect either you aren't very strong yourself and rely on a team like this to do decent...or you just like to argue.

    The thing is, my little friend, I have used this team too. And speaking as a player who has used it (successfully I might add) I don't like it very much at all.

    So, back to the main part of this whole thread, does anyone have an exact date in mind on when these teams will die? Because I don't care to hear these people say I'm complaining when it's exactly what -they- are doing in trying to defend such a terrible line up.
I say luck because you can't control where your healing standards go.
after reading this, i know your level and now i understand why you complain.PS : I won't teach you how ;P else my heal team will die to your 4th ranked space time team.

All the best.
This post was last edited by 111***@google at 2017-5-8 14:45
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