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[ News ] Events - 27th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 02:10:09Show All Posts
My opinion on this weeks events:

1: New treasure, we expected it and most people will not spend on it. Kage ninja will still be the meta. Only ninja I look forward to in this treasure is GNW Hinata (if we get her). 5/10

2: Great another new feature... Oh wait "Purification Breakthrough Pills can be obtained in the Platinum Recharge event." Seriously? You're are just furthering the gap between f2p and p2w more... 0/10

3: Not a bad event just depends on the rewards. Hope to see cave keys for 10-15 points each. 6/10

4: Same as colorful balloons it's an ok event. Hope the rewards here are also decent. 6/10

5: Easter shop is kinda meh. I don't know, but I haven't heard of anyone spending on this event. The prices weren't terrible, but they added Cheongsam Tenten so that is great. 4/10

6: Great event highly recommend saving threads for this event. 9/10

7: Tried this event a couple of times, people on my server have won items. Not a bad event, but a lot of rng involved 6/10

8: Iruka fragments really? Terrible rebate for recharging. You get 17 Susanoo Sasuke fragments for 14k recharge? (2k recharge a day for 7 days) I understand it is a rebate and you have him in events, but will 14k event get the rest of his fragments? If so not a bad event, if not well... It would of been better to see a kage ninja instead of iruka, he is very easy to obtain and losing value quick since he only buffs konaha ninja.

9: I like that you guys are doing seal rebate and dropping a new treasure, but I feel like this will make people pull for the new ninja when Kage ninja will still dominate pvp. The new edo tensei ninja aren't bad, but I just don't see people pulling unless you have Nagato 7/10

10: Nice f2p event. Not great rewards, but they aren't terrible. Take advantage of this and get a free seal scroll every 2 days. 7/10

11: Would of rather seen seal fragments instead of bond scrolls. Coins and stam pots are always great, but the rest of the rewards are garbage. It's free so 5/10

"A new Ninja was added as the reward for May's Daily Sign in: Shino ." Man this is awful... I have been waiting for 3 months to get GNW Sakura. Why is she event in our ninjas tab if you didn't plan on releasing her soon? I would of rather had anything, but a dupe ninja. The other version of Hebi would of been 10x better and they are just used for transformation.

Honestly we have a variety of events, but none of them besides BA rebate are great. Would of rather had only 3 great events then what we are getting. This is to be expected some weeks and that is fine. The only thing I am sad about is GNW Shino as a monthly ninja. If possible and I think most people will agree change him to someone else. I assume you will say it is impossible (when it probably is very possible), but if you say you listen to the community the majority would rather see a newer ninja like GNW Temari or Hinata since they are in the new treasure (if we get the same uncommons as Germany). This post was last edited by Koncept at 2017-4-27 02:28
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 02:14:47Show All Posts
  • FG3000 On 2017-04-27 01:29:21
  • "When we want something different you tell us we have to follow other versions, when we want what other versions have you say we are different and the versions shouldn't be compared."

    This quote is so true, come on Oasis get it together or come up with a new excuse.
Right! "We don't follow China just look we have a Sage treasure, China doesn't have that." "China got Edo treasure before Jinchuuriki so that is how we will release it". Come on now seriously... This post was last edited by Koncept at 2017-4-27 02:17
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 16:50:59Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-27 16:43:03
  • Just 1 quick question that is there GNW tenten in this reanimated treasure. And if so how many seal scrolls required to get her?
I heard she is and you have a chance to get her (if she is in the treasure) ever 10 pulls.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-28 08:37:19Show All Posts
  • Immortal Utsuro On 2017-04-28 07:33:24

    Who's excited for GNW Sakura as an upcoming login reward, I sure am.

    I fully expected you guys to be stingy with Sakura, so I'm excited to see you chose not to, good stuff!
    This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-4-28 07:37
She has been in the ninja's tab since January and next month we aren't getting her, we are getting GNW Shino..... Again....

"A new Ninja was added as the reward for May's Daily Sign in: Shino ."
Quicky Post

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