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Opinions About Your Group Leader


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On 2017-06-30 21:37:30Show this Author Only
Server: 343
Group Name: Reinkarnasi
Group Leader: FanTheTeleporter
Comments: Don't know about him/her but him/her was a good leader that our group can into number one stronger on s343 :lol and he/her was friendly
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On 2017-06-30 21:44:38Show this Author Only
  • arsickzy On 2017-04-27 15:54:04
  • Better lovestory than twilight.
so true
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On 2017-07-02 10:13:43Show this Author Only
  • BladeDanceBlaze On 2017-06-30 21:37:30
  • Server: 343
    Group Name: Reinkarnasi
    Group Leader: FanTheTeleporter
    Comments: Don't know about him/her but him/her was a good leader that our group can into number one stronger on s343 :lol and he/her was friendly
I see. Well I'm really glad to hear that. ^^ Maybe you should try talking to him/her sometime? He/she is friendly right? I'm sure he/she will reply even if you just say "Hi!". :)

Good luck to you and your group! ^^
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On 2017-07-02 14:40:48Show this Author Only
Server : 220
Group : We Are Jonin
Leader : Levi
Comment : Well, she's a fun person to talk to, and when I got a problem, i can just talk to her and she will listen to me and some other member who need her help, but now she's busy with life so she decided to let the co-leader to borrow her account and lead the group. While the co-leader? He's a nice person too, and pretty funny, too bad i always take things seriously so I never see something funny in him, because in the game, I always role-play as Tayuya and act like her
PS : the co-leader handle around 6 account at the same time, he handle all of the others account who is still busy with their life, dunno when will they come back and handle their own account..
This post was last edited by TayuMaki at 2017-7-2 14:51
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On 2017-07-03 02:12:28Show this Author Only

Server: S1
Group Name: PerraShinsengumi
Group Leader: EnmaStone
Comments: Fab fab fab fab fab sheeeeeeeeeeeemale =V
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On 2017-07-04 01:31:25Show this Author Only
Server: S214
Group Name: Knight
Group Leader: TMJ
Comments: My 1st leader is the founder named Mest. He's quit the game 3 months ago. Now the leader is TMJ. my comment about him? He's the kindest leader ever. He gaves so many advices to all the member. He's so powerfull one in my merged server. He's so good strategist when GNW or makes a good lineup. He's a wise leader as I can say. I get matched with him in Matsuri one day with my last team and he gave me the win even though I didn't ask him for the win. He helped a bit about real life problem too like a question about my university's subject, well he's smart one XD He take care a few member's account that so busy in real life. And he's so funny one too I say. I found out most of member have easy time to talk or jokes with him, but he can be serious too XD
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On 2017-07-04 06:59:52Show this Author Only
Server: S181
Group Name: Server 1
Group Leader: Minikock
Comments: The name is just a decoy, He is one thicc boy
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On 2017-07-04 16:08:35Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-04 16:23:25Show this Author Only
Server S289

Group Name: Konohagakure/Akatsuki

Leader's Name: (can't remember the leader of Konahagakure been 5 or so months since I been there) and Ditzah for Akatsuki.

Opinion: Hated the leader of the first group, asking for 900k a day when I was new to the game knowing that somewhat early on you will be a bit low on funds making it impossible. (And my donation cap was like 300k) So I left cause he wasn't suited for me. Ditzah on the other hand left to another server and let his group die without telling anyone.

So far not good experiences with groups like everyone else. Kind of jealous.
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On 2017-07-05 20:54:55Show this Author Only
319: Lightned Boulder
so our current leader is no longer playing the game but we have very few players and none that pay in this game (reason why he is still our leader even after months of inactivity). However, RyoKamaru was a great leader as he was very fair in giving out the packs and he would help us with things if we asked (as well as the majority of the group members). I am sad that my server is dying out as only one group has been able to participate in the GNW.
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On 2017-07-05 21:25:25Show this Author Only
Not gonna lie group leader here, and I just stalked through this whole thread to see if any of my members mentioned me lol
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On 2017-07-05 21:50:06Show this Author Only
  • Dragonfire14 On 2017-07-05 21:25:25
  • Not gonna lie group leader here, and I just stalked through this whole thread to see if any of my members mentioned me lol
LOL I am so glad I'm not the only one XD

P.s a little tip to topic creator; if you wanna comment on other people's posts - do it in max couple of them. Because 2nd page I think is full of just your answers alone which is like.. I mean its your thread but it doesn't look well from aside. That said; nice thread. When I first saw it, I thought it will be ignored but its nice to see people appreciate others
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On 2017-07-08 09:40:27Show this Author Only
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Sometimes legendary; sometimes regular packs.

It was unbearable not getting a pack each month as scheduled in our Sheet.
But, the leader is not the leader anymore :lol. some1 took the role.

This post was last edited by 105***@google at 2017-7-8 09:50
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On 2017-07-12 20:35:57Show this Author Only
he is a being that is as majestic as a pineapple, as friendly as a colourful unicorn, as nice as coffee in the morning...

screw his dp hidan when hes the enemy in jinchuriki though :@
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On 2017-07-13 01:44:12Show this Author Only
I hate my group leader. He gives himself a GNW LEgendary every week. No one will leave the group as we are the strongest group on the server and highest level. What an ugly monkey I am.

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On 2017-07-14 10:13:06Show this Author Only
Cringe is REAL
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On 2017-07-18 11:07:00Show this Author Only
My leader's pretty good he helps me with my lineup and gives me a few gnw packs too :D
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On 2017-07-27 06:10:39Show this Author Only


OPINION HE IS GREATEST LEADER OF ALL TIME HE IS BETTER THAN ROGUE AND HE IS LIKEABLE GUY ALSO WOMEN DIG HIM he also fair and just and he give a lot of help and lineup advice. He is very family orientated like white-beard from one piece

This post was last edited by elastic13 on 2017-07-27 06:12:19.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-27 10:01:25Show this Author Only

Well, I have been in two groups:

Server: S171-Kirin

Name: Kimiko

First Group: AKATSUKI (Almost all of the name had weird accent marks on it)

Leader: iCon

Comments: I joined after Agarthor tore up a bunch of the groups and caused a bit of animosity among some of the groups. At first iCon seemed alright to me, but he was always really quiet. He also made loyalty a requirement, which I find okay. However, eventually he began letting one group member do whatever he wanted (which includes harassing people online, calling people derogatory terms, hunting down a few players in real life to beat them up, etc.). I was mad with that and asked why he allowed the player to continue being so nasty and said that he was breaking his own requirement of loyalty to the group by allowing him to misbehave, even after people sent in reports. In the end, that got me kicked because I could not stand someone getting hurt. I joined the victims' group to support them.

Second Group: Legion

Leaders: At first it was just ShoBabe and ChipperJuJu, now I am the leader

Comments: ShoBabe and ChipperJuJu are really great people. ShoBabe helps stir up some humor in our group and brings plenty of cheese that I love. Chipper, while not on very much anymore, is very nice. ShoBabe and ChipperJuJu also don't take nasty behavior lying down like how iCon did in AKATSUKI. Now a days, I am just continuing what they brought to the table: cheese and kindness. By the way, you can say I am swiss cheese.

This post was last edited by Kimiko97 on 2017-07-27 10:04:00.
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On 2017-07-27 14:50:11Show this Author Only

Server :285 HK

Group Name: The Saviour

Group Leader: Krushhk

Probably one of the best people i have met since joining this game, invited me to join the group when i was a solo and no one accpeted me in their group. he was a senior at the time. the leader was *IPackaPunch (another great person), our group runs probably the smoothest cuz of the guidance of our leader , both the new(Krushhk) and the previous one(Packa). the GNW packs are given out fairly to the point that every person gets the same no. of seal scrolls, we have a spreadsheet that shows exactly the no. of seal scrolls everyone has got created by IPackaPunch and monitored by Krushhk. As a Leader Krushhk has been Great as he has the capacity to listen to others and keep everyone involved. and has definitely been the guy i can look upto to match one day. Other than that i would also like to mention the seniors of your group [previous and current, they'll know if they ever see this ;) ] Alone, Kagat, Lobotomiza, Shironeko. these guys are probably the most helpful people i have ever met. helping low power people with their lineups and stuff, helping people gain power, strategizing with everyone in the face of a tough opponent keeping all the people involved.

Thank you guys for making my Time in Naruto online so special.

This post was last edited by Nyte on 2017-07-27 14:52:05.
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