Server: S489 - Ichiraku Ramen
Group Name: Uzushiogakure
Group Leader: Nightowlgamer
Comments: Tbh when I first started playing, I was in a different group until Night recruited me. Imo he is very friendly and fair, especially when distributing GNW packs, since he always bases them on donations, activity, and GNW participation. Also, he prioritizes the F2Ps than P2Ws when it comes to packs (which is fair imo, since F2Ps need better ninjas too in order to catch up in power and make it somehow balanced with the P2Ws; hence, I gave up my packs and opted to receive none every week, giving them to those who need it more instead. Ngl though, we have some P2Ws who still receive packs too but it's because they fall under the formula for distribution). He leads well as a group and helps his members, even the low-level ones, when it comes to TIs, sealed ninjas and others. :) This post was last edited by Juuno at 2017-5-31 12:50