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[ News ] Lord Hokage's Statement on 04/27/2017 Events


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On 2017-04-27 19:42:13Show All PostsDescending Order
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Dear Ninja,

Today, 04/27/2017, when our players (especially from HK-based servers) entered the Shinobi World after 05:00, they found out that two new events were added: Fishing Mania and Lucky *. However, our Lord Hokage decided to put some more thoughts into these events and decided to take them down from Konoha to perfect them.

Players who have already purchased "A bag of fresh fish" don't have to worry about Fukurokumaru *ing your fresh fish in the time to come. We heard he went into the Hokage's private goods room and got all of them, he is currently resting in a tree too full to even think about fish. Lord Hokage also decide to have everyone keep their "A bag of fresh fish" so that they c*e this fresh fish for when he has perfected this event!

If you are not happy with the Hokage's decision or you have lost any other items, contact his private Oasis Games Customer Service, the office, so that they can give you a Plan B for this situation (Lord Hokage apparently wants you to sell this "A bag of fresh fish" or other items bought during this situation and he will give you the Coupons that you spent on these items! Don't forget to send the Customer Service a print screen showing that you owned this item and that you have sold it, in order to speed-up the process")

Concerning the "Ninja Mission" and "Survival Trial Mission" events that were added this week. Lord Hokage informed their office that if you have the *on "Claimed" displayed on the event's interface, clearing your cache and refreshing the game should help all ninja getting through this issue!

Finally, our office would like to inform you that during the "Survival Trial Mission" event, if you have already "Sweep" some trials in auto mode and you are having troubles with the interface's "Claim"/"Claimed" *on, try doing the next trial in manual mode to see if the interface refreshes!

Best regards,
Hokage Office

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