2017-05-07 04:15:52
There is no practical difference between some stat not working at all or if it works but even a large amount (highest tested was lv 9 orange I believe) shows no observable effect, as it simply means that whatever amount that you can put on there does effectively nothing either way.
Having no effect and having what is believed to be "no observable effect" are two different things. There are many factors that come to play but every stat does have an effect. Some just requires a much larger number to actually see an observable effect. That is why it is important for many people to use/upgrade stats that they believe are important or give the greatest effect. Not every stat is equal, it is up to the players to choose what they want to use. Some will choose to not use *ion because it doesn't give them the best benefit over other stats, that is again their choice =>
TLDR: Every stat does something, some stats just do more.