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[ Lineup ] 3 Healer Cancer


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 16:47:00Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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On my server I'm having a hard time with healer teams. The worst teams I have ever fought belonged to Water main. Water main and sailor Sakura is one thing, but the next level is to throw Hokage Tsunade into the mix. Then the icing on the cake is a half way durable tank. A lot of the time its either Sage Naruto or Kimmimaro, and sometimes Kisame. The teams have enough HP to survive most burst attacks no matter how many buffs come at them. And they have enough healing factor to stay near 100% hp for most of the fight.

Last thing, all of these ninja are mooded for life. Anyway, if there is anyone who knows how to beat these teams, especially for Space time, please share so we can put an end to the Stage 4 Cancer Healing teams. (I dub them as such because death is coming but its going to take a while...)

The image i use is from the semi-broken line up simulator and the arrangement of the ninja varies depending on who you are fighting. Some have Hokage Tsunade in move 4.

EDIT: Final note ignore the summon. My server was down which is why I used the line up sim, but just assume they use w/e summon allows them to combo. The line up sim was having Sailor Sakura combo from Sage Naruto but it made no sense because he chases his own mystery and causes knockdown with his chase but it had Sailor Sakura chasing the knockdown...she however should only chase repulse...its weird..
This post was last edited by kpo*** at 2017-4-27 16:52
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 17:43:58Show this Author Only
what version is that snapshot from?, anyway try using sage jiraiya and fire main in an ignition team maybe that will work. this team is really hard to beat not because of the healers but because of sage Naruto, there's a reason he is still full price on global even though all the other rares that were released in his treasure have gone down in price like 50% cheaper.
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On 2017-04-27 19:43:22Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-04-27 17:43:58
  • what version is that snapshot from?, anyway try using sage jiraiya and fire main in an ignition team maybe that will work. this team is really hard to beat not because of the healers but because of sage Naruto, there's a reason he is still full price on global even though all the other rares that were released in his treasure have gone down in price like 50% cheaper.
Ignition won't prevent Sailor Sakura from dispelling it sadly enough.
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On 2017-04-27 21:58:48Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-04-27 19:43:22
  • Ignition won't prevent Sailor Sakura from dispelling it sadly enough.
Exactly. And even if Sailor and water main have used their healing mystery, Tsunade can heal 4 targets and remove debuffs.

So unless I can find a way to CC 3 healers at once, the team is pretty much unbeatable.
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On 2017-04-27 22:04:14Show this Author Only
Try to use This ninjas and Summon Rhino.... you can change Killer bee to Asuma(wb)
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On 2017-04-27 22:21:54Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-04-27 19:43:22
  • Ignition won't prevent Sailor Sakura from dispelling it sadly enough.
sailor is 1 of OP ninja, bad recover. if u not ignite or much immobile and healer too, so i just recomended fpor refresh u'r game;P
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On 2017-04-27 22:55:05Show this Author Only
the best way to face that team is to instakill tsunade, if is placed that way
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On 2017-04-30 04:22:23Show this Author Only
if you have the power you c*e iruka danzo sage jiraiya and fire main to over power one of the healers on the second turn, I think you can kill either tsunade or water main round 2 because iruka does alot of damage for some reason especially if his chase hits the combo target.
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On 2017-04-30 04:34:18Show this Author Only
I wonder if i use healer team with naruto 4 tails, is 4 tails heal passive got buff from main"s %40 heal passive
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On 2017-04-30 11:33:38Show this Author Only
I faced this in the arena except with naruto in the back so you couldn't really reach him. it is hard to beat especially when they hit with critical and cause cc
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On 2017-04-30 18:30:28Show this Author Only
Well, there is one thing everyone seems to forget when fighting Immortal setups. TAG!
Tag reduces the enemy's defense and resistance with 30% so it's ideal when used with blitz team cause they can one shot tsunade or water main. Just use a blitz lineup with lightning mains tag mistery (Iaido instantaneos flash) and with guy. The thing is to try and time it at THE VERY END of round 1 on tsunade preferaby, and then in round 2 just use someone's mistery to launch a combo on her. Just make sure that you possision your mistery caster so that he launches it before they c*e their heal misteries.
Besides the fact that the respective mistery cause tag and damage, it also cause paralysis so they can't launch full combo on you.
I found from my experience that this way to do it is far better than massive crowd control (which has a high chance of failing due to them having massive heal and dispel).

The downside with what I said is that this is specific to lightning main blitz teams.
Another downside is that the timing has to be perfect so they don't manage to dispel the tag on time.
This post was last edited by SenjuMusashi at 2017-4-30 18:31
This post was last edited by SenjuMusashi at 2017-4-30 18:32
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