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[ Lineup ] GNW Hinata vs standard Hinata


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-30 16:53:07Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2017-04-30 10:34:58
  • Ones better offensively, the other defensively.

    GNW Hinata can provide an offset blitz and some defensive insurance of that turn. However, without that stacking defense/res passive, it makes her a lot squishier than her regular form.

    As for her normal form, it's meant to be a defensive wall, which she provides best.
    Her damage will mostly come from her chases.

    It's really based on what you need and your playstyle.
I agree with what you said, although I would like to add that I think GNW Hinata partially compensates for being relative squishy with her "Not the end" passive. First time she is about to land on 0 HP she comes back with 60% of her original HP or so which does make her pretty resilient on the battlefield (since she would effectively have a total of 160% of her base HP). Although, I have a feeling that this passive won't trigger if she is somehow immobilized or chaos-ed.
As far as her mistery is concerned, from what I have tested so far it kinda seems to block standard attacks as efficiently as normal Hinata's, which would make them similarly tanky in round 1 when it is used in most of the cases. Their difference in tankiness here will be seen only if a combo is triggered on her, with, for example, Sage Naruto's attack.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-01 22:18:24Show All Posts
  • Test Ninja On 2017-04-30 18:54:27
  • Actually there is more to it besides what you said, which is correct.

    To start, 2 star tanks aren't the greatest of options since everyone will target them in auto combat and they will die faster, which in case the tank is a linker in your combo will reduce your combos a lot, and in this particular case loose the acupuncture.

    Her passive that gives 60% life has 1 problem, it will trigger no matter the status effects on her, but if she "dies" mid combo, the combo will keep going on her and takes the second part of her health as well. This happens because she doesn't actually die and come back, she just gets a 60% heal when her life reaches 0 for the first time.
    So its actually possible, if opponent combo is strong enough that it will take the 160% life with one go. And even if it doesn't debuffs like poison, ignition and so on, will still remain on her for the normal duration since she didn't actually died.

    This 2 things combined make using her at 2 stars a high risk, even as a 3 star, now get her to 4-5 stars and by god use her since the 3 standards when using the mystery (that will do repulse instead of knockdown like the regular version), plus the defensive buff and the extra dps will make her amazing.
Yup. You're right. Just hope we will see her in events enough times to actually be able to upgrade her. I would rather not use scrolls for that.
Quicky Post

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