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[ Lineup ] Group instance lvl 35 for Wind need Help


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
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On 2016-08-15 10:01:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello guys, I'm f2p player and need help with Wind main* for the first Single challenge "Group instances". Can't pass the last fight vs Kisame / Konan / Jugo / sasuke 2*... Also keep in note this is my first time playing Wind character so i don't know too much about how to make a good team, for the moment I read something about getting Kurenai, but for the moment I don't have it.
Here is the list of ninjas I have.


I can pass the first fight easily almost without any dmg, just using the first round hinata skill / 2nd round giant rasengan in suigetsu to trigger acupuncture with hinata "he will try to cast a skill"... after that everything is easy.
*Now the problems start to come... in the second fight Deidara will try to use his skill so I counter it with Giant Rasengan and acupuncture, but my hinata will start to die because cd in skill. The problem is, Tayuya is using his freaking sleep so I will start to get pwned badly because of that.
In 3 fight I'm almost dead.

Please help me with tips.
Note: Hinata will be soon 3* and I will get sasuke 3* and Naruto 3* soon. For Kankuro 3* I still need 10 Frags.
Quicky Post

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