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[ Lineup ] Minato Namikaze [The fourth Hokage] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-26 20:59:27Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys Achroma here brining you some Minato Namikaze Lineups for usage and referance!

Minato Namikaze

Minato is a hard hitting Wind and Tag ninja. With his dodge rate that can be boasted to be similar to Tobi pre 2.0, a jump tag attack before each action, 40% resistance buff, extremely hard hitting basic attack with a chance of a high combo and a mystery thats capable of showing some real eye candy in case the target is tagged before he is a power house, His Con's is the lack of a chase and the fact that he is tag reliant. Overall he is a solid ninja however.

The "Small combo Konoha" Lineup

A lineup not for everyone for 2 reasons. Firstly the ninjas it requires, Secondly this is a lineup that is very heavy skill reliant. With a debuff mystery on Firemain, hashirama barrier, iruka interupt and the minato wrecking mayhem this is a lineup that requires both you and your opponent to stay on your feet thinking. Specificly because every combo you start will also interupt from the hashirama chase. It boasts an impressive amount of damage, decent amount of versatility and self heals. On top of this you have interupt on chase and a promp interupt.

You c*e both Serpent or Giant katsuyu as a summon thats why they are both there. Cons of the team is the lack of dmging mysteries with only Minato's (you can however switch to dragonflame on main to hit them with the Minato full on tag round 2 and Dragonflame the hell out of them instantly after) It is however more versatile like this. Aswell as it being dependant on you getting off that Hashirama barrier round 1 to make sure other peoples auto barriers (Danzo/Mei etc) Not being the end of you.

The "Father & Son combo"

A lovely father and son Wind combo. Boasting an auto barrier unlike my previous team. With the Gaara barrier and Wind buff from Main expect the equivalent of trucks slamming into your enemy from both basic attacks and Mysteries. Especially if you combine Minato's tag to really bring the hurt. With an immobile from Gaara chase and a blind on wind main for those pesky Lightning blitz teams aswell as a reset mystery the only real thing the team lacks is an interupt.

The "Betapimp minato" lineup

A lineup BetaPIMP (highest power of Uk) Is spotting in space time currently, While not one i have tested myself in 1v1 pvp it works terrific in Auto and has a lot of lovely things in it, including Tag, Poison, Ignite, interupt on auto (Oonoki), barrier, Buff removal and general wind buff from Windmain. combined with some chakra gain from chase its a terrific team, especially for auto mode.

The "minato akatsuki" lineup

A non barrier akatsuki lineup spotting both Konan and Minato for extra tag fun!
With gakido to clear debuffs, blind from windmain and wind buff for konan and Minato the lineup is based around their synergy and damage. a decent combo And general versatility. Cons to the team is the lack of interupts and obviously a barrier.

The "Gaara tag combo"

Similar to the previous team however this one spots gaara for barrier over gakido. While retaining the previous teams Con of not having an interupt this team makes up for it with a barrier and immense round 2 and 3 Damage where you should be capable of launching pretty much everything.

As usual please dont hesitate to drop your own lineups or thoughts below!

This post was last edited by Achroma at 2017-4-26 21:38
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On 2017-04-26 21:00:21Show this Author Only
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On 2017-05-04 11:50:45Show this Author Only
?????? where team formation for earth main ^_^
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On 2017-05-04 13:24:11Show this Author Only
Hey what of Team formation for lightning main
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On 2017-05-04 14:31:19Show this Author Only
what about water main?
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On 2017-05-04 14:34:12Show this Author Only
mantein sampai jam brpa gan
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On 2017-05-04 15:06:13Show this Author Only
  • MigthyAlaric On 2017-05-04 11:50:45
  • ?????? where team formation for earth main ^_^
There are a few options for working with Earth Main and Minato. Both Oonoki and Gaara can provide appropriate barriers, so you have a fair bit of freedom. Personally, I'd suggest a defensive team featuring Gaara, Crimson Fist, Minato and Gakido. You'll have a barrier, one or two choices of shield, anti-status effect (particularly useful since poison and ignite are the usual counter to shields), Crimson Fist is able to interupt and Minato is there to up the damage. You might need to check what the ideal chase for that set-up would be though.

For a more offensive option, try combing Crimson Fist, Oonoki, Minato and Hidan. Multiple tags with Oonoki able to randomly allow more, and a fair amount of survivability.
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On 2017-05-04 15:41:47Show this Author Only
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On 2017-05-05 02:18:44Show this Author Only
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On 2017-09-22 01:18:21Show this Author Only

Someone still have the lineups that Achroma posted?

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On 2017-10-01 01:55:41Show this Author Only

where the hell are your lineups?

Quicky Post

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