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On 2017-04-27 01:40:49Show this Author Only
Im just concerned about his account, like i wouldnt mind having it and playing on a dead server. he is number one in my space time, hand it over. If anything, put your weakest ninjas on your team so that others can play.
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On 2017-04-27 01:43:32Show this Author Only
  • IcantDecidewhoM On 2017-04-27 01:40:49
  • Im just concerned about his account, like i wouldnt mind having it and playing on a dead server. he is number one in my space time, hand it over. If anything, put your weakest ninjas on your team so that others can play.
its only a problem for the first part of space time, in the second part hes a free win because he wont be online
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On 2017-04-27 01:48:30Show this Author Only
  • ThorosDLuffy On 2017-04-27 00:39:13
  • people blaming agarthor, almost insulting him for spending so much, are you guys having some brain illness or something? it's his god* money, he spends what he wants to spends, while i do agree with some points made, ppl that come here to insult him and blame him should get a life
its about he shouldnt be suprised that none plays on his server, its his fault - he's too strong for rest of players, u got it?
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On 2017-04-27 02:08:57Show this Author Only
  • Aroshini On 2017-04-26 12:59:20
  • Not to be that guy, but subscriptions don't make nearly as much money as pay 2 win aspect. A pay to win game with a subscription would make far less. Also if f2p want to make a difference they should have paid so they could actually boycott instead of just complaining about a free service that others are paying for
That makes no sense. If f2p wanted to make a difference, they shouldn't of been f2p? F2p is a huge part of free to play games. This is basically saying "Shut up if you haven't spent any money on the game. You opinion is nothing." And go on not complaining, making suggestions, or discussing issues is saying to oasis "Hey everything is great. No need to do anything"

Also, people from all types (whales, low spenders, f2p) are complaining. And why wouldn't they? They fake "discounts", rig lucky wheels/ninja packs, and much more.
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On 2017-04-27 03:13:46Show this Author Only
It's rather sad how people *ing talking a spender. Even if you are f2play, spender, and a whale then you should know the game sole purpose make profit. Hence, the game realistically, cannot survive without any TYPE of spender and free2play players.

Plus, they promised us more merges and I see no difference.
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On 2017-04-27 03:21:23Show this Author Only
  • AdriansOpai On 2017-04-27 03:13:46
  • It's rather sad how people *ing talking a spender. Even if you are f2play, spender, and a whale then you should know the game sole purpose make profit. Hence, the game realistically, cannot survive without any TYPE of spender and free2play players.

    Plus, they promised us more merges and I see no difference.
I did see a difference on merges, they got worse!
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On 2017-04-27 03:23:24Show this Author Only
First rule of playing browser games, pick the first servers
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On 2017-04-27 03:27:57Show this Author Only
  • S118 - Akatsuki On 2017-04-26 19:32:58
  • What a dumb Community NA has, that suprise me alot.

    A Whale, who cashs in the game and support with his cash the game, so that can f2p players play without cashing and at the end he is the dumb evil guy. Thats NA *slowly clap*

    Than the argument, that ppl left then they dont have enough battlepower to kill him. a ok, so around 200~ ppl quit then they dont can be the 1?? what a brilliant logic. Why you dont enjoy this game regardless of * titles and enjoy your self? oh sorry, i dont want to confuse you with other ways to play.

    i'm glad, that we are in germany dont have ppl like you. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:35 This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:36
Ranking is not the reason free player leave due to ptw. If there is a 100k player in a server but he never does sage, fox, GNW then very few people would care that he even exists.
No, people quit because sage gets twisted from a PvP competition to "avoid that guy" competition, for 2/3 of the players, it no longer matters how strong you are, whether you can catch other streakers or anything of the sort, it all comes down to whether you can avoid "that guy". This is even worse if he discriminates on the targeting and only hit player of other group, worse still if he always "gift" the #1 position of another team by letting a group-mate end his streak at the end.

Fox is not as troublesome, old fox might have if he deprive the entire server of reward by killing it in 3 min or something but new self-adjusting fox makes it so that there is no significant difference on that end, all that is "taken" is 1st place which doesn't matter a whole lot.

GNW... instead of trying to come up with good compo and tactics, people will spend majority of their effort guessing where he is at so they can avoid him.

And there is plundering too... I really dislike the new plunder, a mega boss that guarantees 3 SS loss from your group, for example, would be devastating.

Now, I'm not saying he did any of the things I described, he might have been a nice guy and avoided influencing game events excessively in order to preserve the server population. I'm sure I don't know. But the fact of the matter is, a super ptw CAN ruin features of the game so that they are no longer fun. And if a game stops being fun, people quit.

Like many people mentioned, he probably didn't quit because he missed the sage reward, but rather the fun of having sage (among other things). The same applies to events that still happens but are ruined.

No, I don't know if he is the reason his server is dying, but he could be one.
Not everything can be blamed on him and there are certainly a number of things Oasis did to aggravate the problem, but it is possible that he shares some responsibility.

Just to be clear thou, even if he is "to be blamed" does not mean he did anything wrong. Some vegan environmentalist will blame people who eat beef for global warming, doesn't mean eating beef is wrong. Logically speaking, it is certainly sub-optimal but... not wrong. I love beef myself. Should global warming ever cause serious consequences, while I will certainly blame people like the OPEC and whatnot, I am also going to accept that I myself share a portion, however small, of the blame, because I certainly am not as conservative as I could have been. (let's not argue over whether global warming is real, this is merely a hypothetical statement).
So if anything, I think people are more triggered by the fact that he is shoving all the blame Oasis way while he postures himself to be all noble and helpful when he MIGHT be part of the problem in the first place(note I say might, again, I'm sure I don't know since I don't play on his server)
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On 2017-04-27 04:33:26Show this Author Only
  • S118 - Akatsuki On 2017-04-26 19:32:58
  • What a dumb Community NA has, that suprise me alot.

    A Whale, who cashs in the game and support with his cash the game, so that can f2p players play without cashing and at the end he is the dumb evil guy. Thats NA *slowly clap*

    Than the argument, that ppl left then they dont have enough battlepower to kill him. a ok, so around 200~ ppl quit then they dont can be the 1?? what a brilliant logic. Why you dont enjoy this game regardless of * titles and enjoy your self? oh sorry, i dont want to confuse you with other ways to play.

    i'm glad, that we are in germany dont have ppl like you. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:35 This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-26 19:36
If all the people on the german server think you need whales who spend 60k+ just so F2P can play...then your community is the dumb one.

This is a F2P game, it doesn't require anyone spend such an ungodly amount of money. It could survive solely from the every day spending of the casual players. In NA we recognize this fact. All the extremely heavy spending does is encourage Oasis to keep widening the gap between F2P and P2W, and also encourage to heavy spenders to reach new unhealthy amounts of power. If you can't see how this kills servers then I truly feel sorry for you.
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On 2017-04-27 04:52:09Show this Author Only
srsly i dont read any valuable argument. I only read: cry cry cry.

How you ppl think the game is keeping alive? With F2P players they dont spend a single buck??
You really believe this *? What you ppl think which persons keep this game alive for your f2p ppl?
Your friends, they spare some free coups and spend then in events?

A Single Person spended much money and cares about the server and the community and what he get is: "you are the problem, you spend money, you are evil!" Wow, thats a rly good logic.

And then the dumb * argument: when you pay oasis makes the gap bigger. Yeah sure, please say me how much BIG WHALES you have on ALL Servers. Now think over it, you guys rly think that the high prices and money events only exist for these few ppl and to laugh about f2p ppls?

That is the point i realize why your side of the world is going down.

Please, really please think over your bull* and ask you the question: which one would pay the company for keep this game alive? You peeps? The Forum cry kids? they cry about one person they spend money? I dont think so.

Wow, what a dumb community, thats ridiculous. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-27 04:54
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On 2017-04-27 05:01:33Show this Author Only
This comment thread is nuts man.
Everyone just going at Argathor for the sole reason that he's spent Gods know how much on the game.:curse:
I know it can be annoying but this game is VERY PNW so going at a PNW player won't change anything.
Quite simply if he has quit then you WILL get past him. Simple as that (Although it will take one hell of a long time)

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On 2017-04-27 05:36:13Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-04-27 05:01:33
  • This comment thread is nuts man.
    Everyone just going at Argathor for the sole reason that he's spent Gods know how much on the game.:curse:
    I know it can be annoying but this game is VERY PNW so going at a PNW player won't change anything.
    Quite simply if he has quit then you WILL get past him. Simple as that (Although it will take one hell of a long time)

You mean you didn't read this thread?

No, we are just making note of some random person who asked Oasis to have a merge, then Oasis gave him a merge, then he went home crying that Oasis gave him something he didn't like.

No one cares how much he spent, except maybe the people on those servers. And he c*ways get a refund so it's irrelevant in this discussion.
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On 2017-04-27 06:28:44Show this Author Only
  • ThorosDLuffy On 2017-04-27 00:39:13
  • people blaming agarthor, almost insulting him for spending so much, are you guys having some brain illness or something? it's his god* money, he spends what he wants to spends, while i do agree with some points made, ppl that come here to insult him and blame him should get a life
Get a life? You're right we all ruined our social lives and moved to our mother's ba*ts and have been watching this thread ever since JUST to insult him....and yes WE are the ones with "brain illness"

Lol...if you read the post, or could understand it, he's complaining/whining/blaming Oasis and people are saying it's HIS fault for spending... like YOU said... and shouldn't complain for doing it on an old server and has nothing to talk about he got what he paid for just now realizes he doesn't want to wait for new merges yet he still has all these cross server
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On 2017-04-27 06:38:01Show this Author Only
Whats funny is that 2 weeks ago yall were on OG's neck for the shet they done and now when one of the guys who spent the most in here says hes leaving you are all putting the blame on him. What a bunch of pathetic losers you all are... he didnt foken ask for jesus to be brought to life he just asked for a foken reasonable server merge to keep him entertained in the foken game. On the other thread yall complaining because of the foken GNW Shino sign in but here yall bashing the guy for showing that the "ignoring" that OG was doing still goes on. Bravo this goes to show how big your sacks are.
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On 2017-04-27 06:43:25Show this Author Only
  • Numbers On 2017-04-27 06:38:01
  • Whats funny is that 2 weeks ago yall were on OG's neck for the shet they done and now when one of the guys who spent the most in here says hes leaving you are all putting the blame on him. What a bunch of pathetic losers you all are... he didnt foken ask for jesus to be brought to life he just asked for a foken reasonable server merge to keep him entertained in the foken game. On the other thread yall complaining because of the foken GNW Shino sign in but here yall bashing the guy for showing that the "ignoring" that OG was doing still goes on. Bravo this goes to show how big your sacks are.
Wow, you can't read either?

I am not going to repeat my words so you can read it in my earlier posts here, but you probably don't care and believe whatever you want anyway. :)

Unfortunately for you, what you believe is not true. And you will never know why. :D
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On 2017-04-27 06:53:29Show this Author Only
Easy solution since OASIS is such money hungry people and their event is focused on p2w people that's why the ninja prizes are increasing non-stop. Bend the rules transfer his account data to server 1. Problem solved. Server 1 where all heavy spenders are dishing it out by heavy spending. I'm sure he will be entertained there. Since he is among the top 3 of the spender of the game and this game only gives priority to p2w people break the rules so you can keep your top spender.

"Those that break the rules and regulations are *. But those who abandon their top spenders are even worse than *. If OASIS going to be called * either way, OASIS rather break the rules!"
This post was last edited by F2P SMALL VOICE at 2017-4-27 07:11
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On 2017-04-27 07:32:07Show this Author Only
  • S118 - Akatsuki On 2017-04-27 04:52:09
  • srsly i dont read any valuable argument. I only read: cry cry cry.

    How you ppl think the game is keeping alive? With F2P players they dont spend a single buck??
    You really believe this *? What you ppl think which persons keep this game alive for your f2p ppl?
    Your friends, they spare some free coups and spend then in events?

    A Single Person spended much money and cares about the server and the community and what he get is: "you are the problem, you spend money, you are evil!" Wow, thats a rly good logic.

    And then the dumb * argument: when you pay oasis makes the gap bigger. Yeah sure, please say me how much BIG WHALES you have on ALL Servers. Now think over it, you guys rly think that the high prices and money events only exist for these few ppl and to laugh about f2p ppls?

    That is the point i realize why your side of the world is going down.

    Please, really please think over your bull* and ask you the question: which one would pay the company for keep this game alive? You peeps? The Forum cry kids? they cry about one person they spend money? I dont think so.

    Wow, what a dumb community, thats ridiculous. This post was last edited by S118 - Akatsuki at 2017-4-27 04:54
How you ppl think the game is keeping alive?
here's a weird guess, but i think people don't need to spend 20k+ dollars on this game to "keep it alive".
if people would have spend moderately than the prices for certain things would have dropped which in turn could mean for more people to spend money, ever thought of that?
you can stop white knighting him now, he won't give you his account.
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On 2017-04-27 07:58:07Show this Author Only
  • SaltyBalls On 2017-04-26 11:07:47
  • Quick question if you knew you were going to spend alot then why go to server S168 and not like servers in the range of S1-S20 where people are going to spend alot and more people will be there
They're not, at least not my serv : S13 - Shino.

The server is dying, and has been dying for months now, and we have yet to get merged even though it's been requested several times since January IIRC.
Just played the 1st round of GNW (I'm in the 3rd most powerful group, out of 4 groups eligible for GNW), and we got blasted because the only people that keep playing are the ones who spent thousands, and some of them keep doing so even though it's obvious the serv is almost dead.

We barely are able to do Sage. And GNW is practically an auto win for the top group, simply based on the number of people available for war.
We used to have the 6 fields with at least 3 players, sometimes we got to 4 fields with 6 people. Tonight, we had 2 fields with one person, and the other were duos.

So, no, the oldest servs aren't necessarily in a better place.
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On 2017-04-27 09:46:17Show this Author Only
:(:( Sorry Argathor
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On 2017-04-27 09:51:58Show this Author Only
Well it's oasis loss if you quit because you are one of the most spenders here, good bye man take care of yourself and have fun
Quicky Post

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