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[ Suggestions ] The Space Time Betting shop needs to be thought out better


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 14
On 2017-04-27 17:37:12Show All Posts
I would prefer to have good items but them to be very expensive. I would give 10K chips for 1 mood scroll, instead of that lvl 2 magatama pack give me a lvl 2 summon rune, or 1 cave key for whatever price, instead of those common cloths, low level refine I would prefer even dango(we might be able to exchange them later on into mood scrolls, or so I heard) and there might be more stuff but none come into my mind right now. I don't really care if they are high priced, all I care is that whatever is in there it's actually useful(most of them are, but some are a joke) and I would prefer to exchange how many I want, not 1 a day -_- . But sure, "the gifted horse doesn't get it's teeth searched" (old dumb saying meaning that if it's a gift, then don't complain)
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