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[ Player Guide ] Should I change focus on treasures?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-30 17:57:23Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Mei Terumi is a must now for water main and I cant seem to get her. I spend a total of 420 scrolls on Kage treasure and I had 3 dupes. Here is my log of summoning on Kage treasure:
60- Killer bee
180- Gaara
240-Darui(Here is where the dupes starts)
300- Chojuro

Im thinking of giving up now because i cant even get Danzo or Mei.
So is there a chance for me to get danzo or mei or just change treasure to edo?

PS: I might get nagato edo at the end of event.
This post was last edited by Sissel at 2017-4-30 18:00
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-30 18:03:51Show this Author Only
i'd say dont spend any scrolls on edo just if you want to stop using scrolls on kage treasure save up 200 scrolls for jincuuriki treasure cause its gonna come in 2-3 months so that youll get that treasure's super rare.
edo tensei isnt really worth it so i would spend in kage rather than in edo
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On 2017-04-30 18:07:25Show this Author Only
till now ive gotten danzo onoki chojuro from that treasure and now i have a lineup that im happy with so im gonna start saving up
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On 2017-04-30 18:15:04Show this Author Only
Probably you're not lucky, actually 60-70~ ss are rares, including mei and danzo. and every other 60-70~ 1-2 fragments of itachi
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On 2017-04-30 21:10:05Show this Author Only
just go darui, ao, chojuro, azure fang in the meanwhile, that lineup is very op!
anyways yes, stop going in kage and hoard other scrolls, since you got bee and gaara you are in a very good place for jinchuriki treasure, if not you can just go in sage treasure, get sage naruto and go wind with bee - gaara - sage naruto (unless you want to pay for naruto ninetails chakra 4 star and go earth main with bee and gaara). This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-4-30 21:12
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-30 21:20:47Show this Author Only
If you like collecting characters, pull in Edo. But, if you want someone worthwhile, don't pull there. Save for Jin. (If you want a super rare from there, only takes 200 ss). If you're tired of pulling in Kage, just stop. That's what I'm doing. At least until Jin treasure comes out, then I'll decide if I want to pull there or keep going in Kage for my last two rare.

If you get Nagato, maybe you can try him out with Gaara and Breeze Dancer! I've seen him do insane damage + BD's Dance
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On 2017-04-30 21:43:08Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-04-30 21:10:05
  • just go darui, ao, chojuro, azure fang in the meanwhile, that lineup is very op!
    anyways yes, stop going in kage and hoard other scrolls, since you got bee and gaara you are in a very good place for jinchuriki treasure, if not you can just go in sage treasure, get sage naruto and go wind with bee - gaara - sage naruto (unless you want to pay for naruto ninetails chakra 4 star and go earth main with bee and gaara). This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-4-30 21:12
Currently I use GWN tenten,ao,sage naruto, water main and so far so good. Im curious of that OP team ur suggesting of ao darui and chojuro may i know the formation,talents and summon?
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On 2017-04-30 21:44:38Show this Author Only
  • Fxoe On 2017-04-30 21:20:47
  • If you like collecting characters, pull in Edo. But, if you want someone worthwhile, don't pull there. Save for Jin. (If you want a super rare from there, only takes 200 ss). If you're tired of pulling in Kage, just stop. That's what I'm doing. At least until Jin treasure comes out, then I'll decide if I want to pull there or keep going in Kage for my last two rare.

    If you get Nagato, maybe you can try him out with Gaara and Breeze Dancer! I've seen him do insane damage + BD's Dance
200 for a super rare? that is a good bargain :D
Who are the super rares in jin treasures?
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On 2017-04-30 22:30:47Show this Author Only
roshi and han
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On 2017-04-30 22:58:53Show this Author Only
considering the last 3 rares you got are dupes, there is a high chance on the next 60 you get 1 new ninja, so i would risk it and then stop and save for jinchuriki.
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On 2017-05-01 21:05:33Show this Author Only
  • Sissel On 2017-04-30 21:43:08
  • Currently I use GWN tenten,ao,sage naruto, water main and so far so good. Im curious of that OP team ur suggesting of ao darui and chojuro may i know the formation,talents and summon?
how you play it depends on your enemies.
water blitz team version (the idea here is the same as MB blitz team with chojuro that is the main actor instead of MB):
x x x
x Chojuro x
AF darui ao
talents: 34311 or 34312 (if you are pretty sure your rival won't be immune to poison), summon gamaken.The idea is, if they run a specular team as yours or a box setup, whoever is in front of Ao is very likely dead at the end of round 1, consider chojuro gets +40% from water enhancement, +40% from darui barrier, +30/36% from water characters/clones. But if darui barrier isn't up or if you don't have enough power on ao/chojuro then could be you fail (exactly like happens for MB blitz teams if their main/mifune aren't powerful enough and they don't have danzo barrier).
(the p2w version have Tobirama instead of ao with different settings, of course).
crowd control team:
x x x
AF Chojuro x
Darui Ao x
talents: 32321 or 32322 (same reason as last one), summon gamaken. You c*so use shark bomb instead of regenerative healing jutsu if you think chaos is more important than healing. This version works nicely even if you lose initiative, obviously with higher initiative it's better XD.
you can try those two, depending on what you like the most, anyways, if in average your initiative is lower than your opponent one, the sage naruto team you are using now works good too, but in that case, if you don't like my two suggestions, since you have gaara, bee and sage naruto, i would warmly suggest you to go breeze dancer and run the well reknown lineup, would work better than your current one even if you have lower intiative. ^_*

This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-1 21:18 This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-1 21:20
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