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[ Azure Fang ] When will these double/triple healer teams die?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-07 21:16:02Show All Posts
easy ass?
you try a triple or quad healer and see whose ass is easy

triple healers in time space semis and finals is more than just triple healers
timing, skill choice, slot placement, ninja moods, maga/8gate/cave key/refine choices, all play into effect

anyone getting their ass beat by a $10000 susano team is also entitled to get their ass beat by a triple healer team. if it's THAT easy go that space-time master title broski
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-08 08:53:51Show All Posts
Why are people even arguing on this thread?
If you want them to die, then find a way to beat them.

If you can't then maybe stop copying teams you see off youtube or read off on forums and start making and testing your own teams. Every lineup is beat-able PERIOD.

Props to the players that have a brain and can put up a fight against a $10000 team
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On 2017-05-08 13:09:47Show All Posts
  • Blivy On 2017-05-08 11:33:14
  • 1) Kira isn't even who I was talking about...I'm talking about the other scrub ass healers. And don't tell me it isn't boring to watch, SURE there might be placement strategy but that is 100% luck because you don't know exactly where your opponent will place his people unless you fight the team multiple times and they don't move.

    All this crap is b/s. I am an experienced player and all my friends are. It's not like I am incapable of thinking.. The heal teams are sometimes weak to ignite, but those 3 healers? It's complete b/s.

    Sure on one hand its cool to say things like "grats on beating that guy 10k stronger than you" but once everyone starts doing it, its a problem. Cuz then every noob starts doing it and suddenly every fight lasts 10 rounds.

    And shouldn't the definition of over powered be that you are capable of beating someone 10-20k more power than you? It has less to do with strategy than it does with broken Life attributes and healing ratios. And you provided all the proof yourself.
It's not the car you drive. It's the driver who's driving the car ;P
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On 2017-05-08 14:41:37Show All Posts
  • Blivy On 2017-05-08 14:15:58
  • So the other guy said I wasn't good enough to have an opinion on healing teams and you are saying that I am too good to have an opinion.

    I really wish you guys would make up your minds. Just because I can beat the teams doesn't mean I have to like them. They aren't fun to fight at all and don't require any skill to use. Now, you can argue that there are certain elements to it that require skill or strategy but its more like luck on who takes less debuffs. I say luck because you can't control where your healing standards go.

    The way you are being such a try hard in defending these teams, makes me suspect either you aren't very strong yourself and rely on a team like this to do decent...or you just like to argue.

    The thing is, my little friend, I have used this team too. And speaking as a player who has used it (successfully I might add) I don't like it very much at all.

    So, back to the main part of this whole thread, does anyone have an exact date in mind on when these teams will die? Because I don't care to hear these people say I'm complaining when it's exactly what -they- are doing in trying to defend such a terrible line up.
someone hurt by a few healers? where's salt bae?seems like the money you put into this game has consumed you and turned you and your mindset into an * big ego'd whale

heard of the saying "the bigger they are, the harder they fall"?
This post was last edited by 709***@facebook at 2017-5-8 14:47
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-08 14:52:33Show All Posts
  • Jibby On 2017-05-08 14:44:05
  • I say luck because you can't control where your healing standards go.
    after reading this, i know your level and now i understand why you complain.PS : I won't teach you how ;P else my heal team will die to your 4th ranked space time team.

    All the best.
    This post was last edited by 111***@google at 2017-5-8 14:45
seems like the OP is just another ctrl+c, ctrl+v, credit card jutsu swipe swipe player
i don't blame him for being so sore when his $10000 ninja gets *ed by a few healers + a GREAT player behind the team

once again OP as a I said before, it's the driver whose driving the car, and not the car ;P
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On 2017-05-09 07:13:52Show All Posts
  • Blivy On 2017-05-08 17:52:55
  • That isn't the only way to fight. And once again I feel like you guys are missing the main point of this thread.

    But I will entertain this train of thought. In your way of thinking lets say the other person spent thousands more than you. In p2w game they shoudl have an advantage right? I mean they would beat you down in a regular fight if you had the same team. I would even say it is Over powered.

    But then you take a basic 2 or 3 healer team and defeat that guy while having 15k less power than him... On one hand its victory for you, but on the other hand its clearly one hell of an OP team you have. And then that OP lightning main guy suddenly switches to your healing team too..except wait, he is a casher and has 4 tails Naruto.. You lose either way.

    Now back to the point of my thread: Eventually the "OP Lightning" meta will die out. But what will come along to make the heal meta die? You say it was made to counter lightning meta..which is ironic for one because 'immortal' teams have existed for quite some time... but once the lighting meta goes away, do you honestly think these healing teams will? I for one hope so. I don't enjoy watching 3 healer teams go back and forth for 10 rounds. There are no clutch moments... just make it to round 10 and see who catches the most debuffs in the final round.

    I am asking because when I look at CN vids I don't see the garbage that we have, but I am concerned that this will be a final meta. Say what you want about the practicality of it...just think about how lame 10 round fights would be for the rest of the time you play naruto online. This post was last edited by kpo*** at 2017-5-8 17:54
from my understanding your "personal" enjoyment is seeing numbers and flashy animations go off right?

well my personal enjoyment is seeing smaller spenders counter mr.wallet
i hope everyone that watched the first seasons space-time learned a thing or two and it's very convincing now that mr.wallet isn't guarenteed winning everything

go through every post on your thread. it's only your opinion so stop speaking on the behalf of the community because we DISAGREE
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-09 08:10:10Show All Posts
  • Blivy On 2017-05-09 08:03:18
  • You don't represent the community either....where as the majority agree that the healing meta is lame.
"where as the majority" gimme names. don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk

unlike you no one else is spamming gen forums with rants on ninjas/team formations
what does this have to do with me and the community? am I making a statement or judgement on particular lineup/team formation?

if you can read english, you can clearly see that people are trying to get it through your thick * head that you're just making a fool out of yourself

please don't ridicule yourself and talk on behalf of the community. there's NO majority that's agreeing with you on your blind sided views
Quicky Post

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